

November 29, 2021 | Digest No. 279


December 6 Memorial Event

December 6this the , marking the anniversary of the Montr矇al Massacre. On Monday, Dec. 6, we invite you to attend the in-person memorial co-hosted by the 間眅埶AV Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office (SVSPO) to remember and honour the victims of this tragedy. The memorial will take place from 12:30pm-1:30pm at Convocation Mall (Burnaby Campus), and from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Mezzanine (Surrey Campus). Follow the SVSPO on or for more information.

More information:

The Association of Canadian Ergonomists (ACE) presents: Bribery and Corruption the dark side of safety rewards

Date: December 14th, 2021 
Time: 12:00pm 1:00pm PST
Presenter: Melanie Fordham (aka Melanie Walls)
(Ce webinaire sera pr矇sent矇 en anglais)

If you want to improve safety, an obvious place to start is by encouraging safety behavior. This often translates into rewards for behaviors such as wearing personal protective equipment, or for low accident rates. 

However, there is research evidence that if you don't do it the right way, rewards can backfire - having a negative impact on safety, and decreasing proactive behavior. 
This presentation will help you to answer key questions about rewarding safety.
 Should you reward it at all?
 What form should rewards take?
 When should you give rewards?
 Should they be large or small?  

You will finish with an understanding of the right and the wrong way to use rewards to improve safety.
Note: interactive workshops are available for participants who want to cover this topic in greater depth.

This webinar is available to non-members at a fee of $20 plus applicable taxes. Should you be a non-member and wish to attend please contact info@ace-ergocanada.ca to register.

If you are an ACE member, please .

About the presenter:
Melanie Fordham (aka Melanie Walls) has two decades of experience applying Human Factors to improve safety and performance. When presenting, she is able to draw on real-life lessons learned from projects in forestry, rail, naval ships, helicopters, air traffic control centres, airport control towers, army intelligence, equipment control rooms, and medical devices.
Melanie received formal training in the psychology of people at work, with a Master of Arts in Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology from Oxford University, and a Master of Science in Occupational Psychology from Sheffield University; however, she blends an academic foundation with a pragmatic approach that is based on solving problems in real world settings, where resources are limited and options are constrained.
An experienced public speaker, Melanie ensures her presentations are interactive and enjoyable. She believes: If there isnt something useful you can use right away in your job, then training is just an expensive way to eat donuts. Melanie is the former president of the BC/Yukon region of the Association of Canadian Ergonomists.

If you have any questions, please contact Sonya Kung (BC/YK Student Representative) at ssk26@sfu.ca

Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs Info Session - McMaster University

Join us for the Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs Open House on Tuesday, Jan 11 at 10AM. Learn more about our program and hear from our Assistant Dean, Program Coordinator, and current Rehabilitation Science graduate students. 

Register in advance for this event by Dec 24th .

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 


November Mental Wellness Tip

Happy (almost) December BPK!

As we are ramping up for the end of the semester, stress can really start to set in whether this is driven by writing exams, grading exams, or other end of the semester deadlines. We know it is good for us to prioritize self-care, but who has the time especially in the fast-paced world of academia?

To help with this, maybe we need to re-think how we practice self-care

What is self-care anyways? This is anything you do to take care of yourself so you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally well. These activities can span the categories of emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and physical activities. Hopefully, as you are reading this, some of your favourite me-time activities are coming to mind.

Often, prioritizing self-care during periods of stress can be intimidating because of the time our favourite activities will take. Going for a big workout, getting together with a friend, or spending the evening unwinding to a movie or book sometimes doesnt feel feasible alongside impending deadlines.

To combat that, the key word to emphasize from the definition above, is anything any activity that helps you stay well can be classified as self-care. By getting creative to establish smaller ways to ground ourselves through the day, maintaining a little you time might start to become a bit more feasible. Meditation resources like , , or can help with this!

Below are some examples of sustainable self-care to help you guys start your brainstorming:

Mindful daily activities

Is there anything you do during your typical routine that you could add a little relaxation to? Perhaps it is your morning coffee, your skincare routine, or a shower before bed. Whatever your preferred activity may be, try doing this mindfully by unplugging from social media/email, enjoying the quiet (or maybe a relaxing piece of music or guided meditation), and taking in the moment. Finding even a small amount of time to slow down and find some calm during daily activities is a great strategy to practice regular self-care.

