
Peter Hollman

I am a senior lecturer in the Biology Department where I teach general biology, microbiology and genetic engineering.  I have been involved with outreach for many years now at 間眅埶AV where I have hosted departmental activities for visiting students and also facilitate programs such as Lets Talk Science and Science in Action as well as chairing our departmental outreach and engagement committee. 

What got you into outreach programming?

The department was approached by a group hoping to visit for a lab activity.

What do you enjoy most about reaching out to young people or the public?

The smiles and sense of amazement when we share science with the public is very rewarding.

What advice do you have for a young person wanting to pursue outreach as a part of a science?

You just need to start by volunteering for an event or activity and you probably wont stop.  

If you could meet one famous person for coffee who would it be?

 Not something I think about.