
Selected Publications: Thewalt Lab

  • Kulkarni JA, Darjuan MM, Mercer JE, Chen S, van der Meel R, Thewalt JL, Tam YYC, and Cullis PR. On the Formation and Morphology of Lipid Nanoparticles Containing Ionizable Cationic Lipids and siRNA. 
  • Keyvanloo A, Shaghaghi M, Zuckermann MJ, and Thewalt JL. The Phase Behavior and Organization of Sphingomyelin/Cholesterol Membranes: A Deuterium NMR Study
  • Thewalt JL. Essential Insights into Lipid Membrane Organization from Essential Fatty Acids. 
  • Shaghaghi M, Keyvanloo A, Huang ZH, Szoka FC, and Thewalt JL. Constrained Versus Free Cholesterol in DPPC Membranes: A Comparison of Chain Ordering Ability Using Deuterium NMR. 
  • Leung SSW and Thewalt JL. Link between Fluorescent Probe Partitioning and Molecular Order of Liquid Ordered-Liquid Disordered Membranes. 
  • Thewalt JL and Tieleman DP. Biophysical experiments and simulation in nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems. 
  • Shaghaghi M, Chen MT, Hsueh YW, Zuckermann MJ, and Thewalt JL. Effect of Sterol Structure on the Physical Properties of 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine Membranes Determined Using H-2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.  
  • Brief, E., Kwak, S., Cheng, J., Kitson, N., Thewalt, J. (2009) 'Phase behavior of an equimolar mixture of N-palmitoyl-D-eythro-sphingosine, cholesterol, and palmitic acid, a mixture with optimized hydrophobic matching', 
  • Chen, X., Kwak, S., Lafleur, M., Bloom, M., Kitson, N. and Thewalt, J. (2007) 'Fatty acids influence "solid" phase formation in models of stratum corneum intercellular membranes', 
  • Hsueh, Y.-W., Chen, M.T., Patty, P.J., Code, C., Cheng, J., Frisken, B.J., Zuckermann, M., Thewalt, J. (2007) 'Ergosterol in POPC membranes: Physical properties and comparison with structurally similar sterols', 
  • Henriksen, J.R., Rowat, A.C., Brief, E., Hsueh, Y.-W., Thewalt, J.L., Zuckermann, M.J. and Ipsen, J.H. (2006) 'Universal behavior of membranes with sterols', 
  • Rowat, A., Kitson, N. and Thewalt, J. (2006) 'Interactions of oleic acid and model stratum corneum membranes as seen by 2H NMR', 
  • Hsueh, Y.-W., Gilbert, K., Trandum, C., Zuckermann, M. and Thewalt, J. (2005) 'The effect of ergosterol on dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers: a deuterium NMR and calorimetric study.' 
  • Hsueh Y.-W., Zuckermann M. and Thewalt, J. (2005) 'Phase diagram determination for phospholipid/sterol membranes using deuterium NMR',  (Invited pedagogical article)
  • Hsueh, Y.-W., Giles, R., Kitson, N. and Thewalt, J. (2002) 'The effect of ceramide on phosphatidylcholine membranes: a deuterium NMR study', 
  • Miao, L., Nielsen, M., Thewalt, J., Ipsen, J.H., Bloom, M., Zuckermann, M.J. and Mouritsen, O.G. (2002) 'From lanosterol to cholesterol: Structural evolution and differential effects on lipid bilayers',