

BPK Weekly Digest

The BPK Department compiles the e-digest with current information gathered by the main office about events, job and volunteer opportunities, workshops, etc. and publishes it weekly to reduce the number of emails sent to the faculty, staff and students.

The is scheduled to be posted every Monday, with the exception of statutory holidays. For inclusion of your events, opportunities and announcements in the e-digest, please send an email to bpk_engage@sfu.ca detailing the following information, as applicable:

  • Description and short blurb
  • Date, time and location of event
  • Deadline to apply
  • Contact information
  • Hourly rate
  • Webpage/information link, etc.
  • Flyer/poster/graphic/documents, etc.

The weekly deadline for this information to be included in the following Monday’s e-digest is Thursday at noon. For examples of how the opportunities are posted, please refer to the previous issues of the BPK e-digest.