2024 Registered Publications

The publication data was compiled from multiple sources, please email educwebc@sfu.ca if your 2024 publications are not listed.

[Total 109 publications]

 (Un)employment of AI in Higher Education
Memarian, Bahar; Doleck, Tenzin
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI); Education; Employment; Pedagogy; Training
Abstract: With the rapid adoption of technological advancements (e.g., artificial intelligence or AI) and changes within higher education, the (un)employment (herein referring to utilizing or firing AI as an educational employee) of AI will change and likely become more complex. There is a pressing need to explore the research trends of employing AI in higher education…

Art as Inclusive Practice: Engaging Canadian Refugees with Disabilities
Susan Barber, Robert Williamson
Abstract: Although Canada has much lower numbers of unaccompanied minor refugees (UMR) compared to migrant children in the European Union, the main challenges begin in Canada after children enter schools…

A Call to Action: The Enduring Relevance of Cushman and Fromm
Roger Frie
Abstract: This article examines Phil Cushman’s significance as a hermeneutic psychologist, a relational psychoanalyst, and an activist for progressive social change. Parallels are drawn between Cushman’s (2023) article and the work of the mid-century social critic and psychoanalyst, Erich Fromm, particularly his book (Fromm, 1941)…

A multidimensional taxonomy for learner-AI interaction
Tenzin Doleck; Memarian, Bahar
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Education; Human-computer interaction; Learner-AI interaction
Abstract: There is a need to conceptualize a multidimensional taxonomy for learner-AI interaction. This conceptual/perspective article shares recent work on AI learner education and further presents new conceptions for a multidimensional taxonomy for learner-AI interaction…

A novel ethical analysis of educational XR and AI in literature
Memarian, Bahar; Doleck, Tenzin
Keywords: AI; Artificial intelligence; Education; Extended reality; XR
Abstract: This review paper aims to search the landscape of Extended Reality or XReality technology in light of Artificial Intelligence or AI. Through an examination of the Web of Science or WoS, a total of 29 studies were selected for review…

A Poetics of the Sea
Celeste Snowber
Abstract: These poems and one video danced poem explore the relationship between the sea, land and ecology and shift the relationship to the ecology and climate crisis through a visceral intimacy. The poems emerge from dancing, kayaking, swimming, walking, in liminal spaces between land and sea...

A proposed methodology for investigating student-chatbot interaction patterns in giving peer feedback
Phil Winne, Michael Pin-Chuan Lin, Daniel H Chang
Abstract: A chatbot is artificial intelligence software that converses with a user in natural language. It can be instrumental in mitigating teaching workloads by coaching or answering student inquiries. To understand student-chatbot interactions, this study is engineered to optimize student learning experience and instructional design…

Studying Leadership: A Systematic Analysis of the Leadership Literature and the Development of a Conceptual Framework for Leadership Research and Practice
Author(s): Cristina Eftenaru, Dan Laitsch
Abstract: Defining leadership is as complex as defining 'democracy, love, and peace'(Northouse 2016, 2). The phenomenon has been studied extensively but is far from being completely
understood (Avolio, Walumbwa, and Weber 2009; Simkins 2005; Youngs 2017). The diversity of assumptions, focus, causal links, perspectives, values and terminology impedes clarity and consistency in conceptualizing leadership (Middlehurst 2008). With newer leading ways emerging in society, conceptualizing leadership has undergone numerous …

A Visual Essay in Resonances
Danièle Moore

Adidactical problem-posing as captured by scripting journeys: Investigating sums of consecutive integers
Rina Zazkis, Andrew Kercher, Canan Güneş
Abstract: Research has demonstrated that problem-posing and problem-solving mutually affect one another. However, the exact nature and full extent of this relationship requires detailed elaboration. This is especially true when problem-posing arises in order to facilitate problem-solving, such as during the investigation of an unfamiliar mathematical property or phenomenon…

An Ethico-Onto-Epistemology for Mathematics Education
Nathalie Sinclair, Kelly Paton
Abstract: In this chapter, we trouble the traditional separation of axiology, ontology, and epistemology in mathematics education research by drawing together three researchers who posit an entanglement of these worlds…

An Exploratory Study on the Efficacy and Inclusivity of AI Technologies in Diverse Learning Environments
Michael Pin-Chuan Lin, Arita Li Liu, Eric Poitras, Maiga Chang, Daniel H. Chang
Keywords: artificial intelligence; educational inclusivity; inclusion; learning ecosystem; ChatGPT; student voice
Abstract: This exploratory research conducted a thematic analysis of students’ experiences and utilization of AI tools by students in educational settings. We surveyed 87 undergraduates from two different educational courses at a comprehensive university in Western Canada…

An Introduction to Wild Pedagogies
Sean Blenkinsop, Bob Jickling, Marcus Morse
Abstract: We live in extraordinary times. The Earth is stressed in ways humans have never witnessed and the stories of our times are being written in mass species extinctions, extreme weather events, and accelerating climate change...

