

PUB 450: The Business of Book Publishing

Book publishing is a cultural activity, but first and foremost, it is a commercial activity. PUB 450 surveys a range of business aspects of publishing, by examining publishing companies that are well managed and successful. We will examine the activities involved in acquiring and distributing books from a business point of view to see how publishing firms can remain rigorous and profitable.

Although the course will look at marketing and promotion practices within these companies, the emphasis will be on their financial planning, operations, and successful editorial and production processes. Throughout the course, students will be asked to apply the concepts discussed in assignments and projects.

The course includes several guest lectures and at least one field trip.

Sample Assessment Breakdown

This is subject to change.

  • Weekly Assignments 30%
  • Class Participation 10%
  • Mid-Term Project 20%
  • Term Project 40%