Walks or Awe walks

Going for a walk outside can be a great way to break up the day. Even better, try going for a being intentional about shifting your attention to gratitude for the beauty around you, whatever that may be. By keeping your focus in the moment, this can help you get more rejuvenation from the walk and help avoid your thoughts shifting to impending deadlines and stress. In a , participants were assigned to either a simple walk group, or an awe walk group. Although the simple walk group walked more, the awe group reported increased joy and other positive emotions during daily living, alongside decreases in daily stress.

Take time to CELEBRATE

Finally, it is normal for things to get busy sometimes we need to push through the chaos, but be sure to find a way to celebrate an unwind when all of the things are over. Without breaks, we risk putting ourselves in a position to burn out. Even if it feels necessary to move right into the next thing, that likely wont help in the long run. Be intentional about setting some time aside for you over the holidays. Celebrate the semesters accomplishments both in terms of the big successes, and the steps you took to get there, and recharge for the new year.

Best of luck with the end of the semester BPK and remember to find a little time for you!

- Erin Williams, BPK Mental Wellness and Engagement Committee

Join ParticipACTION in urging the Government of Canada to make physical activity essential and accessible for all Canadians.

Canada is experiencing a physical inactivity crisis, with only 16 percent of adults and 39 percent of children & youth meeting recommended physical activity levels and the pandemic has only made the situation worse. We are at a pivotal moment and physical inactivity needs to be treated as a pervasive public health issue and urgently recognized as a national priority.

This is not the time to be still.

Visit  to sign an open letter urging the Government of Canada to take action to make getting active a part of everyday life for everyone.

Future Sci-Space | Student Opinions Needed!

Opinions needed! We're building a new space where Science students can connect with each other, advisors and other staff members. Drop by 9900 TASC 2 to add your thoughts on what groups, resources & services that you would like to see in Sci-Space.  You can also meet the Sci-Space team and pick up a free Faculty of Science mask!

Remote Learning Classrooms Available on Burnaby Campus

Where can students go to attend an online class in between their in-person classes? The office of the Associate Vice-President, Learning and Teaching, announced this week that remote learning classrooms are now available on 間眅埶AVs Burnaby campus.

See the list of spaces here

COVID-19 Information

*The BC Governments official COVID-19 response app. The latest updates, resources, symptom tracking, and self-assessment. 

*The Federal Government of Canada official Covid-19 response page.  The latest updates, prevention & risk, self-assessment tool, information for preparation & more. 

Information On 間眅埶AV'S Response to Covid-19
Your best resource for students, staff & faculty:  .  If you have a question about 間眅埶AVs response that is not covered in the FAQ, please email it to covid19@sfu.ca   The team will work to get you an answer. If you have an organization-wide addition to the FAQs, please email your suggestion to Angela at akwilson@sfu.ca.      

Health & Counselling
Comprehensive health services, including COVID-19 & Mental Wellness found here

* Faculty & Staff support

Stay safe and continue to support each other!

Academic announcements

BPK 343 and BPK 482 Enrolment Information

間眅埶AV is required by law to ensure that every student registered in a practicum that involves working with children or vulnerable adults undergoes a CRRA Criminal Record Check. The University must submit consent forms with payment to the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. 間眅埶AV is prohibited by law to permit students to work with children or vulnerable adults without a CRRA Criminal Record Check. List of BPK Courses requiring a CRRA Criminal Record Check is as follows:

  • BPK 343 Active Health: Assessment & Programming
  • BPK 445 Advanced Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • BPK 482 - Ergonomics and Rehabilitation

The Criminal Record Check is coded as a prerequisite for the above courses and cannot be waived by law.

Please refer to the process for Criminal Records Check on 間眅埶AV Student Service website here: /students/criminalrecords.html

By law, 間眅埶AV cannot accept CRC's done through other agencies including the RCMP. Students with criminal record checks conducted through agencies other than the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General are still expected to fulfill this requirement. Further, the process for a Criminal Record Check must be undertaken by 間眅埶AV only.

Since the document is valid for 5 years, it would be a good idea to get it done far in advance of your enrollment for any of the listed courses as the processing time can vary.

