
Research Interests

  • cultural practices
  • ethics and aesthetics

Senior Lecturer
  • refugee education
  • counselling psychology

Associate Professor
  • internationalization of higher education
  • international education
  • internationalization of curriculum
  • social education
  • anti-racist and multicultural education
  • globalization
  • postcolonial theory
  • pedagogy in post-secondary institutions
  • ethics of care

  • philosophical perspectives on curriculum and education
  • recognition
  • authority
  • truth and self-fashioning

  • environmental education
  • place-based education
  • community-based education

Associate Professor
  • mathematics education
  • philosophy of education
  • teaching & educational practices
  • educational neuroscience

  • cyberbullying
  • cyber-civility
  • law-related education
  • social justice education
  • human rights education
  • citizenship education
  • ethic of care
  • school culture
  • marginalized youth

Associate Professor
  • ethics
  • teacher education
  • moral education
  • Emmanuel Levinas
  • social justice
  • diversity

  • educational theory
  • conceptions of development in education
  • imaginative education
  • learning in depth
  • extended whole school projects
  • philosophy of education
  • engaging literacy practices
  • historical understanding

Associate Professor
  • imagination
  • indigenous education
  • place-based education
  • multilingualism
  • language revitalization
  • curriculum
  • pedagogy
  • action research
  • community-based research
Dr. Natalia Gajdamaschko
Teaching Professor
  • Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT)
  • Vygotsky’s educational theory
  • activity theory
  • cross-cultural investigation in education
  • Q-methodology and study of subjectivity

Assistant Professor
  • practitioner inquiry
  • in-service teacher education
  • qualitative research methodology
  • transformative learning
  • gender-equity

Associate Professor
  • English as an additional language education
  • language, culture, and identity
  • internationalization of education
  • teacher education and teacher identities
  • immigration and integration

Assistant Professor
  • imagination and leadership
  • relational leadership theory
  • imagination and learning (preK through post-secondary)
  • Imaginative Education
  • Imaginative Ecological Education
  • place-based and ecological teaching practices
  • story/story-telling
  • emotional engagement

Associate Professor
  • educational psychology
  • learning development
  • gifted
  • high ability learners
  • sociocultural
  • curriculum differentiation
  • Vygotsky
Dr. Michael Ling
Senior Lecturer
  • philosophy and history of ideas
  • educational theory
  • teacher education
  • social contexts of education
  • social and cultural theory
  • the history of universities
  • aesthetics
  • cross-cultural approaches to the arts and performance
  • contemporary and popular culture
  • sociology and psychology of creativity
  • methodology
  • history of inquiry, teacher inquiry, self-study

Associate Professor
  • early childhood education
  • pedagogical documentation
  • intergenerational teaching and learning
  • formative assessment
  • heritage language revitalization
  • responsive curriculum development

Associate Professor
  • curriculum studies and learning theory
  • science and environmental education
  • science teacher education
  • practicum in learning
  • role of technology in learning and teaching
  • higher education in developing regions of South East Asia

  • narrative and Jungian archetypes
  • interspecies communication
  • empathy and awareness

Associate Professor
  • children’s and young adult literature
  • childhood and youth studies
  • memoir
  • feminist theories
  • popular culture
Dr. Paula Rosehart
Limited-term Lecturer
  • Practitioner Inquiry
  • Teacher Education
  • Curriculum Design
  • Arts-based Research
  • Somatics
  • Transformative Learning

  • interdisciplinary research in arts and moral education
  • existential-phenomenological approach
  • discursive analysis
  • performance anxiety
  • creative performance
  • eaching and music aesthetics 

Teaching Professor
  • curricular and instructional practices in physical education
  • health and vitality
  • somatics of teacher education

  • science, technology and environmental education
  • learning environment
  • sustainable urban neighbourhood networks
  • environmental learning and experience
  • ecological literacy