An Ode to a Mathematician: Commemorating Uri Leron
Rina Zazkis, Orit Hazzan, Meira Levy, Irit Hadar, Orly Buchbinder
Abstract: This is one of two contributions written to commemorate Professor Uri Leron, who became Associate Editor of what was then the International Journal for Computers and Mathematical Learning, a journal founded by Seymour Papert, and upon which Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education builds…

Argument mapping as a pre-writing activity: Does it promote writing skills of EFL learners?
John Nesbit, Qing Liu, Zhiying Zhong
Abstract: Argumentation is a complex intellectual skill essential for academic achievement in a range of scholarly disciplines. Argumentative writing demands effective coordination of language use, reasoning processes, and background knowledge about a given topic. It is a cognitively challenging activity, especially for students learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL)…

Argument Visualization with DMaps: Cases from Postsecondary Learning
Daniel Chang, John Nesbit, Qing Liu, Joan Sharp, Diana Cukierman, Holly Hendrigan, Bahareh Shahabi, Qingyan Deng, Azar Pakdaman Savoji
Abstract: The Dialectical Map (DMap) is an open-source, web-based argument visualization tool developed and used at [Canadian] University to scaffold argument construction. To illustrate the ways that argument mapping can be used in undergraduate courses, this article presents five cases selected from courses in biology, psychology, computing science, and English as a foreign language offered at three post-secondary institutions…

Artful Community Inquiry: Envisioning Democracy through Youth Media Art Practice
Ching-chiu Lin
Abstract: This article, which explores a community filmmaking program for youth facing multiple barriers, presents a unique way of reimagining democratic practice through artful community inquiry that foregrounds entanglements of relations and engagements. In an era of constant change, increasing interdependence between local needs and global influences invites us to attend to the complex dynamics of individual and community needs..

Autistic and Non-Autistic Experiences of Decreased Sound Tolerance and Their Association with Mental Health and Quality of Life
Elina Birmingham, Nichole E Scheerer, Troy Q Boucher, Siamak Arzanpour, Grace Iarocci
Abstract: "Background: Decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an increased sensitivity to sound at levels that would not bother most people. DST is highly prevalent in autistic adults; however, the extent to which DST differs across autistic and non-autistic adults is uncertain. This study explores multiple domains of DST symptoms and the severity of DST symptoms, as well as the behavioral reactions and coping strategies adopted to manage DST in both autistic and non-autistic adults…

Becoming through a/r/tography, autobiography and stories in motion
Sara Florence Davidson; Leblanc, Natalie; Ryu, Jeeyeon; Irwin, Rita L.
Keywords: A/r/tography; Becoming; Co-labouring; Métissage; Practice-based research; Stories in motion
Abstract: Since its original publication, this article has received tremendous interest on the Intellect website as well as through other platforms. Attending to a/r/tography as practice-based research through stories in motion, the authors explore becoming- artist, becoming-researcher and becoming-teacher as a métissage approach of weaving layered stories alongside and through one another…

Bottom of my own list:” Barriers and facilitators to mental health support use in caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental support needs
Kailey E. Penner, Rachel Roy, Ana C. Hanlon-Dearman, Kristene Cheung, Cara Katz, Jessica L. Schleider, Leslie E. Roos & Emily E. Cameron
Abstract: This study investigated barriers and facilitators to mental health service use (e.g., interventions, educational programs) in caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or neurodevelopmental problems, as they experience high levels of distress and low help-seeking behaviour…

Career Development as an Inclusive Approach to Mental Health Promotion in Schools: A Culturally Responsive Teacher-Delivered Program
Kris Magnusson, Krista D Socholotiuk, José F Domene, Caileigh Kind, Nikolina Rikert
Abstract: Mental health concerns, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, have taken on added significance in many educational settings. With the rise in awareness of mental health issues among adolescent populations, there has been a corresponding call for schools to become more effective in dealing with and providing services for students who face mental health challenges. These concerns are echoed by Canadian youth…