Academic Resource Links

* Remote Study & Work

* Comprehensive Student Support
 (Grades, Withdrawals, Advising, student services, International Students, Available Resources, Financial, Co-op and more)

Academic Advising

***  All in-person advising is cancelled.  Remote advising will continue.  Log into Science's new  with your 間眅埶AV Computing ID and password and book academic advising appointments online. 

**  Please have Academic Transcripts on-hand for appointments.  Follow this link for instructions:  /students/records/advising-transcripts.html

BPK Advising hours are as follows:




10am 11:40am


10am 11:40am
2pm 3pm


10am 11:40am
2pm - 3pm


10am - 11am
2pm 3:40pm

Zoom Drop-in advising for quick (< 10 minutes) questions

Day Zoom Drop-in
Monday 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Wednesday 3:15pm - 4:15pm

If you are not available for drop-in times, or are unable to make an appointment, you may contact the academic advisor . When contacting the advisor, please always include your full first and last name, your student number, and attach your advising transcript. Download your advising transcript from your student centre at Follow this think for instructions: /students/records/advising-transcripts.html


Apply now! Spring 2022 Semester in Navigating Complexity

We are currently accepting applications for the Spring 2022 Semester in Dialogue on Navigating Complexity. The Semester in Dialogue is perfect for students who are looking for an experiential program that is different from the typical academic experience. Students will sit in dialogue, work together on projects, and learn to apply systems thinking. They will explore a variety of complex problems, including the ones they are most passionate about. They will work together on developing pathways for navigating our increasingly complex future. 

Students in the Semester in Dialogue will form deep connections with their peers and practice a wide variety of skills such as dialogue, active listening, self-reflection, public engagement, facilitation, and project management.

 Small class size (max. 20 students)
 No lectures or exams
Access to a broad range of experts
1:1 mentorship

This is a full-time, cohort-based program that fulfills W requirements, and is comprised of DIAL 390W-5, DIAL 391W-5, AND DIAL 392W-5 (15 credits total). 

The lead faculty for the course is Dr. Diane T. Finegood, Professor and Fellow at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue. Course mentors include writers, poets, and community engagement professionals.

Interested students can fill out an application form on our website, OR email semester@sfu.ca with their unofficial transcript and statement of interest (250 words max.) 

Spring 2022 Courses

REM 350 - Energy Management for a Sustainable Climate & Society

REM 350 -  Energy Management for a Sustainable Climate & Society, is a breadth course for anyone who wants to better understand our options for addressing the climate threat. The instructor, 間眅埶AV Distinguished Professor Mark Jaccard, has been advising governments, environmental advocates, communities, and concerned citizens for over three decades on technology and policy solutions for a zero-emission future. An author with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and appointed to the Royal Society of Canada, he has served on numerous clean energy advisory bodies. His latest book, The Citizens Guide To Climate Success: Overcoming Myths That Hinder Progress, is the central reading in REM 350.

This Spring 2022 course will be offered both in-person and online! To learn more about REM 350, check out Dr. Jaccard's video at: . 

More Courses>>>

SCI 301 Science Communication: An Introduction

Want your science to make an impact? Consider taking SCI 301, a student-centered course which gives you access to a variety of practicing communicators.  

  • Focus on communicating with public audiences (e.g. community groups, employers, policy makers, friends ..)
  • Gain relevant skills (e.g. presenting, writing, audience awareness, using visuals) 
  • Communication abilities are key attributes sought by employers
  • Transferable to any workplace or career
  • Interactive, group activities, discussions 
  • Course deliberately scheduled so that it does not conflict with other science courses
  • Prereq: 60 units towards a BSc degree or permission of instructor

Open to all students. B-Hum

HIST 320: European Reformation

Prerequisites: 45 units including 6 units of lower division History OR permission of the instructor Prof. Pabel - pabel@sfu.ca

Prerequisite: 45 units, including six units of lower division history or enrollment in the Urban Studies Certificate program OR permission of the instructor Prof. Kenny at nka26@sfu.ca

EASC 300 ST: Geological Resources

Want to learn more about important Earth resources? Then consider registering for EASC 300 ST - Geological Resources
Upper Division elective course with pre-req: 60 units

INDG 410 - Elements of Indigenous Style

The Department of Indigenous Studies is offering an exciting new course in Spring 2022! An introduction to both basic editorial principles and to a diversity of Indigenous storytelling practices and protocols, this course explores how Indigenous people's histories, ways of being, worldviews, and life experiences might play into editorial decision-making. Note that this course is cross-listed with PUB 480 (4).

