


Resilience in Research

Name: Lara Gastaldello

Year of Study: 4

Supervisor: Dr. Damon Poburko

Lab: Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group

Click to read more about Laras Research Experience

What type of research experience(s) have you had?

I began my journey in research at 間眅埶AV by volunteering with the Injury Prevention & Mobility Lab for a year and a half. I analyzed videos of seniors falling in care homes across BC with the aim of determining the causes of these falls and using the data to improve outcomes. It was a great introduction to research and collaboration with co-researchers. I learned the value of varying perspectives and met some awesome people.

In Fall 2019, I was encouraged my one of my professors to enter the USRA competition. I had very little wet lab experience but decided to enter the competition anyway in hopes of gaining new skills. On top of that, I had learned so much in my courses and was ready to apply what Id learned in the real world. I knew I loved neurophysiology and I wanted to learn microbiological techniques and to code, so thats how I ended up in the Molecular Cardiac Physiology Lab with Dr. Damon Poburko.

My USRA project focuses on the mechanics involved in the release of ATP from sympathetic varicosities. ATP is co-released at the synapse with norepinephrine, and together they contribute to the bodys regulation of blood pressure. I am investigating the protein involved in ATP release, called the Vesicular Nucleotide Transporter, or VNUT. I get to work with mammalian cells, including N2a cells, which are neuroblastoma-derived cells from mice, and A7r5 cells, which are vascular smooth muscle cells from rats. I transfect the cells with various constructs of  VNUT with incorporated fluorescent probes and image them using epifluorescence microscopy. The pH sensitivity of the fluorescent probes allows me to track the cells responses to different solutions, which will give us information about where this transporter is active in the cell.

How did you get involved in research, and why?

I first became familiar with research as a subject. Ive volunteered since I was 13 for various clinical studies as a patient at BC Childrens Hospital. I was intrigued by the process of data collection, how each test was conducted, and the high-tech machinery used. It was then that I learned the value of research because I saw how it could be applied and used to help improve quality of life.

When I became a freshman at 間眅埶AV I knew I wanted to be on the other side of a study as a researcher myself. The USRA competition seemed like a great opportunity to do so. I was able to dedicate all my time to research and learned new molecular techniques to add to my resume.

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

The most challenging part of my research was learning to image live cells. The cells will only be happy for so long once taken out of the incubator. I had issues with cells dying, so I adjusted the conditions in their microscope chamber to ensure survival.

Also, the microscope I use has lots of moving parts which took a while to learn how to set up properly and efficiently. I have to be careful to avoid letting the solutions leak onto the lenses and closely monitor my experiments. The perfusion system is controlled by a script and I had very little previous experience with programming. It took a lot of trial and error to adjust the settings to optimize the imaging protocol. After I got over my nerves, I asked for help when I needed it and relied on my knowledge to try new things.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research, or something that you will take away from being involved in research?

I think the most important things I learned during my experience, and which will stick with me the longest, were resilience and how to troubleshoot my experiments. I experienced a few obstacles when the experiments I had spent the entire week prepping for did not work. It was frustrating at first and I doubted my abilities. However, I learned that the hiccups are a very normal part of research. Its important to not let these setbacks lower your spirit, and instead learn to navigate through them with a positive mindset. After discussing with my lab colleagues, we were able to come up with solutions to the problems I was experiencing. The advice and support given by my colleagues and supervisor made the learning experience much easier. I learned to think critically about the environment the cells were in and how their physiology was being affected by my manipulations.

What is one thing you learned about being involved in research that you didnt expect?

One thing I did not expect was the level diversity of research I would get to see in progress. My idea of what my lab experience would be like was framed by my specific project. But working in the Molecular Cardiac Physiology group with 3 other labs exposes me to many different projects. Im able to observe and ask questions about different machines, techniques, cell lines, tissues and organisms. It gives me new ideas for techniques I want to try and future research I want to be involved in.

I also didnt expect to be working during a global pandemic! COVID-19 delayed the start of my work term, and it was an adjustment to work with colleagues in the safest way possible. Fortunately, protocols put in place by 間眅埶AV and the MCPG made me feel safe, and I was still able to get all the help I needed throug

Key words: Dr. Damon Poburko, Lara Gastaldello, Neurophysiology, Sympathetic Nervous System, Live Cell Imaging, ATP, Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group

Cardiovascular Research: My Heart Skipped a Beat 

Name: Shreya Luthra

Year of Study: 4th year

Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Claydon

Lab: Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group - Claydon Lab

Click to read more about Shreyas Research Experience

What type of research experience(s) have you had? 

Receiving a USRA from NSERC to work at 間眅埶AVs Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group under Dr. Thomas Claydon, opened the portal to my first research experience. Holding a NSERC USRA enables students to work on a research project with an academic professor, allowing them to engage in meaningful work experience and gain insight into academic research in a field of interest done at post-graduate levels. 間眅埶AVs Co-Op program helped me take part in the USRA interview and selection process and I chose research because I knew that it would give me the opportunity to apply what I had learned in my course work into a real setting. Because of the courses I had taken that I really enjoyed, such as BPK305 and BPK412, I was driven towards cardiovascular physiology research. 

The Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms of cardiac excitation in terms of congenital heart diseases, channelopathies and cardiomyopathies which can result in arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. At Dr. Claydons lab, I am currently working on a project that studies Long QT syndrome, a cardiac arrhythmia that is characterized by prolongation of the heart rate-corrected QT interval in the ECG in the absence of structural heart disease. This project involves the use of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) and induced pluripotent stem cellderived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) to study genotype-phenotype correlations in beating human cardiac myocytes that harbor pathogenic mutations. Using molecular biology techniques to extract RNA, perform PCR, and design primers for genetic targets, I am currently looking to better understand and determine hiPSC differentiation into iPSC-CMs. Through this research experience, I get to engage in the field of cardiovascular physiology and pathology and learn more about genomics, stem-cell research, and electrophysiology. 

How did you get involved in research, and why?

The power of one note that goes wrong in a piece of music is something the musician in me cannot ignore. Much like music, the human body is a complicated, orchestrated piece, where one note, one mistake can cause lethal downstream effects. Researchers are continuously on the hunt for that one note, that one mistake that results in human disease. There are so many intricacies of the human body that are still left to be uncovered. With research, I get the opportunity to join the hunt, to seek answers, find novel therapeutics, and immerse myself into the most enigmatic scientific problems. Research enables us to take part in something greater than ourselves, and no impact is too small. The work that is done every day in the lab gets us one step closer and even on days when it may not feel like it, we are continually contributing to a plethora of knowledge - its extremely exciting and rewarding!

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

Engaging in research during a pandemic certainly presented some challenges and it can be tricky to navigate waters that no one has previously sailed on. In a time where we are all learning to adapt to new situations, science was no different. It can be difficult to find your purpose and connect with peers in a virtual environment. However, our virtual lab meetings and journal club helped to bridge these gaps and I found myself gain a whole new set of communication skills. I was also so fortunate to have Dr. Diana Hunter, a postdoctoral fellow at the Claydon Lab, as my mentor to ensure I never felt like I was doing things alone. She has taught me so much about the project and I am so thankful for her guidance, patience and encouragement. The communication and support from everyone in the lab truly created an environment of collegiately and collaboration which I am so grateful for.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research, or something that you will take away from being involved in research?

I think every moment you get to try something new is a memorable experience. Every DNA replicated, every gel ran, even every mistake made, was an opportunity for growth and improvement. Research enables us to be lifelong learners and I think that is one thing I will carry forward with me in my research and academic career. I was also able to share my findings within the lab and putting my work together and presenting what I had learned enabled me to take ownership over the experiments I ran. Presenting your research in a coherent and intelligent way can be a challenging task and I am so lucky to have been able to practice and refine this new skill working at the Claydon Lab. Watching my fellow researchers explain their work, I have discovered that the most intelligent researcher are the ones who can explain their work in a way that can be understood by all. I am not completely there yet, but I hope to continue to gain a deeper understand of cardiovascular physiology so that I can explain it in the same eloquent way. 

What is one thing you learned about being involved in research that you didnt expect?

Research has taught me how to work methodologically, keep a meticulous track of my work, and plan every experiment down to a pipette and I can honestly say my lab notebook has been my best friend! These are skills that now impact my thought process and work ethic in any endeavour I take on. I also didnt realize how much of research can be self-directed troubleshooting. It was amazing that I got the opportunity to guide my own research questions and perform experiments that I thought might be beneficial. I loved the independent aspect of finding literature-based solutions in combination with my own ideas to aim to overcome hurdles in my research. I am so thankful for being given the opportunity to work at the Claydon Lab with brilliant researches and dedicated colleagues who welcomed me into the world of cardiovascular research. I have learned research can be engaging, rewarding, and test your ability to go beyond just seeking scientific information. Its about innovation, tenacity, and picking up an entire toolbox of skills to help you learn, adapt and discover. 

Suggested key words / searchable terms: [Dr. Thomas Claydon], [Shreya Luthra], [Cardiovascular Physiology], [Claydon Lab]


"In the future, I will always reminisce back towards my lab coworkers and working in such a positive, encouraging environment! I have learnt that having a positive work environment not only promotes better work outcomes but also allows openness for learning and not being afraid to ask for help when you need it."

Name: Tiffany Schulz

Year of Study: Spring 2021 Graduate

Supervisor: Dr. Krieger

Lab: Krieger / Harden Lab [SSB 7128]

Click to read more about Tiffanys Research Experience

What type of research experience(s) have you had?

Before receiving my first USRA, I have researched with the Fraser Health PQI program and worked on two projects with an emergency medicine physician related to telemetry bedtimes for cardiac patients and telehealth implementation during the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic. I also had previously completed a comparative literature analysis project with a colleague of mine in the anatomy lab regarding comparative anatomy between rabbits and humans. Currently, I'm completing my second NSERC USRA. 