Challenges faced by Japanese English teachers applying knowledge after study abroad
Steven Marshall, Brent Amburgey
Abstract: This book offers a multi-dimensional analysis of the experiences of faculty, students, and staff at a Canadian university that emphasizes international education, providing an ethnographic lens for understanding globalization and internationalization of higher education on a wider, global scale…

Closing Reflections
Kumari Beck, Roumiana Ilieva

Coloniality of Time Defacing Unsustainable Temporal Paradigms in Educational Research and Practice
Nathalie Sinclair, Petra Mikulan
Abstract: We suggest that many current forms of educational research are unsustainable since they formalize unreflective or unthought presuppositions of temporality by continually narrativizing homogeneous time, linear narrative, and progressive teleology as modes of existence…

Conceptualizing imagination in the context of school leadership
Gillian Judson
Abstract: There is very little research on imagination in the context of leadership in general, and even less in relation to educational leadership. Drawing on available research on imagination in leadership and scholarship in the field of imagination, this qualitative content analysis seeks to add to foundational understanding of imagination’s role in educational leadership…

Conceptualizing reasoning practices in the context of sociomathematical issues
Sean Chorney, Kyle R. Evans , Megan Staples
Abstract: In this conceptual paper, we explore a framework of reasoning practices for decision-making in context. We extend prior work related to socioscientific issues (SSI) (Sadler et al., 2007) to consider the applicability of this framework to sociomathematical issues, specifically using the context of fairness in political (re)districting…

Content Area Faculty Engagement with Language Matters in an Internationalizing University
Roumiana Ilieva
Abstract: Globalization trends and university policies on internationalization have led to a student population that is very diverse linguistically. Yet there is limited literature in applied linguistics (AL) and in international education examining the perspectives of key participants engaged on the ground with language matters in times of internationalization: faculty members across the disciplines…

Correction to: Remembering Uri: An Unforgettable Teacher, Colleague and Friend
Celia Hoyles, Richard Noss, Anna Sfard, Nathalie Sinclair, Orit Zaslavsky & Michal Yerushalmy

CRITTERCAL SOMATICITY: Rewilding Our Horse Senses
Stephen Smith
Abstract: In this essay, Stephen Smith argues that what he calls a “crittercal somaticity,” comprising the capacities of breathing together, moving mimetically, and attuning somatically with other more motile beings, is exemplified in the practice of liberty play with horses…

Cultural historical research in support of inclusive classrooms: Two approaches in dialogue
Inna Stepaniuk, Beth Ferholt
Keywords: cultural historical research, cultural-historical activity theory, romantic science, inclusive classrooms, playword, schools
Abstract: This article showcases the potential of dialogue within cultural historical research (CHR) to enhance our understanding of and advocacy for inclusivity in schools. It illustrates how the authors, each rooted in distinct subfields – cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) and romantic science – employ a unique approach to knowledge production regarding inclusive classrooms…

Data science pedagogical tools and practices: A systematic literature review
Tenzin Doleck; Memarian, Bahar
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Data analytics; Education; Higher education
Abstract: The development of data science curricula has gained attention in academia and industry. Yet, less is known about the pedagogical practices and tools employed in data science education. Through a systematic literature review, we summarize prior pedagogical practices and tools used in data science initiatives at the higher education level…

Definitional ambiguity in mathematics: three cases
Rina Zazkis, Anna Marie Bergman, Andrew Kercher, Keith Gallagher
Keywords: None
Abstract: Definitions are an integral aspect of mathematics. In particular, they form the backbone of deductive reasoning and facilitate precision in mathematical communication. However, when multiple non-equivalent definitions for the same term exist, their ability to serve these purposes can be called into question. While ambiguity can be productive, the lack of an agreed upon definition can make the truth value of certain mathematical statements unclear…

Discussion Group 9 How do Movements of Bodies and Artifacts Emerge in Mathematics Education?
Nathalie Sinclair, Anna Shvarts, Dor Abrahamson, Ricardo Nemirovsky, Candace Ann Walkington
Keywords: Gestures; Artifacts; Embodied collaboration; Theory of dynamic systems; New-materialism; Phenomenology; Embodied cognitive science; Cultural-historical approach.
Abstract: The discussion group focused on embodied processes in mathematics teaching and learning. At this discussion group, we aimed to consider the origins of movements performed by students, teachers, and artifacts...

