

The two MBB autoclaves are located in SSB 6113. For training, please contact the MBB Manager, Laboratory Operations (details below). 

ATTENTION: It is very important to receive training on the use of the autoclaves. They are expensive, essential machines used by almost every lab in MBB, as well as labs from other departments on a daily basis. 


1) Ensure what you are planning on autoclaving, can be autoclaved. 

    For example, some plastics should not be autoclaved (PS, PE, HDPE plastics).

2) Do NOT autoclave: 

     a) materials that are contaminated with solvents

     b) volatile, reactive, flammable, toxic, chlorinated, or corrosive chemicals

     c) radioactive materials

     d) materials containing mutagens, carcinogens, or teratogens

     e) animal carcasses, blood

The MBB autoclaves use pressurized, saturated steam at 121C to sterilize media and buffers, glassware, some plastics, and Level 2 waste. The Getinge 533LS-E autoclave (#5) has an integral electric boiler and operates 24/7. The Getinge 133LC autoclave (#4) is connected to the steam generator so does not work on the weekends or after hours. It operates weekdays from 8 am until 9 pm. Both autoclaves have preprogrammed cycles for both dry and liquid loads.

No Booking Required


SSB 6113

Training must be obtained from the MBB Manager, Laboratory Operations.


Manager, Laboratory Operations

 (604) 518-9066
E-mail: mbblabop@sfu.ca