How did you get involved in research, and why?

I've always had an interest in problem-solving and curiosity for answering unanswered questions. Before my involvement in Dr. Krieger's lab, I dissected teaching specimens for four years in the BPK326 Anatomy teaching lab. Dr. Krieger's dissecting research methods of using microsurgical techniques to dissect Drosophila larva were what initially drew me to his lab and project. His lab also offered me an opportunity to learn new skills and challenge myself in a completely new environment. 

What is your project on?

Using Drosophila larva, with progression now into mice, we are investigating the cytoskeletonassociated protein, adducin, which is hyper-phosphorylated in ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patients. Its downstream effects have been shown to play a critical role in influencing neuromuscular junction stability. Functions that, when perturbed, may have important implications for ALS and potential future treatments.

How has COVID19 impacted your research?

When the pandemic initially began, we had to stop all lab activities until it was safe to return to Campus. It wasn't until later in the summer when we were allowed to return to the lab. Losing a couple of months of work did cause my project to become a bit behind. However, the measures 間眅埶AV and the BPK/MBB Departments took helped us all stay safe and was respectable. Currently, I do come to Campus and conduct my research; however, it is a very different environment than it was previously. Before returning to Campus, we all had to undergo 間眅埶AV COVID19 training and have our lab safety work permit approved before being individually approved to return to Campus. While on Campus, we always wear facemasks, frequently wash/sanitize our hands, often wash/sanitize our workspaces between uses, and stay 2 meters away/social distance at all times. We modified our lab to better promote social distancing by further spacing out equipment and workbenches. With all these new measures, we have been able to keep ourselves and our peers safe while continuing to conduct our research. 

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

The most challenging aspect of joining this lab was the initial knowledge gap between myself as a BPK major joining a predominantly MBB technical lab. There were many techniques, procedures that I was unfamiliar with, and the learning curve was quite steep. Through study, practice, and dedication, I overcame these challenges. The other challenge for me as a vivisectionist was working with smaller organisms; however, having my previous dissection skills allowed me to adapt and learn. Now I can dissect structures as small as the drosophila larval brain. 

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research or something that you will take away from being involved in research?

In the future, I will always reminisce back towards my lab coworkers and working in such a positive, encouraging environment! I have learnt that having a positive work environment not only promotes better work outcomes but also allows openness for learning and not being afraid to ask for help when you need it. However, the best part is the many lab bonding experiences we have had together, especially now going through this pandemic. 

What is one thing you learned about being involved in research that you didn't expect? I had always known to expect setbacks in research and that my experiments wouldn't always go the way I had planned. However, I do not think you thoroughly learn this fact until you have experienced the setbacks in person. Learning also never to give up, keep trying in different ways, and not being afraid to research will eventually lead you to success. 

Suggested keywords / searchable terms: [Dr. Charles Krieger], [Dr. Nicholas Harden], [ALS], [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis], [Lou Gehrigs Disease], [Degenerative Motor Neuron Disease], [Motor Neurons], [Drosophila], [Chronic Disease], [Immunohistochemistry], [Dissections], [Neuromuscular Junction], 

Making a difference amid challenges of lab work on COVID-19 project

"Normally in my lab and the lab space we share, we work as a team... So being alone means I can't share the load on keeping the cell lines alive, or keeping the lab organized or get help. The easier part of being alone is that I have more freedom to work on my project as needed... I also have to do each step myself, from start to finish, which makes me feel in complete control of my outcomes and my learning experiences."

Name: Abeline Watkins

Year of study: graduated June 2020

Supervisor: Dr. Peter Ruben

Lab: Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group

Click  to read the full story on Abeline's research, featured on the 間眅埶AV news

Its never too late to take the plunge!

My advice for people in their final year of school is that you know more than you think you do and to be confident in your abilities. If you are interested in doing research or a directed studies I say go for it, because it was probably one of my best experiences at 間眅埶AV.

Name: Zainine Ramji

Year of study: 4

Supervisor: Anne-Kristina Arnold 

Lab: Menrva Research Lab 

Click to read more about Zainines Research Experience

Research Experience

I worked on a directed study with the Menrva Research Group that sought to evaluate a device that would detect poor posture. My role was to determine whether or not the device they created would  actually work to help correct posture. The device was designed to provide vibrational feedback when the person wearing it entered into a dangerous posture. These dangerous postures can include high degrees of forward or lateral flexion. The purpose of my pilot study was to determine if wearing the device could reduce the time the participants spent in dangerous postures when performing nursing related tasks. The device uses inertial measurement units to calculate the angle of the spine when the person makes movements.

How did you get involved in research, and why?

