

Scott Steedman

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology




Scott Steedman is a Senior Lecturer in the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Publishing Program and an editor and publishing consultant. 

He has been working in publishing for more than 30 years and has conceived, imagined, structured and edited hundreds of published books for some of the biggest publishers in the UK, France and Canada, and for organizations as varied as the British Museum, the Musée d’Orsay, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Haida Nation and the Toronto Maple Leafs. His roles include Editor at Dorling Kindersley, London (1989–95), Senior Editor at Larousse, Paris (1995–2001), Editorial Director, Non-Fiction at Raincoast Books, Vancouver (2001–2004) and Associate Publisher at Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver (2004–2008). He is a Lecturer at the Publishing program at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Vancouver.

Scott has written books for children and adults, as well as journalism, communications copy and every kind of marketing material, from press releases and catalogue blurbs to cover copy. The books he has edited have sold hundreds of thousands of copies and won many awards, and a number have been bestsellers; one title, , won the City of Vancouver Book Award and was shortlisted for a BC Book Prize, and another title he acquired,  by Carmen Aguirre, won CBC’s 2012 Canada Reads competition and became a number one Canadian bestseller. , which he co-wrote, won the Benjamin Franklin Award for best art or photography book of 2015.

Scott teaches the editing course (PUB 601) and the book project (PUB 605) in the Master’s in Publishing program and two undergrad courses, on the business of publishing (PUB 450) and an introduction to professional writing (PUB 210).

Research Interests
