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Congratulations to our 2023/24 Major External and Government-Funded Award Recipients
In celebration of our 2023-2024 major award winners, we are pleased to share their accomplishments. We hope you enjoy learning more about our incredible students and their research.
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Dexter is a Mechatronic Systems Engineering master student. Three research keywords: Spinal cord injury, Biomechatronics, Human-Computer Interaction (NSERC CGSM, BC Graduate Scholarship, Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship, Graduate Fellowship)
Additional Award Recipients
Alie is a Urban Studies master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Housing, low-income, community. (BC Graduate Scholarship)
August Skrudland is a Criminology master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a recipient of the SSHRC CGSM Award.
Caitlin is a doctoral student in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Clinical Psychology researching mental health interventions for adults with persisting post-concussion symptoms. (SSHRC cgs-d; Kruger Products Bicultural entrance fellowship, BC graduate scholarship, and Dean's graduate fellowship)
Caitlin is a Criminology doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Terrorism, extremism, violence
Camryn is a Experimental Psychology and Law master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Face matching, Identification, Surveillance (SSHRC CGSM, Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship, Graduate Fellowship)
Dana Graham Lai is a English doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a recipient of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) Doctoral award (2023) and SSHRC-funded M.A. (CGSM) in Interdisciplinary Humanities at Trinity Western University (2022).
Fiza is a Experimental Psychology and Law master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of her research are false memory; interviewing techniques; children's memory.
Jayme is a History master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are early modern England; visual culture; manuscripts (William & Ruth Baldwin Graduate Scholarship, Graduate Fellowship)
Jourdan is a Clinical Forensic Psychology doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are school violence, school safety, school threat assessment
Kristina is a Psychology master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Friendships, Prosociality, Happiness (SSHRC CGSM)
Laura is a Clinical Psychology Master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are emotion regulation; reflective functioning; parent-adolescent relationships 
Lena is a Political Science master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Community-engaged; critical; intersectional (SSHRC CGSM)
Matheus is a Economics doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Political Economy, Development Economics, Applied Microeconomics. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship, Terry Heaps Outstanding Assistant Award, Lang Wong Memorial Scholarship, Peter Kennedy Memorial graduate Fellowship)
Morgaine is an Anthropology master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Multispecies studies, Experimental documentary, Affect theory (SSHRC CGSM, Departmental Graduate Fellowship, FASS Travel Award, GSS Professional Development Grant)
Natalie is a Community Planner and a ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Master of Urban Studies student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Sustainable Neighbourhood Design, Natural Hazards, Emergency Management (SSHRC CGSM)
Nathaniel is a Developmental Psychology Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Mindfulness, Mindful Parenting, Well-being across the lifespan. (CIHR CGSD)
Nikita Mitra is a Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a recipient of the Grace Woodsworth MacInnis Graduate Award. (Grace Woodsworth MacInnis Grad Award)
Sarah is an Sociology master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research: neoliberalism; affect theory; living with crisis (SSHRC CGSM)
Tanaya is a International Studies master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Race relations, domestic work, Kenya. (Simons Foundation Canada Graduate Fellowship in International Studies)
Timothé is a Public Policy master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. He studies MPP program which trains future policy analysts and policy makers to develop consequential policies in a whole range of domains.
Ty is an Anthropology master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Diaspora; Indigenous-Asian relationalities; settlerhood (Indigenous Grad Entrance Scholarship (IGES))
Tyler is a Criminology master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Crime radiation; crime at bars; place management. (SSHRC CGSM)
Additional Award Recipients
Anjana is a MBA student in the Beedie School of Business, Three research keywords: Intensive, Experiential & Network (John Ellis Grad Entrance Scholarship Business award, Don & Pat Hudson Scholarship)
Anto is a MBA - FT student in the Beedie School of Business, a recipient of the John Ellis Graduate Entrance Scholarship and the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Beedie Graduate Entrance Scholarship.
Bryce is a MBA student in the Beedie School of Business, Three research keywords: Manufacturing. Education. Enablement. (BMO John Ellis Graduate Scholarship in Indigenous Business and Leadership Annual Award)
Candice is a MBA student in the Beedie School of Business. Three keywords of research: Innovative, Indigenous Resilience. (BMO John Ellis Graduate Scholarship in Indigenous Business and Leadership Annual Award)
Farhat is a MSc in Finance student in the Beedie School of Business, Three research keywords: Corporate Finance, Financial Analysis, Risk Management (Beedie Graduate Entrance Scholarship)
Kalaya is a MBA student in the Beedie School of Business, Three research keywords: Holistic, Empowering, Frustrating (CN Graduate Award)
Larissa is a IBL EMBA student in the Beedie School of Business. Three keywords of research: Sustainability, Community (& Culture), Strategy (CN Graduate Award in Indigenous Business and Leadership)
Man Kit Yau is a MBA student in the Beedie School of Business
Mohammad is a MSc in Finance student in the Beedie School of Business. Three keywords of research: Financial Analysis, Fund Management, Risk Mitigation (Scotiabank Graduate Award in Business)
Sean is a EMBA student in the Beedie School of Business , a recipient of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Beedie Graduate Entrance Scholarship.