Fourth year, last semester, no research experience. Those were the classifications I gave myself at the start of the semester, before starting my directed studies. When selecting my classes for my last semester, I came across the option of doing a directed study. I had never thought about it before but it seemed like an interesting option to consider. I was a bit hesitant because I had absolutely no research experience. I decided to take the chance and approach a professor that I had taken a couple classes with previously. We started discussing possible options for a directed studies project and at first we decided on a literature review. This quickly turned into something completely different. Because of my experience in ergonomics and interest in training nursing students in proper patient transfer technique, my professor introduced me to a research group in the engineering department. I was extremely nervous because I had no idea what I would be expected to do, or how I would even be able to keep up with a group of engineers. My expectations were greatly surpassed. I was included in a great team of researchers who worked with me and helped me create a protocol for a study using their back device. I was able to learn so much about the process involved in creating a research protocol, building a questionnaire and recruiting participants. I became much more independent than I ever thought I would be able to be in this environment.

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

For myself, being a very non-tech savvy person did pose a bit of a problem in my mind, given that this became such a data-heavy project. I was pretty nervous about having to use a system I had never even heard of before and the words coding data really did freak me out. Turns out it was all a lot less scary than it seemed during the first couple of weeks. The Menrva research team helped me so much in understanding how to analyze and code data using the Captiv system and MATLAB and I was able to easily complete tasks on my own after a quick demonstration.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research.

I think the best thing you can do when considering a research opportunity is to find something that genuinely interests you. Research is time-consuming, and sustaining that time commitment on a project you dont like would be very difficult, but if you really do enjoy what you are studying, the time will fly by. For me, the reason I asked Anne-Kristina about a directed study opportunity was because of her expertise in ergonomics, I took BPK180W and BPK 381 with her and I really enjoyed both classes. It seemed a natural progression to then research in this area of interest so we worked together to come up with a project that directly targeted my interests. This experience has really piqued my interest in research - from building and tweaking protocols to collecting and analyzing data I feel as though my directed study gave me a great introduction to this new world. Even if I dont continue to work in the area of ergonomics, I know these transferable skills will be an asset to me in the future.

What is one thing you got out of research that you didnt expect?

Research is definitely not easy, and it did take a lot more time than I thought it would, but it was all worth it. Having the support of my professor made it much easier to overcome the obstacles that I faced during the process. Although my experience was not traditional laboratory research I think it was perfect for me because it was a great introduction to the field of research and all the opportunities that it comes with. I felt as though everyone involved in the process wanted to help me succeed, and I quickly learned not to be afraid to ask for help and guidance when I needed it. My advice for people in their final year of school is that you know more than you think you do and to be confident in your abilities. If you are interested in doing research or a directed studies I say go for it, because it was probably one of my best experiences at 間眅埶AV.

Keywords: Anne-Kristina Arnold, Zainine Ramji, Ergonomics, Nursing, Patient transfer, injury prevention, Menrva Research Lab.

Came for the science, stayed for the KINship

Ive learned how much more there is to research than digesting scientific information; Ive picked up an entirely new skillset, connected with other researchers, and most importantly, become a part of a new community at 間眅埶AV.

Name: Erin Williams

Year of study: Alumni Spring 2019 Graduate

Supervisor: Victoria Claydon

Lab: Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory

Click to read more about Erins Research Experience

Research Experience

    Throughout my undergraduate studies Ive volunteered, done a Directed Studies (BPK 498 Experiential Research), Honours thesis, and received an Undergraduate Student Research Award that Im just completing so Ive gotten a good taste of the various research opportunities in BPK. Each involvement really kind of led to the next, and the more research I did, the more I enjoyed it. Ive been involved with the Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory for two years now, and its been a lot of fun. Ive learned how much more there is to research than digesting scientific information; Ive picked up an entirely new skillset, connected with other researchers, and most importantly, become a part of a new community at 間眅埶AV.
    Being involved in so many different ways has also given me a chance to really get to know the different projects going on in the lab. I started off volunteering on a project involving blood pressure control in spinal cord injury. During this time, I also got to help out with some different ways to test fainting susceptibility. When I did my directed studies, I got to study a specific fainting test called the Valsalva maneouvre in depth, and it was one I didnt get exposed to during my time as a volunteer. Next, with my honours, I got to work on a project involving blood vessel stiffness. This was something different entirely, and our lab was not routinely conducting these measures so it was a great opportunity (and challenge) to develop and standardise a technique. Now, with my USRA, Im developing a novel project examining the relationship between blood vessel stiffness and blood pressure control, so things came full circle in the end. All in all, this really allowed me to appreciate some different areas of study in the field of cardiovascular physiology, relate these areas to one another, and further my knowledge in many different aspects of research.

How did you get involved in research, and why?

    I first got involved in research after taking BPK 305. Going into the semester I was interested in research after hearing about some experiences my friends had during their directed studies. I ended up absolutely loving the class, and my BPK 305 TA that semester was a PhD student in Dr. Claydons lab. After chatting with her throughout the semester about the research she was doing, I was really keen to get involved. I ended up volunteering on her project that summer and have been doing research with the lab ever since.
    Getting involved as a volunteer was really great because although I had one project that I was helping out with, I was also just around to help out in other places as an extra set of hands. This was a really great way to get a sense of what was going on in the lab, and appreciate the different ways that research can be done. It also set me up really well for the experiential directed studies since I was already familiar with some of the technical work that goes into research. Another benefit of volunteering is that you can get involved in research much earlier than with a directed studies or honours, so its a great way to get your foot in the door and see if research is something you enjoy before you delve in deeper.