WL 101W Writing in World Literature: The Short Story
Take WL 101W this Spring and discover what short stories are all about! Gain an understanding in literary technique and the short story as an art form in its own right. 

WL 103W - Early World Literatures: Fasting and Feasting in the Pre-Modern World 
Make fulfilling your W requirements fun next semester! Become a literature foodie and study various literary texts from different cultural backgrounds which deal with diverse culinary traditions and our fascinatingly complex relationship with food. 

The present world is filled with tensions concerning activism and rights. Take WL 204 and discover how literature from various cultural backgrounds respond to political oppression, censorship, displacement, terrorism or warfare.

What does it mean to cross a border? Sometimes, they are clearly marked and militarized, while other times, they are invisible. Take WL 304 next semester and learn about the multifaceted representations of the immigrant experience, and, in particular, the act of crossing borders. 

WL 308: The Rhythm of the Road: Travel as Cultural Ecology 
Take WL 309 next semester and learn what rhythm, the environment, and culture all have in common! 

Physics 347: Introduction to Biological Physics

This course bridges the fields of biological sciences (with a focus on the molecular and cellular levels) with physics. It aims to give students a conceptual and quantitative sense of the important energy, length, force and timescales in microscale biological systems. Have you ever wondered about how cargo is transported in our cells? Did you know that the protein motors doing this transport are ridiculously strong and very efficient compared with anything we have humans have been able to devise?  Have you ever wondered how 2 metres of DNA is able to pack into each one of our cell nuclei?  Or how neurons control the flow of ions to generate signals?  Or maybe you enjoy(ed) Physics but have never thought about how it could be applied to understanding biology, or that we can actually learn a lot of new physics by studying biological systems. If these ideas pique your interest, please consider enrolling in Phys 347 this fall!

Some added points to consider:

  • The course will be taught in person, with three lectures/week + tutorial. 
  • The course has minimal prerequisites (completion of 45 units including first-year Physics, Math and Chemistry; BISC 101 is recommended but not required) so that students from all science disciplines are welcome.  It does involve mathematical and physical calculations, so you will need these prerequisites, but will not rely on anything beyond these.
  • The course is particularly enjoyable when students are from a variety of backgrounds, so we gain multiple perspectives on the course material.

This course is offered biennially, with the next anticipated offering in Spring 2024. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like more information, please reach out to the course instructor: nforde@sfu.ca.

BISC 371: Crucial Discoveries in Biology (Special Topics) B-Sci

Instructor:  Dr. Eirikur Palsson
Prerequisite:  45 units.

This course is intended for non-BISC students, and a great course for those who need an upper division B-Sci credits.  BISC students are welcome to take the course and count the course towards the general elective.

Biology impacts our lives every day. This course will highlight significant discoveries that have fundamentally changed scientific thinking in various biological fields, and you will learn how the scientific method led to acceptance of these ideas. We will discuss basic cell and developmental processes that are responsible for the diversity of unicellular and multicellular organisms. You will learn how key discoveries in genetic inheritance and molecular biology have paved the way for the technological breakthroughs like gene sequencing and editing that are currently used in all aspects of biological science. Technological advances include the use of modeling and statistics that enable studies of relationships in developmental biology, evolution and ecology. We will discuss the discoveries in evolution and adaption that fundamentally changed our understanding of speciation and the creation of biological diversity, as well as key ideas in ecology that influence our efforts on conservation, global warming and pollution. You will also learn how studies in basic biological science have led to medical breakthroughs such as in neurobiology, microbiology and the use of antibiotics, and cancer research.

BISC 474: Current Issues in Ecotoxicology

Instructor:  Dr. Leah Bendell
Prerequisites:  Completion of at least 75 units including BISC 102, and BISC 204 or GEOG 215 with a minimum grade of C in these courses.

BISC 475:  Biology of SEX

Instructor:  Dr. Tony Williams
Prerequisites:  Completion of at least 75 units including BISC 101 and BISC 102  with a minimum grade of C- in these courses.

