

Hannah McGregor

Director & Associate Professor
Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology


BHum, MA, PhD (Guelph)


Hannah McGregors research and teaching focus on the links between publishing and social change, from the role podcasts might play in expanding public engagement with research, to systemic barriers to access in the Canadian publishing industry.

Hannah completed her PhD at TransCanada Institute at the University of Guelph in 2013, where her research focused on contemporary white Canadian womens representations of distant suffering. She held a SSHRC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alberta; her project, Modern Magazines Project Canada, was a collaborative initiative that took up the call to read magazines as a form of new media technology that, alongside radio and film, helped to shape the emergent consumer-publics of the twentieth century. 

Since 2015, Hannah has been making , a fortnightly podcast about the Harry Potter world with her collaborator Marcelle Kosman. She has written about podcasting and fandom for , and about Harry Potter reread podcasts as digital reading communities in In 2017, Hannah started a new podcast, , a weekly discussion of the insidious, nefarious, insurgent, and mundane ways we enact our feminism in our daily lives. Through a collaborative SSHRC-funded project with , the podcast is . In 2018, Hannah also joined the SSHRC-funded  partnership as head of the Podcast Task Force, where she is responsible for developing , a collaborative podcast that explores the possibilities of audio-based scholarship for engaging with audio archives. In March 2020, Hannah and Siobhan were awarded a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to continue developing their work on scholarly podcasting in the form of the . 

Since joining the Publishing Program at 間眅埶AV, Hannah has further expanded her research on Canadian literature and publishing into the contemporary state of the industry. In February 2018, she co-organized Publishing Unbound, a three-day symposium that brought together authors, activists, scholars, and publishing professionals in Canada to discuss inclusivity and accountability in the publishing industry. Her co-edited book, (Book*hug 2018) tackles similar topics, providing a critical and historical context to help readers understand conversations happening about CanLit presently. The  described it as an important collection of immediate responses to [the] fracturing of CanLit.

Hannah has experience teaching in the areas of book history, new media studies, Canadian literature, and the Canadian publishing industry. Her teaching philosophy emphasizes creative and process-based assignments as well as a focus on interaction in the classroom.

For more details about her publications, awards, and teaching experience, see . She can also be reached on Instagram

Research Interests


McGregor, H. (2022). A Sentimental Education. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 


Fall 2024

Spring 2025

This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.