Ecologizing Bildung: Educating for the eco-social-cultural challenges of the twenty-first century
Sean Blenkinsop, Linda Wihelmsson
Abstract: This paper has two main purposes. The first, more informational, is to introduce, re-introduce, the German-Nordic concept of Bildung to Canadian environmental education. This includes a brief attempt to define, a short overview of its history which stretches back to the Eighteenth century at least, and then an exploration of why and whether Bildung might still have some relevance and value in a postmodern, post-humanist, world filled with social crises and myriad human injustices that need attending to…

Ecologizing education: Nature-centered teaching for cultural change
Sean Blenkinsop, Estella C Kuchta
Keywords: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Education, Social Sciences
Abstract: Ecologizing Education explores how we can reenvision education to meet the demands of an unjust and rapidly changing world. Going beyond "green" schooling programs that aim only to shape behavior, Sean Blenkinsop and Estella Kuchta advance a pedagogical approach that seeks to instills eco-conscious and socially just change at the cultural level…

Edge of catastrophe: Erich fromm, fascism, and the holocaust
Frie, Roger
Abstract: Erich Fromm, the prominent twentieth-century public intellectual and psychoanalyst, was recognized for his courageous stand against fascism, racism, and human destructiveness. Until now, however, little has been known about the extent to which Fromm's personal experience of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust shaped his outlook and work. In Edge of Catastrophe, Roger Frie introduces for the first time the unpublished Holocaust correspondence in Fromm's family…

Educative Spaces Full of Potential: Kairos Moments and Quantum Leaps
Cher Hill, Nelia Evans
Keywords: First-person action research, Diffractive practice, Kairos moments, Learners on the margins, Rhizomatic learning
Abstract: In this paper I share stories about beautifully complex and novel pathways for learners on the margins within my under-resourced Grade 2 community school classroom. I challenged practices of schooling that produced static understanding of children, and ones in which they were compared to the average, by embracing kairos moments…

Effects of just-in-time inquiry prompts and principle-based self-explanation guidance on learning and use of domain texts in simulation-based inquiry learning
Mari Fukuda, John C. Nesbit, Philp H. Winne
Abstract: Although scientific inquiry with simulations may enhance learning, learners often face challenges creating high demand for self-regulation due to an abundance of information in simulations and supplementary instructional texts. In this research, participants engaged in simulation-based inquiry about principles of electric circuits supplemented by domain-specific expository text provided on-demand…

e-Health Programming Preferences for Parents of Children Diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and/or Mental Illnesses
Hai T , Penner KE , Loran K , Fida H , Tongol N , Cameron EE , Giuliano RJ , Roos LE
Abstract: Background: This study aimed to describe preferences for e-health services among parents/caregivers of young children diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) and/or mental illnesses (MI).  Methods: Parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 completed an anonymous survey via the crowdsourcing platform, AskingCanadians…

Embodied AI in education: A review on the body, environment, and mind
Tenzin Doleck; Memarian, Bahar
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI); Embodied AI; Embodied education; Review
Abstract: A key feature of embodied education is the participation of the learners’ body and mind with the environment. Yet, little work has been done to review the state of embodied education with Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

Embodied Reflexivity Through the Arts: An Introduction
Ellyn Lyle, Jee Yeon Ryu, Celeste Nazeli Snowber
Abstract: Emerging from a global health crisis that shone the light on the effects of alienation, isolation, and physical and spiritual vulnerability, we wondered what we might offer to re/center humanness and remind us of individual and collective possibilities to create positive change. With this call in our hearts and bodies, our special issue began to take shape…

Embodied Theater Ecology: illuminating the gap through bridging depth psychology's encounter with performative inquiry
Lynn Fels, Kirsten Frantzich
Abstract: This article presents a new approach to psychological practice that dwells within the somatic, expressive, imaginal, poetic, narrative, and performative. Embodied Theater Ecology (ETE) as a form of Performative Inquiry is introduced and presented. This approach involves the performative unfolding of unlanguaged stories that lie at the heart of our clients’ experiences of themselves and their worlds…

Emotion regulation in teamwork during a challenging hackathon: Comparison of best and worst teams
Kazemitabar, Maedeh; Lajoie, Susanne P.; Doleck, Tenzin
Keywords: Collaborative learning; Computer programming competitions; Emotion regulation; Hackathons; Socially shared emotion regulation; Teamwork
Abstract: Research has demonstrated the power of emotion regulation in managing challenges students face in different learning contexts. However, emotion research in team-learning where challenges become more evident is yet in its infancy.