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

    When I started working more independently in my Honours and USRA, I definitely got more exposed to the problemsolving that goes on behind the scenes of a research project. By behind the scenes, I mean troubleshooting through the setup of your study, figuring out the protocol everything that goes into getting to the point where you are ready to test your first participant. This really is at least half the battle when it comes to carrying out a study. Before my honours, I had never been involved in this part of the process, so taking this on was quite eyeopening, and certainly a bit of a learning curve.
    As one aim of my honours study, I wanted to see whether emotional stress would impact measurements of blood vessel stiffness similarly to how white coat syndrome impacts measurements of blood pressure. Now, while that may sound easy enough, finding a way to test this in a relatively convenient, comfortable, and timeefficient way turned out to be quite the struggle. All in all, this involved figuring out a stress test to use that wouldnt get in the way of all the other cardiovascular outcomes we were measuring, figuring out how to physically set this up in the lab so everything could be done at once, and learning how to actually do tonometry. Then of course after all of that, came implementing the whole study and writing a book (thesis) about what we did.
    These challenges were some that I had never faced before, but that is also what makes accomplishing my Honours so much more rewarding. It also highlighted to me that it is not just academic smarts that are required for research. Ive also developed skills in technical problemsolving, teamwork, academic writing and interpersonal skills through interacting with participants.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research.

    I think some of the most memorable moments in research I have are the times that I got to communicate my research findings to others. Over my undergraduate career I was able to present the various research projects I was involved in at the 間眅埶AV Science Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) poster competition, the Undergraduate Research Symposium, and BPK Research Day. I have always enjoyed putting together the story of what we found in our studies, and I find communicating these findings in different ways to be really fun.
    I think the most unique experience of all of them was the Undergraduate Research Symposium, since this event was interdisciplinary; research students from all departments of 間眅埶AV participated in this event, and students with similar projects were grouped into sessions. Our presentations were to be five minutes long, which was a challenge in and of itself as it forced us to really be concise about the take home message of our presentation. Also, we had to prepare this for a nonspecialist audience, which meant we had to stay away from jargon and make sure people with any academic background could understand our work. The experience of putting this together, sharing my research, and seeing research that was going on in areas outside BPK was really eye opening.

What is one thing you got out of research that you didnt expect?

    I think the sense of community I found from being in a lab was the most unexpected thing that I got out of research. Especially after being around for 2 years, I have really gotten to know the other students in my lab well. At our weekly lab meetings, we discuss our science over tea and biscuits, and once a semester we work on goal setting (and of course celebrate the goals that we accomplished from the previous semester). A couple of times a semester we will also find activities to do outside the lab like kayaking, going for dinner, or having a barbecue. We have even made plans to regularly attend trivia nights down at the Study to see how our collective wit fares outside the lab.
    Little things like this help us get to know one another, and also take some muchneeded brain breaks from research, or for me as an undergrad, breaks from the stress of my classes. Going into research, I wanted to expand my knowledge and academic expertise outside what I could learn in a classroom, and I also wanted to develop my resume. I had no idea that Id also be gaining a new network of friends, resources, and mentors along the way. Ive definitely grown academically throughout my time in the lab, but I think the comradery is what made research a truly enjoyable process along the way.

Keywords: Dr. Victoria Claydon, Erin Williams, cardiovascular physiology, syncope, baroreflex, Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory

Finding Balance

I have always been interested in working in a clinical setting (and I still am) but now I can see how research and helping others can be merged.

Name: Chiara Piccolo

Year Of Study: 5

Supervisor: Dr. Dan Marigold And Dylan Cooke

Lab: Sensorimotor Neuroscience Laboratory / Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity Lab

Click to read more about Chiaras Research Experience

Research Experience

I began working in Dr. Dan Marigolds Sensorimotor Neuroscience Lab with a USRA during the summer of 2018. We embarked on a project to explore the effects of vestibular stimulation on balance under challenging conditions. I helped design the testing protocol and took the lead on many aspects of this study. After performing a literature search on existing information on the topic, I recruited participants and carried out testing protocols independently throughout the late summer. After this was completed I was able to analyze the data and perform statistical tests with the help of a graduate student in the lab. As the project was not complete by the end of the semester I enrolled in BPK 498 and continued in the lab as a directed study to be a part of finishing the analysis and writing the paper for publication. The Fall semester allowed me to develop my scientific writing and presentation skills. These experiences encouraged me to apply to complete an Honours in a related lab with Dr. Dylan Cooke. I have completed my Honours proposal on mapping the motor cortex and am gearing up for an exciting semester of research ahead this Fall.

