
Qubit 2.0

The Qubit 2.0 fluorometer is taken care of by the MBB Manager, Laboratory Operations. If there are any concerns, please contact the Manager (details below).

User manual

The Qubit 2.0 fluorometer is one of the NGS MiSeq suite of instruments, using target-selective dyes that fluoresce only when bound to their DNA, RNA, or protein target. This means Qubit assays are more accurate than traditional UV absorbance readings which can be affected by salts, solvents, detergents, proteins, and free nucleotides contaminating the sample. Fluorescence measurements are also more sensitive than UV absorbance and better able to accurately measure dilute samples with less noise. 

Qubit 2.0 Brochure

Qubit Assays Brochure


No booking required. Users must provide their own consumables (Qubit assay kits, reagents and tubes).


MBB Department.

Training must be obtained from the MBB Manager, Laboratory Operations.


Manager, Laboratory Operations

 (604) 518-9066
E-mail: mbblabop@sfu.ca