Additional Award Recipients
Dongwook is a School of Communication doctoral student in the School of Interactive Art & Technology and his research looks at media and cultural studies with a focus on the everyday life practices of people. (COGECO Grad School in Communication award, Graduate Travel and Research Award)
Edward is a Contemporary Arts-dance major doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords of research are Indigenous-Contemporary, Knowledge, Art (Norwegian College of Dance Scholarship, Dean's Graduate Fellowship, GPS Graduate Fellowship, Special Graduate Fellowship, DPS Graduate Fellowship, Steel Memorial Graduate Scholarships)
Gabriel is a Interactive Arts & Technology major doctoral student in the Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology. Three keywords of research are Popular culture, Brazil, Decolonial Studies. (SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships)
Hannah is a Interactive Arts & Technology major doctoral student in the Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology. Three keywords of research are critical data literacies; communication co-design; data visualization (SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships)
Hoornaz is a Communication doctoral student in the Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology. Three keywords of research are Transnational Feminism, Middle East, Transgressive Bodies
Tara is a MFA in Contemporary Arts student in the School of Contemporary Arts. Three keywords: Dance, comedy, feminism. (Colin McPhee Grad School in Fine Arts award, SSHRC-CGSM)
Additional Award Recipients
Helen is a Counselling Psychology master student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of her research: immigrants, disordered eating, culture (CIHR CGSM)
Additional Award Recipients
Brynna is Geography doctoral student in the Environment. Three keywords to describe her research: Relations. Rights. Responsibilities.
Holly is Archaeology master student in the Environment. Three keywords of research: Archaeology, Interdisciplinarity, Cognitive Science of Religion
Luca is Archaeology master student in the Environment. Three keywords to describe his research: Ancient DNA, human osteology, bioarchaeology
Rachel is Department of Geography doctoral in the Environment. Three keywords of research: carbon cycle, carbon dioxide removal, earth system modelling (NSERC Vanier)
Tara is Geography master student in the Environment. Three keywords of research: Evictions, rental property relations, real estate. (SSHRC-CGSM, B.C. Graduate Scholarship)
Terri is a Department of Geography doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords of research: Regulating homeless encampments (SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships).
Wendy Fleming is Resource & Environmental Management master student in the Environment. Three keywords of research: Physiology, Energetics, Habitat (NSERC CGSM grant, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Fellowship)
Additional Award Recipients
Judy is a doctoral student of health sciences and a recipient of the Graduate Dean's Entrance Scholarship, SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship and Elizabeth Henry Scholarship
Sarah is a doctoral student of health sciences and a recipient of the CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship and the Mowafaghian awards. Three keywords of research: Equity-focused, community-orientated, values-based
Tara is a doctoral student of health sciences and a recipient of the SSHRC scholarship. Three keywords of research: Indigenous research ethics/ethical processes; Indigenous health research; social theory
Additional Award Recipients
Aidan is a Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology master student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: training load, wearable technology, sport science (NSERC CGSM)
Alia is a Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology doctoral student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: Personalized medicine, inherited arrhythmia, genotype-phenotype correlation
Jess is a Biological Sciences doctoral student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: Placenta, sex, development (NSERC CGSM)
Lilianna is a Physics doctoral student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: dark-matter, particle-physics, phenomenology (Bert Henry Memorial Graduate Entrance Scholarship)
Mohammad Javad is a Biology doctoral student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: Environmental Toxicology, Aquatic Ecology, Pollution
Sara is a Physics master student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: hermodynamics, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Machines
Shabnam is a Applied and Computational Mathematics Master student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: Infectious Disease Modelling, Statistical Modelling, Pandemic Preparedness (CIHR CGS-M)
Simona is a Chemistry master student in the Faculty of Science. Three research keywords: Cancer, Nuclear, Interdisciplinary (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP), Canada Graduate Scholarship — Master's program (CGSM))
Additional Award Recipients
Ethan Schmidt is a Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies (History/Humanities) doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a recipient of the Graduate Dean's Entrance Scholarship and the Katevatis Graduate Scholarship in Hellenic Studies.
Makhfirat is a Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies doctoral student in the Faculty of Education and a recipient of the University of Central Asia (UCA) and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV) Scholarship. Three keywords of research: Success Strategies, Academic Achievement, Motivation