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Engineering Science Undergraduates
Engineering science combines deep technical knowledge with rich hands-on experience. Our graduates become the next generation of innovation leaders.
Please check here first for any undergraduate forms that you may need. If the form you desire is not here please contact the Undergraduate Program Assistant via email at enscugra@sfu.ca.
Links back to committee pages are included where applicable and should be used as reference. Co-op Forms can be found in the of the website.
These planning tools are designed to assist engineering students with course planning. Students should always consult the academic calendar and the FAS Advisors for assistance with course planning.
To track your degree progress, and help with course planning, students may use these supplemental self-check planning forms. Forms are provided for each program option.
Please note these are assistive tools only. Students should consult the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar to check their degree and/or program requirements.
The 'Automated Grad Check' tool can help with checking your current progress towards meeting your degree requirements, as well as offers the option to check 'accredited units' and/or whether you're eligible to take capstone.
*This version is intended for students who started in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV engineering Fall 2013 or later. Students who started in engineering prior to this date should connect with an advisor.
Students who entered the program Fall 2013 and later: To be eligible to enrol in upper division engineering courses (i.e. any 300 or higher level courses), students must have declared their option.
Students who entered the program in Summer 2013 and earlier: Engineering students based at the Burnaby campus must declare their options before their fourth semester.
Students who have not declared their option may also be unable to register in courses that are specific to certain options. Further down the line, they may also run into complications with the grad check process.
Engineering Physics is honours only option which require a minimum CGPA of 3.0 to enroll and for graduation.
Please check your Advising Transcript on to see if your option is already on the system.
For students have yet to declare an option:
If you intend to enroll in a 300/400 level ENSC course (without an option declared yet):
- Check the FAS advising website to see up-to-date information about virtual drop-in or booked advising zoom sessions.
- Complete the No Option Form (below).
- Meet a FAS advisor virtually for an advising appointment.
- Enroll in courses on your enrollment date.
Support resources: (Declaring Option):
In your appeal, indicate which two courses are in conflict as well as your plan for how you intend to keep up with the work in both courses. This form will be sent to the instructors of both courses and both instructors have to approve the request. If your request is considered viable, you will be sent an agreement asking you to take full responsibility for the impact of the overlap. Instructors are unlikely to move tests/exams as a result of time conflicts.
You will be notified via email of the outcome of your request.
Students must submit this form to request a course substitution. For this waiver request attach a course outline, detailed course syllabus (which shows the number of credits the course provided), the grade obtained ,and the date the course was completed that you believe is a suitable substitute for the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV course requirement. Appeals cannot be combined for multiple courses (e.g. if requesting waivers for two courses, two separate forms must be submitted).
You will be notified via email of the outcome of your request.
All prerequisite courses must be successfully completed (minimum grade of C-) in advance of the subsequent course, unless it is listed as a co-requisite. The one exception being if the student has obtained the knowledge of the prerequisite course in a formal setting (for example, a course taken elsewhere, or during a co-op placement). In such instances, strong evidence must be submitted along with the appeal for formal evaluation. Pre-requisite waivers will not be considered where students have no formal background in the course material.
Student must complete this form for the consideration of both the course instructor and the UCC Chair. UCC approval must be obtained prior to registration. You will be notified of the decision by email.
Students must submit this form to take a course while on co-op. For this appeal, you need to attach written approval from your company supervisor. This form will be sent to the course instructor. If your request is considered viable, you will be sent an agreement asking you to take full responsibility for the impact of the overlap. Instructors are unlikely to move tests/exams as a result of time conflicts. We discourage ENSC students from taking an academic course while on Co-op unless it is a pre-requisite for a course you plan to take once you have completed the Co-op work term. If you do decide to take a course during your Co-op work term, no more than ONE course is allowed.
Students wishing to repeat a course, either third attempt, or a repeat in excess of five, must complete and submit this online form.
ENSC 2.4 CGPA Waiver
Students wishing to self-enroll into 3XX and 4XX ENSC courses with a CGPA below 2.4 must complete and submit this form.
We recommend submitting this form early to avoid delay for enrollment.