Erich Fromm’s social psychoanalysis: Beyond the interpersonal dyad
Roger Frie
Keywords: culture; interpersonal; social psychoanalysis; society
Abstract: This article addresses the place of society in Erich Fromm's pioneering psychoanalytic work and in the evolution of interpersonal theory and practice. It suggests that there is much to be gained from a re-examination of Fromm's politically progressive perspective...

Examining the key drivers of student acceptance of online labs
Tenzin Doleck; Bazelais, Paul; Binner, Gurinder
Keywords: online labs; remote learning; STEM education; Technology acceptance; technology acceptance models
Abstract: As an important tool for STEM education, online labs have gained significant research attention. However, our understanding of online labs is limited by the inattention to the factors that contribute to the acceptance of online labs. This study adopts the UTAUT model to investigate the salient determinants of use of online labs…

Examining the Relationship Between Socially-Shared Emotion Regulation and Building Team Coordination Mechanisms During a Hackathon
Tenzin Doleck; Kazemitabar, Maedeh; Lajoie, Susanne P.
Keywords: Collaborative Learning; Computer Supported Collaborative Learning; Hackathon; Socially Shared Emotion Regulation; Teamwork
Abstract: For effective teamwork, especially in demanding learning situations like a hackathon, coordination is crucial as it contributes to mutual trust and shared mental models of team members. However, teams experience challenges that mar team coordination. Research has shown that interpersonal skills such as socially-shared emotion regulation (SSER) can be key in dealing with such challenges…

Exploring Inclusivity in AI Education: Perceptions and Pathways for Diverse Learners
Daniel Chang, Michael Pin-Chuan Lin
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s rise in education brings benefits and challenges. Tools like Grammarly and ChatGPT have been part of our lives, particularly in the education sector. Consequently, it is important to explore how inclusive and adaptable these tools are for students from diverse cultures and languages. This study analyzes survey data from 87 undergraduate students in Canada to identify key themes...

Exploring the Complexity of Embedding Social Justice into a Pedagogy of Literacy Teacher Education
Pooja Dharamshi, Lydia Menna, Clare Kosnik
Abstract: We studied 58 literacy teacher educators (LTEs) in four countries (Canada, the U.S., England, and Australia) to better understand their pedagogy of teacher education and social justice. Our aim was to develop a pedagogy of literacy teacher education because we wanted to extend PTE into the discipline of literacy. Over the past several decades, LTEs have had increasing demands placed on them...

Facilitating open online discussions: speech acts inspiring and hindering deep conversations
Yumiko Murai, Devayani Tirthali
Keywords: Online learning, facilitation, sequence analysis, MOOC, professional community
Abstract: Creating an online learning environment that engages learners beyond the given course period is challenging. Open, participant-driven discussion forums, where participants are provided with greater agency on what to learn, how to learn, and whom to learn with, have a unique potential to help learners engage in learning experiences based on their interests and needs…

Faculty Experiences of Teaching With/in Cultural Difference in an Internationalizing University
Kumari Beck
Abstract: Faculty play a key role in campus internationalization through teaching, program development, research, and service (Friesen 2013; Leask 2015). As a scholar with extensive experience in international education in the Canadian university context, I have deeply considered the tensions in internationalization for more than two decades...

Fleshing Out the Embodied Potentialities of Positionality
Sandeep Kaur Glover
Abstract: Through this pulsating textual exploration, I viscerally uncover the potentialities of positionality and reflexivity in the context of research and pedagogical practice by tending to the emergent tensions of my own lived/living body...

From Threads to Frames: Animating an Immigrant Senior’s COVID-19 Pandemic Experience
Annie Hung, Ching-Chiu Lin, Joan Zhang
Keywords: arts-based research, creative making, COVID-19, translation, community arts education, immigrant senior
Abstract: Senior immigrants hold a wealth of experience and knowledge often unrecognized due to language and cultural barriers. This article promotes a collaborative approach within arts-based research (ABR) that flattens conventional hierarchies, creating a space where voices of participants and researchers are valued and heard…

How do Movements of Bodies and Artifacts Emerge in Mathematics Education?
Nathalie Sinclair, Anna Shvarts, Dor Abrahamson, Ricardo Nemirovsky, Candace Ann Walkington
Keywords: Embodiment, Gestures, Artifacts, Embodied collaboration, Theory of dynamic systems, New-materialism, Phenomenology, Embodied cognitive science, Cultural-historical approach
Abstract: The discussion group focused on embodied processes in mathematics teaching and learning. At this discussion group, we aimed to consider the origins of movements performed by students, teachers, and artifacts...

