
Robby Yoshiro Williams-Sekiguchi

Chemistry Major

This summer I was on the research team studying Structural Investigation of Au(III) Compounds with M(III) Ligand Complexes.

Why did you choose to come to 間眅埶AV?

I chose to go to 間眅埶AV as I loved the idea of going to school in a scenic area with the trees and being atop of a mountain. It also happened to be one of the closest schools to my home. I also heard great things about the Chemistry program, the faculty, and the resources they provide for a students future such as continuing into graduate studies or finding your career in industry.

How would you describe your research or program to a family member?

I would describe my research to a family member as growing crystals and shooting them with x-rays. From a general perspective, I would describe it as being beneficial and making a contribution to the scientific field and knowledge.

What are you particularly enjoying about your studies/research at 間眅埶AV? 

I particularly am enjoying conducting x-ray diffraction experiments on the crystal products I synthesize in my research. The thought of being able to obtain a molecular structure and identify what atoms are present in my product just by shooting x-rays is simply amazing and mind-boggling.

What advice would you give a student who is considering getting involved in undergraduate research?

My advice to a student who is curious about undergraduate research is to not be afraid to reach out to any of the faculty whose research interests you. I personally think that I had waited too long to start my research as I wish that I could have learned the skills I have now a few years ago. It would have built the confidence and vast skill set I have now much earlier in my studies, which could then be integrated into my academic courses.