

PUB 375: Magazine Publishing

PUB 375 is designed around the pedagogical approach called  The hallmarks of creative inquiry are threefold: it encourages a creative mindset, it helps you develop work-related skills, and, in the end, it supports you in building a portfolio that demonstrates your skills. 

In PUB 375, we ask you to apply and build on the skills and knowledge you have already developed in your studies to collaboratively create a plan and prototype for a new magazine media enterprise. PUB 375 is an interdisciplinary course that combines multiple skill sets, such as writing, designing, marketing, financial management, teamwork, creative collaboration, and agile project management.  At the end of the course, you will have improved your understanding and implementation of key creative industry skill sets.

At the end of this course, you will...

  1. Learn what goes into developing a creative enterprise
  2. Apply key business concepts to building a plan for a new venture
  3. Develop teamwork and project management skills
  4. Produce a plan for a new magazine media enterprise

Sample Assessment Breakdown

  • Magazine Assignment (individual) 10%
  • In-class exercises and quizzes 15%
  • Business plan (group) 30%
  • Group Presentation 15%
  • Midterm Test 30%