

Lab safety training FAQ

What is covered in each course?


  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Safety Orientation
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Electrical Safety
  • Fire Safety & Extinguisher Training


  • Safety Responsibility at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • Laboratory Hazards
  • Emergency Response
  • Exposure Routes and Controls
  • Storage & Disposal of Hazardous Material
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Hazard Inventory System
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Door Sign Program
  • Laboratory Apparatus Safety
  • Cryogenics & Compressed Gas Safety
  • Laboratory Glass Safety


  • Regulatory Framework
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Biosafety Administrative System & Policies
  • Practical Aspects of Biosafety


  • Laboratory Safety Inspection
  • Proper use and maintenance of fume hoods
  • Contamination arising during benchwork
  • High-pressure gas cylinder safety
  • Spill response

I didn't receive a confirmation email. Can you confirm my registration?

If you believe your registration for a lecture course was unsuccessful, please e-mail lab_safe@sfu.ca or call 778.782.5979.

For the limited-capacity Laboratory Safety Practical and Fire Extinguisher Training sessions, you must register using the Calendar feature in Canvas. There are no confirmation emails but you will be able to see that your attendance is confirmed in the appointment time slot on your Canvas calendar.

How do I register for a Laboratory Safety Practical or Extinguisher Training session?

Once you have registered for a course at  you will receive an email invitation to join the online Canvas course. If you have not received this invitation within three business days of registering, please e-mail lab_safe@sfu.ca or call 778.782.5979. Make sure to check your spam folder.

When you have joined the Canvas course, navigate to the Canvas Calendar to view appointment slots available (click on the 'View Appointments' button on the right hand side of the Calandar screen) for Laboratory Safety Practical and Fire Extinguisher Training sessions. If you do not book an appointment slot to attend a session, you will not be able to pass the course.

I can't attend lab safety training this semester. What should I do?

All new laboratory workers must complete the checklist provided below with their supervisor. If you cannot attend training before beginning work in a laboratory, your supervisor is responsible for covering the material in Section A in Appendix A of the Lab Safety Orientation Checklist. Plan to attend the next offering of Laboratory Safety Training at the beginning of the following semester. Do not submit the completed forms to EHS. They are to be kept on record by the supervisor.

I have a class at the same time as the training. Is it okay if I show up late?

No, you must show up on time and be present for the entire class to receive credit. The sign-in sheets will be removed fifteen minutes after the start of the training. If you have not signed in, you will not receive credit. If you were late and could not sign in, please refer to the question above.

I registered for Fire Safety Training last semester but didn't get extinguisher training. Do I have to take Safety Essentials again?

No. E-mail lab_safe@sfu.ca to request an invite to register in an upcoming fire extinguisher training session. If you completed the online portion last semester, after you complete fire extinguisher training, you will receive your Safety Essentials Training certificate.

Laboratory Safety Training course names have changed. Do I have to complete all of the new courses again or is my old training still valid?

You do not have to attend the new courses if your previous training is still valid. Training page for training frequency requirements by course.

  • Safety Essentials is replacing General Laboratory Safety AND Fire Safety
  • Laboratory Safety is replacing Chemical Safety
  • Laboratory Safety Practical is replacing Hands-on Chemical Safety

Where will the training sessions be held?

The training sessions will be held in various locations. To see the locations of each training session, please visit the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Lab Safety Training Registration page.

Which safety training courses do I need to register for?

View the Laboratory Safety Training table (click here) for more information on each safety training course offered.

Speak with your supervisor or e-mail lab_safe@sfu.ca if you have any questions about which training courses to take.

Still have questions? E-mail lab_safe@sfu.ca or call 778.782.5979.