How did you get involved in research, and why?

After taking BPK 201, Dr. Wakeling put out a call for volunteers to help analyze cycling data in his lab. As a keen undergrad, I jumped at this opportunity and was welcomed into the world of research. This experience inspired me to seek opportunities to become directly involved in research, so I applied for a USRA for the Summer 2018 term. I was interested in adding to my resume and making some money while I studied for the MCAT. During my interviews in different labs, Dr. Dan Marigolds Sensorimotor Neuroscience Lab stood out in my mind. I had enjoyed learning from him in BPK 207 and was interested in expanding my knowledge on the vestibular system and in neuroscience. After a very busy summer, I continued on as a Directed Studies student. My interest in research has since deepened beyond the point of simply improving my resume and gaining new experiences. I enjoy the independence and challenges research brings and find that I can truly apply what I have learned in my degree to benefit a lab environment. I also appreciate being a part of a curious and supportive community. I am currently continuing my research experience by pursuing an Honours degree in the Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity lab to complement my previous experience working in the realm of Neuromechanics.

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

I never realized how many areas you are required to have knowledge on beyond what we learn in the classroom to successfully perform research. It is necessary to understand all the technology for recording data, how to code, and how to communicate effectively. I learned that patience is the most important virtue in research. Things never go as planned and I had to become adaptable to accommodate the many set-backs we faced.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research, or something that you will take away from being involved in research?

A memorable experience I had throughout my experience involved all the different participants I had the opportunity to meet. In one experience, I was helping test participants in an older adult study that involved walking balance with modified vision. I was surprised by this particular participants intriguing conversations and willingness to undergo such unpleasant conditions. She, along with many other participants, expressed her desire to help the scientific community and to contribute to helping those who may benefit from this research in the future. Some participants did not even want to accept the small cash incentive we offered! I was shocked by the intrigue of these participants who had no link to the scientific community but truly put their faith in our work.

What is one thing you learned about being involved in research that you didnt expect?

That I would enjoy research! I have always been interested in working in a clinical setting (and I still am) but now I can see how research and helping others can be merged. I am excited to continue to be involved in research as I continue my academic journey.

Keywords: Dr. Dan Marigold, Chiara Piccolo, Vestibular stimulation, Balance, Neuroscience

Putting Putting to the Test

I learned that a large part of what makes research unique and interesting is being able to utilize your particular skillset (both things you learned inside and outside the classroom) to solve problems on the path to answering the research question. 


Name: Aaron Siebenga

Year Of Study: 3

Supervisor: Dr. Andy Hoffer

Lab: Neurokinesiology Lab

Click to read more about Aarons Research Experience

Research Experience

I first approached Dr. Hoffer to work as a volunteer in his lab as I was interested in his neuroprosthetic work. However, as his Lungpacer-related lab research at 間眅埶AV was completed, he offered me to work on a new project involving putting tremor. Basically, a friend of his with tremor had found that by using a longer putter and an alternate grip, he could alleviate his tremor and golf better, and Dr. Hoffer wanted to see if that alternate grip could help others play better too (both people with and without tremor, as the yips that cause some golfers so much trouble are thought to be a form of tremor). I accepted, reckoning that it would be a good opportunity to see what research is really like even if it wasnt directly tied to my interests. Along with other volunteers, I helped build the experiment from the ground up. This was sometimes literal, as once we planned out the experiment we spent a few weeks tidying up a converted storage area room and building a golf putting course there to perform the study. I mainly took on a data analysis role, which later developed into two USRA terms (Summers 2018 and 2019).

How did you get involved in research, and why?

With my Neuroscience degree, the two main paths in front of me are medicine and research. Im drawn towards research for several reasons; First, I dont want to have to deal with the onerous tests and years of extra study involved in medical school. Second, I feel that I would enjoy hunting down new information and trying new things, rather than being limited to using established techniques again and again. And third, Im particularly fond of brain-computer interfaces, and were nowhere near far along development on those yet for them to enter the medical field (at least not the kinds of BCIs Im interested in). As 間眅埶AV doesnt have a very developed Neuroscience research program, I was drawn to Dr. Hoffer as his neuroprosthetic work was the closest thing on campus to BCIs.

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

One of the things Dr. Hoffer tasked me with was taking the data produced by our tracking program (positions of 8 items [putter sections, hands, feet, etc.] from 6 cameras) and producing 3D model data from it. To do this, I built a giant 27-sheet Excel document (currently on its 11th version) that helps the data entry volunteer calculate the time differential between the cameras, takes in the raw data, checks for time differential errors and position errors (data from different cameras having large differences in position), synchronizes the data relative to time difference and position difference (turning several 2D data points into 3D information), detects when the ball is putted, generates 3D data for the modelling program and computes other secondary information (e.g. putter shaft angle, putter head angle, and ball velocity). All in Microsoft Excel. This could probably have been done much more efficiently with computer programming, but despite my lack of programming knowledge Im quite happy with how it turned out. I took a class in the R language this Spring term, so maybe Ill be able to make it a bit more digestible in Version 12 by integrating some R.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research, or something that you will take away from being involved in research?