Student Learning Commons - Workshops

The Student Learning Commons offers a suite of workshops under the following categories; Learning, Writing, and English as an Additional Language (EAL). Workshops range from 60 to 90 minutes and provide valuable information in engaging formats. Each semester we present a slightly different collection of workshops. You can also search by date in our .

Most Student Learning Commons workshops, including  viewed online, are eligible for inclusion on your Co-Curricular Record. To receive Co-Curricular credits, fill out the .

Note: Students cannot receive Co-Curricular (CCR) credits for a workshop if the workshop is already being used to receive academic credit in a course.

UM Skaggs School of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy Program

At the University of Montana Skaggs School of Pharmacy, we offer a four-year PharmD program for which we pride ourselves on providing a student-centered environment with small classes to ensure students are part of our pharmacy academic community here in Missoula. This is evident by the very low attrition rate and high rate of on-time graduation. Our dedicated, experienced and highly-qualified faculty, staff and administrators are devoted to training and inspiring the next generation of skilled, empathetic and culturally sensitive pharmacy leaders. Our students have high match rate for pharmacy residencies and fellowships as well as successful job placement in Montana and around the country.

The School is known to provide a high rate of student scholarships and, as of the last year, also offers an out-of-state tuition academic merit award for students with high GPAs for prerequisite classes, an award that can be as high as $15,000 per year. The attached pdf contains important highlights of our PharmD program.

The PCAT is NO longer required but only recommended since it can provide beneficial data during the application process. This can be especially true for applicants with a lower GPA for whom PCAT scores may help applicants secure an interview and admission to the program. The current requirements for PharmD admission interview are:

a.    Complete or be in the process of completing a total of at least 64 semester credit hours which must include all courses from the program's established prerequisite course list or equivalents (see appendix for the specific list of the UM courses and their U equivalents).
b.   Complete each prerequisite course with a course grade no lower than a C-;
c.    Have a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA; as determined by UM policy;
d.   Complete 20 observation hours, preferably in a pharmacy; and
e.   Complete the Pharm.D. Program application through PharmCAS, per instructions on the . The (Pharmacy College Application Service) application priority deadline is January 4, 2022. The final PharmCAS deadline is May 2, 2022.


Global Connections Program

Be part of the Global Community at 間眅埶AV! Join the Global Connections Program to take advantage of 1-on-1 and group mentorship opportunities. You will also meet other 間眅埶AV students through various virtual events and socials during the term. Visit the program website to learn more and register:

Research participant recruitment

Effects of face masks on the multidimensional components of dyspnoea and the respiratory muscles

Men and Women wanted for a study investigating how face masks effect an individuals feelings of breathlessness and other fitness parameters while exercising. We are looking to recruit a total of 20 people for this study.


  • 19-40 years of age (inclusive)
  • Able to read and understand English
  • Fully vaccinated for COVID-19

CLICK HERE to see the poster for detail

Call for Recruitment- SAfER BC Study

This is a call for recruitment for SAfER BC Study.

In the study we are trying to:

  • observe the effect returning to campus has on the spread and virulence of COVID-19 and the campus community;
  • the impact of COVID-19 on returning to in-person and regular campus activities;
  • also explores how these phenomena have affected mental health

Information gathered from the study in real time will be instrumental in advising BC wide regulations regarding the pandemic.
There is an optional section for testing at LifeLabs so as to properly track the disease epidemiology.
For more information click this

The effect of intravenous cannulation on orthostatic tolerance

Are people more likely to faint if they have a needle in their vein? 

Dr. Victoria Claydon's Cardiovascular Physiology Lab is conducting a research study to find the answer, and whether discomfort associated with the needle is the key. Men and women aged 19-50 years are invited to take part in a study examining the effect of intravenous cannulation on blood pressure control and fainting.

Your participation in this study will involve three tests (3 hours each), on three separate days, of your blood pressure control and susceptibility to fainting. On each day we will use a different anaesthetic cream to make your skin numb before inserting an intravenous (in the vein) cannula (a small plastic tube).

Your participation may help improve understanding of why people faint, improve retention for blood donation, and facilitate blood sampling in needle fainters. As a thank you for your participation, you will receive $75 in compensation.