This form should be used only for appeals that do not fit in the other forms mentioned on this page.
Students wishing to request for exception to existing ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV policy and program requirements for ENSC should submit the ENSC Appeal Form, such as:
- Non-ENSC students requesting to take ENSC courses
- ENSC undergraduate students requesting to take graduate courses
- Course audit
- Grade appeal
You will be notified via email of the outcome of your request.
In addition to the ENSC Appeal form, ENSC students who want to take graduate courses will need to submit course add form; ENSC students who want to audit an undergraduate course should submit the course change applciation form.
For course audit, see the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV policy here.
These forms should be submitted along with the ENSC Appeal form and attached as "additional documentaion".
Students wishing to defer a final grade in their course must contact their instructor, no later than 24 hours after the final exam, and request that the instructor fill out a Change of Grade form. The completed form, once signed by the instructor, should be given to the Undergraduate Program Assistant.
NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to submit the enrollment requests in a timely manner. Forms submitted close to/after the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV enrollment deadline will be rejected.
ENSC 405W Enrollment
All undergraduate students conclude their degree with a team-based research and design project that draws together the technical skills and hands-on experience they have acquired during their studies. This practical and innovative endeavor is a highlight for many students, providing them with a rich opportunity to tackle an open-ended engineering problem of their choosing.
Enrollment in ENSC 405W is done by application. A grad check is needed for the application.
This is the first course in a group-based, two-course capstone sequence: ENSC 405W, ENSC 440. Topics include group writing processes, project documentation and engineering design, group dynamics, engineering standards, project management, dispute resolution, intellectual property, entrepreneurship, and user interface design. These groups will be maintained for the completion of the capstone project in ENSC 440. Engineering Science students cannot take MSE 410 or MSE 411 for credit. Students must take ENSC 440 in the term directly following successful completion of ENSC 405W. Grades awarded in ENSC 405W are conditional on the successful completion of ENSC 440 in the subsequent term.
Prerequisite: (ENSC 105W or MSE 101W), ENSC 204, completion of a minimum of 22 units of required upper division ENSC courses, and completion of (or concurrent enrollment in) two upper division technical electives meeting the requirements of the program. Students are required to complete at least two co-op terms before enrolling in ENSC 440 Capstone B. Capstone B must be taken in the term immediately following Capstone A. Enrollment into Capstone A is by approval of the department via Capstone application form. Students who have taken (ENSC 304 and ENSC 305W) may not take ENSC 405W for credit. Writing.
Please see additional information for each option explaining the meaning of '22 units of upper division ENSC courses' and '2 upper division technical electives.'
Capstone Prerequisites
Biomedical Engineering:
Minimum 22 upper division ENSC units:
ENSC 316, 320, 327, 351, 380, 383. 472, 474, 475, 476 and 477
Completion of (or concurrent enrollment in) two upper division technical electives:
One from: ENSC 472 or ENSC 476
One from: ENSC 426, ENSC 427, ENSC 428, ENSC 429, ENSC 470, ENSC 483
Minimum 22 upper division ENSC units:
ENSC 320, 324, 327, 350, 351, 380, 429, 450, 453, and 452
Completion of (or concurrent enrollment in) two upper division technical electives:
One from: (either ENSC 450 or ENSC 452), CMPT 310, CMPT 354, CMPT 361, (CMPT 373 or CMPT 475), CMPT 431, CMPT 454, , ENSC 383, ENSC 386, ENSC 427, ENSC 428, and ENSC 488
One from:
A) Any ESD course from the above course sets not already taken*
B) Any ENSC 300 or 400 level course*
C) Any of the following approved computing science 3rd and 4th year electives*
CMPT 305, CMPT 307, CMPT 308, CMPT 310, CMPT 354, CMPT 361, CMPT 363, CMPT 370, CMPT 373, CMPT 375, CMPT 379, CMPT 383, CMPT 384, CMPT 404, CMPT 405, CMPT 407, CMPT 408, CMPT 409, CMPT 411, CMPT 412, CMPT 414, CMPT 417, CMPT 418, CMPT 419, CMPT 431, CMPT 441, CMPT 454, CMPT 456, CMPT 459, CMPT 461, CMPT 464, CMPT 466, CMPT 467, CMPT 469, CMPT 470, CMPT 473, CMPT 474, CMPT 475, CMPT 477
*A maximum of two 300-level courses may be included within the 12 units. ENSC 412 is intended as a breadth course for Faculty of Environment students. Engineering students may take ENV 412 as a breadth course but cannot take ENSC 412 as an ESD elective.