Coming into Dr. Hoffers lab, I thought that research involved learning specific skills (like we learn in our classes) and exercising them to answer a question. While that is true, thats not the only part of research. I learned that a large part of what makes research unique and interesting is being able to utilize your particular skillset (both things you learned inside and outside the classroom) to solve problems on the path to answering that question. When I was a teenager, I volunteered for a theatre company and helped edit videos of their performances. In Dr. Hoffers lab, part of our experimental procedure involved recording videos of participants and tracking their movements through a tracking program. However, starting and stopping the 6-camera system after each hole was a lot of work, so we ended up producing 2-hour-long whole-session videos that crashed the tracking program on import. My video editing knowledge allowed me to take the session-long video, chop it up into the 72 individual holes, then let it render overnight to produce easily-trackable video chunks.

What is one thing you learned about being involved in research that you didnt expect?

I think my answer to the previous question answers this one as well, as the thing I learned about the nature of research was something I didnt expect.

Keywords: Andy Hoffer, Aaron Siebenga, Tremor, Golf, Neurokinesiology Lab

From Bench-top to Bedside: Research Coordinator for the FLIP Study

"Through my experiences in the many labs that I was a part of over the years, I have realized that research involves lots of failure, and I have also grown to understand that failure is an inevitable and essential step on the path to success and discovery."

Name: Rania Khelifi

Year Of Study: 5

Supervisor: Dr. Dawn Mackey

Lab: Aging And Population Health Lab (APHL)

Click to read more about Ranias Research Experience

Research Experience

I took an interest in scientific research early on in my academic career. In my grade 12 year, I earned the opportunity as one of two students from my high school to attend Mini Med School seminars held by the former Child and Family Research Institute, which is now BC Childrens Hospital Research Institute. This one-of-a-kind experience led to a two-month internship in Dr. Laura Slys lab. Her research is focused on determining the role of macrophages and their potential to be used as therapies for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Institute and quickly realized that I would make it my priority to get involved in research during my undergraduate career at 間眅埶AV. In my third year at 間眅埶AV, I was awarded an Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) with Dr. Charles Krieger whose lab conducts research that can help us better understand Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). I helped with the study of two proteins thought to interact using the larval neuromuscular junction of Drosophila as a model organism. Then I continued working in Dr. Kriegers lab as a Directed Studies student where I took on a side project to optimize a cell fractionation protocol.

In my final year at 間眅埶AV, I realized that I had a plethora of wet lab experience, and very little clinical research experience. After browsing the BPK research site, I came across Dr. Dawn Mackeys profile and read about the important clinically oriented research on healthy aging and older adult mobility conducted by her lab. What particularly interested me in this lab, was the direct applicability of the research to helping older adults. In summer 2018, I spoke with Dr. Mackey about completing a Directed Studies course for the fall. During our meeting, we discussed not only a potential directed study, but also some paid research positions that were available in her lab. I opted to take on a 1-year role as Research Coordinator for the Flooring for Injury Prevention Study (FLIP). The FLIP Study is a randomized clinical trial that aims to determine whether compliant flooring is capable of preventing serious fall-related injuries in older adults living in long-term care (LTC). Upon its completion, the FLIP study will be the largest and the longest trial of compliant flooring for fall-related injury prevention. In my role as Research Coordinator, I oversee the work of two research assistants and all of the data collection for the study, which occurs at a local LTC home. During the fall 2018 semester, I also completed my second Directed Study course with Dr. Mackey, where I explored the effectiveness of hip protectors in preventing hip and other fractures in older adults living in LTC using data collected from the FLIP study. For more information regarding the APHL please visit: .

As fate had it, my final semester at 間眅埶AV (Spring 2019) has been spent conducting research in Dr. Tom Claydons lab as an NSERC USRA student. In Dr. Claydons lab, my project involves looking at the genomic stability and the expression of specific markers in induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs) and IPSC-derived cardiomyocytes.

What was something challenging or unique you have encountered through your research, and how did you overcome it?

What I found most challenging about working, as a Research Coordinator was the initial transition into the position when I started in September. The Coordinator before me had limited time to train me over the summer. It was difficult at first: determining priorities for the role, time allocation for tasks, and whether I was doing things correctly or not. Thankfully, Dr. Mackey and the previous Research Coordinator were very supportive and helpful. Dr. Mackey and I met up biweekly to discuss questions and concerns and to brainstorm solutions regarding both my new position and my Directed Studies. I quickly got a hold of things, implemented a new process to ensure efficiency and felt much more comfortable in my role. This was all thanks to the continued support of Dr. Mackey and the previous Coordinator who answered emails and was available to speak with me over FaceTime.

Describe a particularly memorable experience you had in research, or something that you will take away from being involved in research?

