
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer

The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is taken care of by the MBB Manager, Laboratory Operations. The instrument has an associated computer so in order to use the Bioanalyzer, please contact the Manager (details below) to gain access via ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV ID and password.

User manual for Molecular Assays

Software Manual

Maintenance & Troubleshooting Manual


Bioanalyzer kit guides:

Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit Guide

Agilent High Sensitivity Protein 250 Kit Guide

Agilent High Sensitivity Protein 250 Kit Quick Start Guide

Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit Guide

Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit Quick Start Guide

The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is one of the NGS MiSeq suite of instruments, providing a micro-fluidics-based automated electrophoresis for NGS, gene expression, biopharmaceutical, and genome editing workflows. Results deliver sizing, quantification, and quality control of DNA, RNA, and protein samples. Advantages of the moderately low throughput (10-12 samples) Bioanalyzer over traditional gel electrophoresis include reduced sample sizes (1ul for nucleic acids, 4ul for protein) and reagent consumption, faster analysis time, and less hands-on work.

Detailed Specs

No booking required but inform the Manager (Lab Ops) prior to use for access to the instrument.

Users must provide their own chips, reagents and kits.


MBB Department

Training must be obtained from the MBB Manager, Laboratory Operations.


Manager, Laboratory Operations

 (604) 518-9066
E-mail: mbblabop@sfu.ca