
Morin Lab

Recent advances to DNA sequencing technology allow us to determine the genome sequence of an individual, tumour, or single cell in one experiment.

Bioinformatics postdoctoral fellow opportunity:

About the Morin Lab:

Such analyses offer exciting possibilities but the data present significant computational challenges. My lab uses a combination of high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics to study the genetic architecture of cancer. Cancers typically arise from the collection of a series of somatic mutations that accumulate throughout ones life. The "driver" mutations are those that alter cell phenotype and contribute to malignancy. My research aims to identify driver mutations in cancer, particularly those that may lead to new therapeutic strategies. We are also pursuing biomarkers that may be used to predict and follow the clinical course of cancers. An emerging strategy for cancer monitoring that we employ is the quantification and characterization of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA).

For more information, visit our .



Lab Room:

SSB 7151

Lab Phone: 

(778) 782-9648



Selected Publications

  • Arthur et al. Genome-wide discovery of somatic regulatory variants in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. 
  • Alcaide et al. Targeted error-suppressed quantification of circulating tumor DNA using semi-degenerate barcoded adapters and biotinylated baits. 
  • Albuquerque et al. Enhancing knowledge discovery from cancer genomics data with Galaxy. 
  • Morin et al. Genetic landscapes of relapsed and refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. 2015.
  • Bushell et al. Genetic inactivation of TRAF3 in canine and human B-cell lymphoma. .