How teachers’ self-regulation, emotions, perceptions, and experiences predict their capacities for learning analytics dashboard: A Bayesian approach
Tenzin Doleck; Liu, Yiming; Huang, Lingyun
Keywords: Bayes path analysis; Emotions; Learning analytics dashboard capacities; Perceived ease of use; Perceived usefulness; Self-regulation
Abstract: Learning analytics dashboards (LADs) are emerging tools that convert abstract, complex information with visualizations to facilitate teachers’ data-driven pedagogical decision-making…

Imagination as a catalyst for Relational Leadership: Educational leaders’ perspectives.
Gillian Judson
Abstract: This research examines the role of imagination in relational leadership. Specifically, the following question was explored through a case study of a unique offering of an imagination-focused MEd program in Educational Leadership in a large, public research institution in British Columbia, Canada: How do participants understand imagination’s role in leadership after completing a two-year imagination-focused MEd leadership program…

Imaginative Ecological Education: Evolution of a Theory and Practice
Gillian Judson
Keywords: imagination, emotion, feeling, cognitive tools, Imaginative Education, activeness, place, sense of place, ecological understanding, kinship
Abstract: Imaginative Ecological Education (IEE) is an emerging cross-curricular and cross-grade pedagogical approach that seeks to address the neglect of emotional and imaginative engagement in Place-based learning. Its dual aims are to engage learners emotionally with the natural world and, ultimately, to transform how learners understand their relationship within the natural world...

Inquiry as if sketch
Nathalie Sinclair, Petra Mikulan
Abstract: Mikulan and Sinclair ground their postfoundational approach in the claim that researchers are interpellated by the binaries that pervade Western thought. Thus, their inquiries concern the fabulative conditions under which they have come to matter and the possibilities of thinking as if they did not pertain…

Integrations: The Struggle for Racial Equity and Civic Renewal in Public Education by Lawrence Blum and Zoë Burkholder, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2021
Robyn Ilten-Gee
Abstract: The book Integrations: The struggle for racial equality and civic renewal in public education by Blum and Burkholder pulls apart and reassembles readers’ understandings of racial integration in public schools in the United States. The book leaves readers with an understanding of the coordinated efforts to both promote and prevent racial integration in public schools…

Internationalization as Intercultural Capital or “I Feel I Am a Cultural Transformer”
Roumiana Ilieva, Aisha Ravindran
Abstract: This chapter, completed by Roumi, aims to keep true to Aisha’s powerful scholarly voice and writing style. An incredible intellectual and a wonderful friend, Aisha was my supervisee and a research assistant on the study discussed here. The chapter is based on work Aisha did as the first author on several conference proposals and presentations on the project...

Introduction: Framing Internationalization, Language, and Cultural Difference
Kumari Beck, Roumiana Illeva
Abstract: This book offers a multi-dimensional analysis of the experiences of faculty, students, and staff at a Canadian university that emphasizes international education, providing an ethnographic lens for understanding globalization and internationalization of higher education on a wider, global scale…

Knowing as remembering: Methodological experiments in embodied experiences of number
Nathalie Sinclair
Abstract: A premise of this article is that the current methods used in mathematics education research may be preventing researchers from adequately addressing the body and, in particular, the alignment of acting and knowing. Pursuing a non-dualistic and non-hierarchical approach to learning and knowing, I experiment with new methods that aim to increase situated and embodied validity…

Leading Provincial Labour Associations During a Time of Pandemic: Transitions in Pursuit of Safe and Healthy Campuses
Author(s): Dan Laitsch, Annabree Fairweather, Brent Calvert, Sean Parkinson
Abstract: In many ways, this chapter began and developed with the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, two provincial education leadership organizations representing most of the public post-secondary sector in British Columbia (BC), the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia (CUFA/BC) and the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of British Columbia (FPSE/BC), began to build connections designed to help us better advocate for post-secondary educators across the province. Together, we represent more than 24,000 faculty and staff who teach and support 175,000 full-time equivalent students across BC…

