


LJHSC committees

Review the current list of voting members and meeting minutes for the committees below:

Unsure which safety committee represents you? See the chart below for respective buildings and/or departments. 




1.Athletics & Recreation

  • Lorne Davies Complex                                           

2. AQ/Strand Hall

  • Academic Quadrangle
  • Strand Hall
  • Faculty Relations
  • Strand Hall Annex
  • Board of Governors
  • Ceremonies & Events
  • Financial Services
  • Government Relations
  • Human Resources
  • IT Services
  • President's Office
  • University Communications
  • Vice President Relations
  • WestGrid
  • Aboriginal Peoples office
  • APSA
  • Art Gallery
  • CUPE
  • Canadian Studies
  • Chinese Studies
  • English
  • Faculty Association
  • FASS
  • Hellenic Studies
  • History
  • Human Rights Office
  • Humanities
  • Interfaith Centre
  • Indigenous Student Centre
  • International Studies
  • Labour Studies
  • Latin American Studies
  • Psychology
  • Political Sciences
  • Sociology & Anthropology
  • TSSU
  • Women's Studies

3. Facilities Services

  • Facilities Building
  • Campus Planning & Development
  • Satellite Shops
  • Maintenance & Operations
  • Administration & Real Estate Services

4. Faculty of Science

  • Animal Care Facility
  • Animal Care Services
  • Biology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology
  • Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Earth Sciences
  • South Sciences
  • Building
  • Mathematics
  • TASC 2
  • Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
  • TASC 1
  • Physics
  • Statistics and Actuarial Sciences
  • Science Stores
  • Science Technical Centre Science Co-op
  • 4D Labs

5. Library

  • W.A.C. Bennett library

6. Residence & Housing

  • Administration Building
  • Dining Hall
  • Hamilton Hall McTaggart-Cowan Hall
  • Shell House Towers Townhouses
  • Charles Chang Centre for Innovation

7. South East Campus

  • Applied Science Bldg.
  • Communication
  • Discovery 1 and 2
  • Computing Science
  • TASC 1
  • Safety & Risk Services
  • Engineering Science
  • South East Classroom Block
  • Big Data Hub
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV International 
  • Institutional Strategic Awards
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Sustainability
  • Faculty of Applied Sciences
  •  Office of the VPRI Communications & Marketing
  • Faculty of Environment
  • Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology
  • Resource & Environmental Management
  • Office of Research Services
  • Office of Research Ethics
  • Technology Licensing Office
  • PIMS
  • Environmental Science

8. Surrey

  • Surrey Central
  • Surrey Engineering

9. Vancouver

  • 611 Alexander
  • Goldcorp Centre for
  • the Arts
  • Harbour Centre
  • Segal Building
  • Wosk Centre for Dialogue
  • 312 Main
  • VentureLabs

10. West Administrative Unit

  • Diamond Alumni Centre
  •  Student Services
  • Halpern
  • Bookstore
  • Maggie Benston Centre
  • Document Solutions
  • West Mall Complex
  • Health & Counselling
  • Transportation Centre
  • Career Services
  • Archives & Records Management
  • Co-operative Education
  • Graduate Studies
  • IT Services
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV International
  • Centre for Students with Disabilities
  • Parking Services
  • Beedie School of Business
  • French
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Learning
  • Centre for Coastal Studies
  • Centre for Educational Excellence
  • Economics
  • Feminist Institute for Studies on Law & Society
  • Institute for Studies in Criminal Justice Policy
  • Philosophy

11. North East Campus

  • Blusson Hall
  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Education Building
  • Canadian Urban Research Studies
  • Robert C. Brown
  • Clinical Psychology Centre
  • Saywell Hall
  • Criminology
  • Centre for Forsenic Research
  • Water Tower Building
  • First Nation Studies
  • Psychology
  • Archaeology
  • Education
  • Centre for Education Excellence
  • Cognitive Science Program
  • English Bridge Program
  • Geography
  • Language Training Institute
  • Linguistics