A particularly memorable experience was when I went out in the LTC home for the first time on my own to complete a room checklist. Room checklists are completed when a new resident moves into one of the rooms that are part of the study. As I was navigating through the LTC home and completing my checklists, I decided to stop somewhere in the hallway, out of the way of the residents, to double-check a form I had just completed. Out of nowhere, a resident snuck up on me from the back and asked me loudly what are you doing? I was terrified as I did not hear her coming and literally had just turned back to see if there was anyone in sight. It honestly felt like a scene out of a movie. I was frozen in my spot as it took a few seconds for me to process the situation. I recomposed myself so I could interact with her calmly and answer her questions. This experience really helped me understand that research is conducted in multiple settings, each with its own set of dangers and potential issues. Whether you are in a lab pipetting or in a LTC home completing room checklists, following proper procedures is necessary in helping you navigate different predicaments.

What is one thing you learned about being involved in research that you didnt expect?

Through my experiences in the many labs that I was a part of over the years, I realized that research is all about failure! Although disappointing, failure plays such a crucial role as it allows you to reflect on what you did and brainstorm potential solutions to avoid the same outcomes in the future. I am proud to say that I experienced a lot of failure throughout my research experiences, whether it was optimizing a cell fractionation protocol or completing statistics on large amounts of data. I can say with great confidence (p<0.05) that failure is inevitable. However, failure, if met with curiosity and an open mind, can lead to some great results that will feel all the more satisfying considering all the work you had to put in to obtain them.

Keywords: Dawn Mackey, Rania Khelifi, Aging, Older Adult, Aging and Population Health Lab, Clinical Research

Clinical, Applicable, and Fascial: Experiences in BPK Anatomy Research

"Some of the best experiences of my directed studies project were the opportunities to share my work with other academics and professionals."

Name: Garrett Hughes

Year Of Study: 4th

Supervisor: Dr. Leanne Ramer

Lab: Anatomy Teaching Lab

Click to read more about Garrets Research Experience

Research Experience:

        In the early years of my undergraduate degree, I gained research experience by working as a Research Assistant for three years at Arthritis Research Canada (ARC). Working toward a career goal of physiotherapy, as I sought out more clinical experience, I realized the potential of a career that supplemented clinical practice with research. While enrolled in BPK 326 (Functional Anatomy) in Spring 2018, I approached Dr. Ramer regarding a potential literature-based Directed Studies project (BPK 496). Anatomy had quickly become my favourite course in BPK, which cemented my desire to pursue a career in physiotherapy.

        We discussed several potential project ideas, and ultimately decided to conduct a systematic review to examine what duration of foam rolling/roller massaging best promotes optimal improvements in recovery, range of motion, and athletic performance. This idea emerged from a lecture Leanne gave in 326 on the topic of fascia, highlighting the uncertainty in the literature, and how those studying fascia have yet to come to a consensus on its mechanical properties and clinical considerations. This research aligns with my goal of supplementing clinical practice with applicable, tangible research that can help guide client prescription.

        My experience in BPK 496 involved weekly meetings with Leanne to review my work and to help guide the direction I was heading with the project. After two-and-a-half months of work, I had a completed systematic review ready to be prepared for publication; after a few weeks of formatting and revisions, I submitted my first lead-author research article to a peerreviewed physiotherapy journal. I also created a poster for presentation at the 間眅埶AV Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) 2018 poster competition, where I gave two ten minute presentations on my work to 間眅埶AV Science Faculty.

Unique and/or challenging experiences in research
        The most significant challenge I faced was becoming stuck in a rut while reading and writing. I spent so many hours on the same topic, reading the same papers and writing in the same word document, that I sometimes lost sight of both the projects bigger picture, and the flexibility to adapt as the scope of the project evolved. From my perspective, I had started with one topic and one goal, so every ounce of work I put in had to be in alignment with that initial topic or plan. It wasnt until I asked an external physiotherapist to read a draft of my article that I was made aware of how stuck in the same lane I had become. For example, as my initial project included analyzing effects on athletic performance, I was determined to keep that aspect in my discussion and as a line in my conclusion. However, as the project evolved, it became clear that the data were insufficient to provide proper scientific commentary on the subject. This example was one of multiple that made the revision process take significantly longer than I initially estimated. Nonetheless, it emphasized to me the importance of collaboration throughout a project, not simply towards the end.

Most memorable highlights:
        Some of the best experiences of my Directed Studies project were the opportunities to share my work with other academics and professionals. I was not giving a presentation to fellow classmates, who were mainly listening because it was part of their course grade; rather, I was sharing my work to experts who were listening out of genuine interest. Unlike being a student discussing my coursework with a professor, I was treated as an academic colleague, by people asking questions from a place of curiosity. The people I shared my work with were excited about it, demonstrating their shared interest in improving existing bodies of evidence, no matter the topic. These experiences with research, and many others not included here, have solidified my goal of a multifaceted career in physiotherapy practice and research.

Keywords: Garrett Hughes, Leanne Ramer, Exercise, anatomy, fascia, mobility, recovery, physiotherapy