
At the end of a degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, students should be able to

1. Articulate testable hypotheses and design experimental or sampling protocols to test them.

2. Apply molecular biology and biochemistry experimental techniques and interpret experimental results.

3. Use appropriate analytical and statistical methods for quantitative analysis and graphical representation of data.

4. Use databases and bioinformatics tools (molecular database searching, sequence similarity searching, protein databases and modeling).

5. Search the primary literature and critically analyze and interpret scientific studies. 

6. Develop coherent arguments supported by relevant and credible evidence.

7.  Communicate effectively using oral, visual, and written communication, including scientific writing for a scientific, government, industry or general audience.

8.  Work safely, effectively, cooperatively, collaboratively, and ethically in a lab or other professional setting.

9.  Demonstrate an understanding of the language, body of knowledge, methodology, and significance of molecular biology and biochemistry.

10. Critically evaluate news/information/current events related to molecular biology or biochemistry topics and explain them in lay terms to family/friends/acquaintances.