- Master of Publishing
- 間眅埶AVs to the MPub Program
- Masters Courses
- PUB 600: Topics in Publishing Management
- PUB 601: Editorial Theory and Practice
- PUB 602: Design & Production Control in Publishing
- PUB 605 Fall Project: Books Publishing Project
- PUB 606 Spring Project: Magazine/Media Project
- PUB 607: Publishing Technology Project
- PUB 611: Making Knowledge Public: How Research Makes Its Way Into Society
- PUB 800: Text & Context: Publishing in Contemporary Culture
- PUB 801: History of Publishing
- PUB 802: Technology & Evolving Forms of Publishing
- PUB 900: Internship Project Report
- PUB 899: Publishing Internship
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- Undergraduate Minor
- Undergraduate Courses
- PUB 101: The Publication of Self in Everyday Life
- PUB 131: Publication Design Technologies
- PUB 201: The Publication of the Professional Self
- PUB 210W: Professional Writing Workshop
- PUB 212: Public Relations and Public Engagement
- PUB 231: Graphic Design Fundamentals
- PUB 331: Graphic Design in Transition: Print and Digital Books
- PUB 332: Graphic Design in Transition: Print and Digital Periodicals
- PUB 350: Marketing for Book Publishers
- PUB 355W: Online Marketing for Publishers
- PUB 371: Structure of the Book Publishing Industry in Canada
- PUB 372: The Book Publishing Process
- PUB 375: Magazine Publishing
- PUB 401: Technology and the Evolving Book
- PUB 410: Indigenous Editing Practices
- PUB 411: Making Knowledge Public: How Research Makes Its Way Into Society
- PUB 431: Publication Design Project
- PUB 438: Design Awareness in Publishing Process and Products
- PUB 448: Publishing and Social Change: Tech, Texts, and Revolution
- PUB 450: The Business of Book Publishing
- PUB 456: Institutional and International Event Planning
- PUB 458: Journalism as a Publishing Problem
- PUB 477: Publishing Practicum
- PUB 478: Publishing Workshop
- PUB 480 D100: Buy the Book: A History of Publication Design (STC)
- PUB 480 OL01: Accessible Publishing (OLC)
- Undergraduate Courses
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PUB 331: Graphic Design in Transition: Print and Digital Books
PUB 332: Graphic Design in Transition: Print and Digital Periodicals
PUB 371: Structure of the Book Publishing Industry in Canada
PUB 411: Making Knowledge Public: How Research Makes Its Way Into Society
PUB 438: Design Awareness in Publishing Process and Products
PUB 448: Publishing and Social Change: Tech, Texts, and Revolution
PUB 480 D100: Buy the Book: A History of Publication Design (STC)
PUB 438: Design Awareness in Publishing Process and Products
Design has played and continues to play a central role in the history and current publishing practices, institutions, and products.
All designers share design thinking, a way of seeing or perceiving the world, a commitment to forethought, and its role in planning human communication and meaning-making. None of the design disciplines refers in its entirety of interest and practice to publishing, yet publishing, in its social role as a cultural and information facilitator has an interest in all of them, as well as in the effective application of design thinking to publishing as a field of endeavour and inquiry.
This course provides publishing students with a survey of skills and knowledge grounding design thinking, interrelations between design and the making of knowledge and meaning, teamwork by and in design, and some well-worn principles focusing design constraints and opportunities, problems and solutions.
PUB 231. IAT 102, CMNS 253, and CMNS 354 highly recommended.
Students are required to complete each project, attend and participate in lectures and tutorials, and to keep up with the assigned readings. Students create, design, lay out, typeset, and produce prototypes for a range of projects. An intermediate knowledge of the Macintosh computer and its operating system, and Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop) is mandatory. Please make sure you have your own access to the Adobe Creative Suite.
Sample Assessment Breakdown
- Visual Essay30%
- Design Manifesto20%
- 40 Days of Art15%
- Group Project30%
- 捩硃娶喧勳釵勳梯硃喧勳棗紳5%