
Congratulations to the 2022 recipients of the Faculty of Science Research Awards

間眅埶AV Faculty of Science is proud to celebrate the achievements of outstanding researchers with the annual Faculty of Science Research Awards. These awards recognize the excellence in research accomplishments in early career and beyond and are selected by members of the Faculty of Science Research Committee. 


Dr. Caterina Ramogida (Chemistry)

Dr. Ramogida was recognized for her impressive achievements since joining the faculty in 2018. Dr. Ramogidas interdisciplinary research seeks to advance cancer treatment through the use of nuclear medicine for diagnosis and therapy. She investigates radioisotope preparation and purification, ligand design for disease targeting, and the synthesis and evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals for disease treatment. Dr. Ramogida has secured substantial funding in support of these studies and plans to leverage world-class infrastructure at 間眅埶AV and TRIUMF and work with collaborators at BC Cancer to realize her long-term goal of bringing new radiopharmaceuticals to the clinic.

Dr. Matthias Danninger (Physics)

Dr. Danningers research at 間眅埶AV explores two exciting and promising ways to search for signs of new physics and phenomena. Since joining 間眅埶AV in 2019, he was awarded a prestigious Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Particle Physics and is an Affiliated Scientist at TRIUMF, Canadas particle accelerator centre. The committee recognized Dr. Danninger for his impressive funding record and leading roles in international collaborations including ATLAS, a CERN-based experiment to discover subatomic particles, and the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE), an international initiative to construct one of the worlds largest neutrino detectors in the deep Pacific Ocean.


These awards recognize excellence in research accomplishments in a broad range of areas, including, but not limited to: Career achievement, Recent breakthroughs, Translational impact, Innovation, Societal impacts.

Dr. Gwenn Flowers (Earth Sciences)

Dr. Flowers was recognized for her outstanding scientific contributions in the area of subglacial hydrology and glacial basal processes. Her research studies modern glaciers and ice sheets, with a focus on understanding fundamental physical processes that govern the interaction of ice with atmosphere, water, and landscape. Her leadership in this field has been a major factor in the development of fundamental models of glacial processes. Her expertise has been widely recognized, and she has taken leadership positions in her field including serving as President of the International Glaciological Society.

Dr. Peter Unrau (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Dr. Unraus research achievements stand out for their technological sophistication and intellectual impact. Research in the Unrau lab focuses on RNA, a macromolecule central to reproduction for all forms of life. Dr. Unraus RNA research is vast in scope, from developing sophisticated molecular biology tools to probing molecular processes and diagnosing infectious diseases to understanding RNA biology. His innovative and diverse research is published in outstanding journals, most recently in Science, and is supported by substantial funding. Dr. Unraus explorations into the origin of life have established him as a global leader in the RNA World hypothesis.