Minimum 22 upper division ENSC units:
ENSC 316, 320, 324, 325, 327, 350, 351, 380, 383, 416, 425, 426, 427 and 428
Completion of (or concurrent enrollment in) two upper division technical electives:
ENSC 424, ENSC 427, ENSC 428, ENSC 429, ENSC 450, ENSC 452, ENSC 470, ENSC 474, ENSC 475, ENSC 476, ENSC 477, ENSC 483, ENSC 489, ENSC 495 and MACM 316.
Engineering Physics:
Minimum 22 upper division ENSC units:
ENSC 320, 324, 325, 351, 380, 383, 470 and 495
Completion of (or concurrent enrollment in) two upper division technical electives:
ENSC 327, ENSC 350, ENSC 424, ENSC 425, ENSC 426, ENSC 427, ENSC 428, ENSC 450, ENSC 452, ENSC 474, ENSC 476, and ENSC 481
Minimum 22 upper division ENSC units:
ENSC 316, 320, 350, 351, 380, 383, 385, 386, 387, 482 and 488
Completion of (or concurrent enrollment in) two upper division technical electives:
One from: CMPT 361, CMPT 310, ENSC 325, or ENSC 327
One from: CMPT 417, ENSC 424, ENSC 425, ENSC 427, ENSC 428, ENSC 429, ENSC 450, ENSC 452, ENSC 470,ENSC 472, ENSC 474, ENSC 476, ENSC 477, ENSC 483, ENSC 489, ENSC 495 and MSE 480, MSE 481, MSE 483.
Directed reading and research on a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of the directed reading, the student submits a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.
This course is for students wishing to pursue laboratory research on specific topics outside standard course offerings. Special lab students must be sponsored by a faculty member who will oversee their project. A proposal must be submitted to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. The unit value of the project will be assessed during this review phase and the student will be directed to register in the appropriate course. Upon completion, students must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.
Students interested in taking Directed Studies and Special Project Lab courses should complete and submit the enrollment form as a cover page with your course/project proposal. Once it has been approved by your course supervisor, the online form will be returned to the Undergraduate Program Assistant who will request approval of the UCC Chair and if approval is granted, register you in the course.
A final report, using this title page template, must be submitted for approval by the UCC Chair before a passing grade will be processed.
Students complete a thesis as part of their undergraduate Honours Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) degree requirements. This thesis is a formal report based on a research, development and/or engineering design project undertaken in an industry setting, a university laboratory or some combination of the two. When the thesis is completed, you are required to defend it.
Step 1: Please click to enroll in the ENSC 498/499 Canvas course. You will receive details on the Thesis Proposal, Committee Selection, Thesis Planning, examples and templates in this course.
Step 2: Use the ENSC 498 ENROLLMENT FORM to enroll in thesis proposal.
Step 3: Download the Undergraduate Thesis Approval form.
Please click to enroll in the ENSC 498/499 Canvas course. You will receive details on the Thesis Proposal, Committee Selection, Thesis Planning, examples and templates in this course.
Use the ENSC 499 ENROLLMENT FORM to enroll in thesis defnese.
Please submit the following forms to complete your Thesis:
- Thesis Defense Approval Form
- ENSC 499 Approval page – Signatures Form
- Thesis Copyright License Form
- Thesis Defense Results Form
Before booking a room or zoom meeting for your undergraduate thesis defense, complete the Thesis Defense Approval Form and submit it, along with your thesis, to your Academic Supervisor.
Once you have obtained your supervisor's signature and have completed all revisions specified on the form, submit the signed form to the Undergraduate Program Assistant to arrange a time and room for your defense, if needed.