
Faculty of Applied Sciences Profiles: 2021

The Faculty of Applied Sciences aims to shape tomorrow’s technology leaders in computing science and engineering. Research areas include biomedical engineering, sustainable energy, mechatronics, natural language processing, network systems, computer imaging and medical computing.

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  • September 13, 2021

    September 13, 2021

    Shahriyar is a Mechatronics Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences working on a novel concept in the development of next generation condensers for energy systems. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • November 18, 2021

    November 18, 2021

    Pedram is a Computing Science Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences whose mission is to employ a vigorous theoretic backbone for everyday world problems through leveraging programming skills.

  • October 15, 2021

    October 15, 2021

    Hamed is a Mechatronic Systems Engineering Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences whose research focus is on exoskeleton robots - wearable robots that can help paralyzed people walk again and improve the lives of people with limited or no hand mobility. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • September 28, 2021

    September 28, 2021

    Trevor is a Sustainable Energy Engineering Master's student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences who develops energy models to evaluate system level renewable energy transitions and support effective policy development. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • September 14, 2021

    September 14, 2021

    Callum is a Mechatronic Systems Engineering Master's student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences researching and developing a novel pulsating pipe that involves the spread of heat. (NSERC CGS Masters Scholarship)

  • October 04, 2021

    October 04, 2021

    Milad is a Mechatronics System of Engineering doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences researching energy modelling and retrofit modelling of buildings to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction to fight against climate change and lead our society toward sustainability. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • September 14, 2021

    September 14, 2021

    Reza is a Sustainable Energy Engineering Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences whose research focuses on improving the sustainability of transportation systems, such as systems and vehicles, to help the environment decrease CO2 production and other emissions in the world. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • August 24, 2021

    August 24, 2021

    Salman is a Mechatronic System Engineering PhD student researching ofunctional adsorbents for adsorption cooling systems. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship & Graduate Fellowship Award)

  • October 04, 2021

    October 04, 2021

    Xuan is a Computing Science Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences whose research goal is to motivate people to contribute their data to help Machine Learning models make wise decisions while not losing too much of their privacy. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • December 23, 2021

    December 23, 2021

    Hesam is a Sustainable Energy Engineering Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences whose research focuses on developing environmentally-friendly fuel cell materials.

  • August 13, 2021

    August 13, 2021

    Seyed is a Computing Science doctoral student researching problems related to computer vision and reinforcement learning.

  • July 30, 2021

    July 30, 2021

    Ashish is a Computing Science master’s student working on multi-modal skin analysis with the help of machine learning methods.

  • August 26, 2021

    August 26, 2021

    Paige is a Computing Science doctoral student who is researching how robots can be used to preserve and teach minority languages.(NSERC CGS Masters Scholarship)

  • October 04, 2021

    October 04, 2021

    Elaheh is a Sustainable Energy Engineering Master's student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences working on improving the interfacial properties, like adhesion, between different layers of solar cells to enhance the total efficiency of solar cells. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • October 13, 2021

    October 13, 2021

    Chirong is a Computing Science Doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Sciences whose research interest focuses on data pricing. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)

  • May 05, 2021

    May 05, 2021

    Nic is a Biomedical Engineering Science master’s student working on a very sensitive magnetic field sensor that used to detect the tiny fields your brain produces.

  • October 01, 2021

    October 01, 2021

    Isla is a PhD candidate in MSE working in the field of Power Systems and Smart Grids (Kaiser Foundation Scholarship).