
Visiting Scholar

  • Visiting Scholar Koichi Haseyama on Multiculturalism, Globalization, and Curriculum Development
    Koichi Haseyama is a visiting scholar and a PhD candidate at the faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV. He also holds an Assistant Professor position in Tsurukawa College, Tokyo, Japan. Having a successful educational enterprise, Haseyama’s decision to pursue a PhD was solely driven by his interest to further his knowledge in education.
  • Dr. Gary Barkhuizen on Exploration of Narrative Inquiry
    Dr. Gary Barkhuizen is a visiting lecturer from the University of Auckland. His public seminar, Reflections on an Exploration of Narrative Inquiry, talked about a longitudinal narrative inquiry of the identity of a Hong Kong study abroad student and drew on a broad overview of the field of narrative inquiry in applied linguistics. Throughout the seminar, Dr. Barkhuizen referenced his work on core dimensions in narrative inquiry from his chapter in the Handbook on Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, published by Routledge.
  • Dr. Hoy-Yong Kim - Reflections on Korean & Canadian Educational Systems, Philosophies & Approaches
    Dr. Hoy-Yong Kim is a visiting scholar from Pusan National University in South Korea where he was the Dean of the Institute of General Education. Dr. Kim is also the Editor in Chief for the Korean Journal of Educational Philosophy. This is his second visiting scholar appointment at Simon Fraser. He is working with Dr. Heesoon Bai on projects related to the re-humanization of classroom environments through dialogue and an ethic of care.
  • Dr. Zhiying Zhong on Ecolinguistics
    Dr. Zhiying (Maggie) Zhong is a visiting scholar in the Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV and a professor in the School of Foreign Languages of South China Agricultural University. Dr. Zhong began considering a visit to 間眅埶AV after a previous visiting scholar told her how she enjoyed her time abroad here, and as it happened, this turns out to be a prime place to pursue her studies in ecolinguistics.
  • Dr. Helena Brandão Viana Returns to 間眅埶AV
    Dr. Helena Brandão Viana from Centro Universitário Adventista de So Paulo, Brazil is working with Prof. David Kauffman from December 2016 until June 2017 on the AGE-WELL research project into older adults and their relationship with new technologies.
  • Dr. Margaret Sallee Visits 間眅埶AV from the University of Buffalo
    Five years ago Sallee collaborated editing a journal with 間眅埶AV education professor Rebecca Cox. Today Sallee is a faculty member at the University at Buffalo in New York state and was a visiting scholar in the 間眅埶AV’s Faculty of Education from September until October 2017.