

Spotlight on Researchers

Dylan Cooke, Assistant Professor

Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity

Dr. Dylan Cooke’s innovative research program explores links between variation in brain organization and behaviour, response to injury, and the brain’s capacity to rewire itself. In laboratory experiments, variation between individuals has almost always been regarded as a complication to be minimized and thus, very little is known about individual variation in brain organization. Dr. Cooke aims to characterize and study the significance of this variation, determining how it affects skilled behaviour, resilience in the face of brain injury, and natural, adaptive changes in the brain.

For the full interview, click .

Sam Doesburg, Associate Professor

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Our ability to unravel the biological mechanisms underpinning behaviour and the mind is expanding. Dr. Doesburg leverages brain imaging technology to probe the effectiveness of intervention strategies for autism and ultimately establish a clear, scientifically-founded basis for autism treatments.

For the full interview, click .

Dawn Mackey, Associate Professor

Aging and Population Health

Dr. Mackey is passionate about promoting mobility for older Canadians. 

You can see the full story and interview below.

Steve Robinovitch, Professor

Injury Prevention and Mobility

You can see the full story and interview below.

Andy Hoffer, Professor


You can see the full story and interview below.

Matt White, Associate Professor

Exercise Physiology

You can see the full story and interview below.