
Research Interests

Associate Professor
  • postsecondary access & equity
  • community colleges
  • postsecondary teaching and learning
  • qualitative research
Dr. Gillian Judson
Assistant Professor
  • imagination and leadership
  • relational leadership theory
  • imagination and learning (preK through post-secondary)
  • Imaginative Education
  • Imaginative Ecological Education
  • place-based and ecological teaching practices
  • story/story-telling
  • emotional engagement

  • education policy
  • neoliberalism
  • assessment
  • research use

Associate Professor
  • higher education leadership
  • organizational theory
  • research method
  • postsecondary aspirations, access, and affordability
  • community engaged research
  • program evaluation

  • higher education
  • student affairs and services
  • recruitment and retention
  • Indigenous research methodologies
  • research ethics

Associate Professor
  • Aboriginal university preparaton program evaluation
  • parenting & school
  • accountability and assessment in British Columbia schools
Dr. Inna Stepaniuk
Assistant Professor
  • educational policy
  • educational practices
  • inclusivity, equity, and justice