Contact: Brooke Hockin

The effect of passive cycling on cardiac function and spasticity

Will a machine pedaling your legs help your heart?

We are conducting a research study to find the answer. We are looking for men and women aged 19-50 years with and without Spinal Cord Injury to take part in a study examining the effects of passive and active cycling on the heart.

You can help improve the treatment of spinal cord injuries, strokes, and other neurologic illness.

Your participation in this study will involve tests of your heart function, and will take about 1.5 hours. This will be done while you sit in a wheelchair and have your feet pedaled by a bicycle-like machine.

Contact: Matthew Dorton

Employment Opportunities

Columbia College - Soccer Club Coach

The Student Services Department at Columbia College is currently looking for a part-time Soccer Coach. The main purpose of this position is to develop fitness and soccer skills of student players, lead training sessions, and create a fun, supportive environment where students can build school spirit. Reporting to the Student Life Coordinator, the Soccer Coach will contribute to the sports scene at Columbia College.

Practices will be 3:00-5:00pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They will be held at Trillium Park West Field (600 National Avenue, Vancouver, BC). Equipment such as bibs, cones, soccer balls, and ball pump will be provided by the College. This position will receive an honorarium of $25/hour.

Find out more>>

Instructor, Pathway to STEAM @ Surrey Schools

Pathway to STEAM, funded by NSERC PromoScience, is a program with a problem-based learningapproach to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & design, Mathematics) education. It aims to empower traditionally under-represented groups in science and engineering. The job opportunity is from January 4th, 2021 to March 25th, 2021, with possibility for extension from March to August 2021. To apply, submit an application via Coursys (note hiring will occur on a rolling basis and the job application closes Dec. 1st):

Find out more >>


Learning Buddies Network (Winter Program 2022)

Learning Buddies Network (LBN) is a non profit organization dedicated to helping elementary school students develop essential literacy and math skills through free one on one, after school mentoring. We reach children who otherwise would not have the help they need. Our goals are to enhance self-esteem through improvement in academic skills, and to ignite a passion for learning in a safe and caring environment.

We are looking for Reading and Math Mentors to work with elementary-school aged buddies in our Reading and Math Programs. By volunteering with LBN, volunteers take on significant responsibilities and develop leadership, communication and organization skills. Mentors have the opportunity to work directly with one child and develop a supportive mentoring relationship that will help foster building their learning skills, self-esteem, and a positive attitude.

All training and sessions will be held online via the Zoom Meeting platform.

Mentor Training:

  • Volunteer Manual Training: Saturday, January 16th, 2022 (time TBD)
  • Math Mentor Training Part 1: Saturday, January 15th, 2022 (5pm-7pm)
  • Reading Mentor Training Part 1: Sunday, January 16th, 2022 (10am-12pm)
  • Math Mentor Training Part 2: Saturday, January 22nd, 2022(10am-12pm)
  • Reading Mentor Training Part 2: Sunday, January 23rd, 2022 (5pm-7pm)
  • Orientation: Jan 31st or Feb 1st
  • Social: Feb 2nd or Feb 3rd

Program: February 7th - May 19th
Our program will be running during the 4 following times:

  1. Mon/Wed: from 3:30-4:45pm
  2. Mon/Wed: from 5:15-6:30pm
  3. Tues/Thurs: from 3:30-4:45pm
  4. Tues/Thurs: from 5:15-6:30pm

Applications are open until January 5th, 2022. Please visit  to apply.

Please contact Maya at maya@learningbuddiesnetwork.com with any questions or concerns.

間眅埶AV Tandem Language Exchange Program

間眅埶AV Tandem is now hiring Program Facilitators for its Spring 2022 Session! Want to be part of a community of diverse cultures and languages? Looking to add more hours to your Co-Curricular Record? Join our team today! To apply visit: .

Opportunity ID: 5584

Deadline: November 28, 2021 11:59 PM



DISCLAIMER: The Department of BPK is forwarding these opportunities as we receive them, however we strongly encourage you to research and obtain information regarding the reputation of organizations, the terms and conditions of employment or service, as well as to understand your rights and responsibilities. The Department does not endorse any specific individuals, organizations, products, programs or services. If you have questions on the above please contact bpk_engage@sfu.ca. If you see any suspicious postings or hiring practices, please notify us immediately.