

MBB Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (DUCC)

Stephanie Vlachos (Chair) svlachos@sfu.ca
Dustin King dustink@sfu.ca
Ingrid Northwood inorthwo@sfu.ca
Mark Paetzel mpaetzel@sfu.ca
Frederic Pio fpio@sfu.ca
Lisa Craig, ex-officio licraig@sfu.ca
Undergrad Program Assistant, ex-officio mbbugrad@sfu.ca
Evon Khor, ex-officio mbbadv@sfu.ca
Ugrad Student Rep 1  
Ugrad Student Rep 2  

MBB Departmental Graduate Studies Committee (DGSC)

Chris Beh (Chair) ctbeh@sfu.ca
Sharon Gorski sga49@sfu.ca 
Amy Lee ahl23@sfu.ca
Michel Leroux leroux@sfu.ca
Esther Verheyen everheye@sfu.ca
Jamie Chen, ex-officio mbb@sfu.ca
Lisa Craig, ex-officio licraig@sfu.ca
Iqra Yaseen - Grad Student Rep iyasin@sfu.ca

MBB Scholarship Committee

Lynne Quarmby (Chair) quarmby@sfu.ca
Mark Brockman mbrockma@sfu.ca
Rob Holt rholt@bcgsc.ca
Edgar Young youngec@sfu.ca
Peter Unrau punrau@sfu.ca
Lisa Craig, ex-officio licraig@sfu.ca

Research and Resources Committee (RRC)

Jonathan Choy (Chair) jonathan_choy@sfu.ca
Lorena Braid lrbraid@sfu.ca
Fiona Brinkman brinkman@sfu.ca
Dheva Setiaputra dsetiapu@sfu.ca
Glen Tibbits tibbits@sfu.ca
Christine Beauchamp, ex-officio mbbmas@sfu.ca
Deidre de Jong-Wong, ex-officio deidre@sfu.ca

MBB Tenure & Promotions Committee (TPC)

Lisa Craig (Chair) licraig@sfu.ca
Lorena Braid lrbraid@sfu.ca
Will Hsiao wwhsiao@sfu.ca
Mani Larijani mlarijan@sfu.ca
Peter Unrau punrau@sfu.ca
Esther Verheyen everheye@sfu.ca
Stephanie Vlachos svlachos@sfu.ca

Recruitment & Outreach Committee (ROC)

Ryan Morin (Chair) rdmorin@sfu.ca
Will Hsiao wwhsiao@sfu.ca
Irina Kovalyova irina_kovalyova@sfu.ca
Mani Larijani mlarijan@sfu.ca
Sophie Sneddon sasneddo@sfu.ca
Tristan Raymond, ex-officio mbbugrad@sfu.ca

Microscopy Oversight Committee

Christopher Beh                                                           ctbeh@sfu.ca
Valentin Jaumouillé vjaumoui@sfu.ca
Michel Leroux   leroux@sfu.ca

Flow Cytometry Lab Oversight Committee

Mark Brockman                                                                                                             mbrockma@sfu.ca
Jonathan Choy jonathan_choy@sfu.ca
Ralph Pantophlet rpantophlet@sfu.ca

Grant Application Pre-review Coordinators

Jack Chen (CIHR, NSERC) chenn@sfu.ca

Seminar Coordinators

Lisa Craig                                  licraig@sfu.ca
Valentin Jaumouille / Peter Unrau vjaumoui@sfu.ca / punrau@sfu.ca

University Academic Integrity Committee

Mani Larijiani, MBB rep.                                                               mlarijian@sfu.ca

Faculty of Science Safety Committee Representative

Deidre de Jong-Wong (Acting)                                        deidre@sfu.ca
Ziwei Ding zding@sfu.ca

Library Representative

Frederic Pio                                                      pio@sfu.ca