
Craig Lab

The bacterial Type IV pilus apparatus is a remarkable molecular machine that rapidly assembles and disassembles protein polymers to perform diverse functions related to microbial pathogenesis.

Work in the Craig lab focuses on Type IV pili, hairlike filaments on the surfaces of many bacterial pathogens, such as Vibrio cholerae, pathogenic Escherichia coli and Neisseria spp. Type IV pili are dynamic filaments that rapidly polymerize and depolymerize in order to perform diverse functions critical to bacterial virulence, including twitching motility, host cell adhesion, microcolony formation, DNA uptake and protein secretion. We use structural biology, bacterial genetics and computational approaches to explore pilus structure, function and assembly with the goal of targeting and even expoliting these molecular machines for antimicrobial therapies.



Lab Room:

SSB 7169

Lab Phone:

(778) 782-7141 

Selected Publications

  • M. Nguyen*, T.-H. Wu*, K.J. Danielson*, N.M. Khan*, Z. Zhang* and L. Craig (2023). Mechanism of secretion of TcpF by the Vibrio cholerae toxin coregulated pilus. Proc Nat’l Acad Sci, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2212664120, PMID 27040409, 2023.
  • F. Wang, L. Craig, X. Liu, C. Rensing & E. H. Egelman (2023). Microbial nanowires: type IV pili or cytochrome filaments? (2023) Trends Microbiol 31, 384-392, PMID: 36446702. 
  • R.R. Sonani, J. C. Sanchez, J.K. Baumgardt, S. Kundra*, E.R. Wright, L. Craig and E.H. Egelman (2023). Tad and toxin coregulated pilus structures reveal unexpected diversity in bacterial type IV pili. Proc Nat’l Acad Sci, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2316668120, PMID 38011558.