Learning analytics: A comparison of western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD research n
Tenzin Doleck; Baek, Clare
Keywords: Cross-cultural research; Educational data analytics; Generalizability; Learning analytics
Abstract: We examined how Learning Analytics literature represents participants from diverse societies by comparing the studies published with samples from WEIRD (Western, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) nations versus non-WEIRD nations…

Learning Multiplication by Translating across Microworlds
Sean Chorney, Sheena Tan, Nathalie Sinclair
Keywords: translation; microworld; multiplication; TouchTimes; gesture
Abstract: In this article, we explore students’ experiences of using two different digital microworlds of multiplication, which can be found in the multitouch application TouchTimes. We draw on Diagne’s notion of translation to frame our study, focusing on the learning that occurs in the movement between the two microworlds…

Learning through teaching: novice mathematics teacher educators coping with unfamiliarity
Canan Güneş, Andrew Kercher & Rina Zazkis
Abstract: There is a growing research interest in examining how mathematics teacher educators grow professionally in their practice. In this study, we focus on the experiences of novice mathematics teacher educators who had been secondary mathematics teachers before becoming instructors of an elementary methods course...

Lessons Learned: Supporting Culturally Complex Students Within Inclusive Settings
Robert Williamson, Niayesh PazokiMoakhar, Susan Barber
Abstract: In a complex world, increasing conflict contributes to global instability leading to a time of unprecedented dislocation and migration. Currently, approximately 110 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide (UNHCR, 2024)…

Long Shadows of Racism and Genocide: Learning from Erich Fromm’s Social Psychoanalysis
Roger Frie
Keywords: Holocaust; indigenous people; racial narcissism; Social psychoanalysis; systemic racism
Abstract: As a psychoanalyst, Fromm felt compelled to speak to the social and political crises of his time. Fromm’s social psychoanalysis was a radical departure from the Freudian mainstream and has important implications for how psychoanalysis can address social and political forces today...

Making as an opportunity for classroom assessment: Canadian maker educators’ views on assessment
Yumiko Murai, A Yulis San Juan
Abstract: A growing number of studies have shown that the exploratory, collaborative, and contextualized nature of maker activities create opportunities for learners to engage with knowledge in a uniquely different way from traditional education which largely relies on de-contextualized instructions…

Making electoral districts count: a mathematical exploration
Sean Chorney
Keywords: Mathematizing, districting, gerrymandering, integer sequences
Abstract: In a pre-service mathematics methods class I taught, in which we mathematized political districting (first horizontally, then vertically), student questions led to engaging mathematics, in particular, the development of a new number sequence…

Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5. Corwin Mathematics Series.
Peter Liljedahl; Maegan Giroux
Keywords: Mathematics Education, Best Practices, Mathematics Activities, Mathematics Skills, Elementary School Mathematics, Personal Autonomy, Teaching Methods, Notetaking, Comprehension
Abstract: Building upon the blockbuster success of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics," Peter Liljedahl has joined forces with co-author Maegan Giroux to bring the Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC) framework to life in this new book, "Mathematics Tasks for the Thinking Classroom, Grades K-5." But this book is so much more than simply a collection of good thinking tasks…

Mathematics Teachers in Collaboration: A Commentary
Rina Zazkis
Abstract: Having read all the chapters in the volume “Teachers of mathematics working and learning in collaborative groups” based on ICMI Study 25, I can summarise my reaction in a few words: I am overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed with the broad range of professional development initiatives for mathematics teachers. I am overwhelmed with the described diversity of the kinds and forms of collaborative groups of mathematics teachers…

Nature-based teacher education as beyond ‘getting outside:’relational attunement, attending to the un-noticed, and ethical responsibility
Sean Blenkinsop, Cher Hill, Paula Rosehart, Daniella Roze des Ordons, Kate Aileen
Keywords: Teacher-education, vignette methodology, attunement, ethical responsibility, nature-centered teaching
Abstract: As in-service teacher educators, we take concerns about the environmental emergency and the crisis of colonialization seriously. We offer graduate programs in Place and Nature-based Experiential Learning to try and foster cultural change within mainstream schooling, while also preparing teachers for the immense challenge of teaching within the Anthropocene…

On Convincing Power of Counterexamples
Rina Zazkis, Orly Buchbinder
Abstract: Despite plethora of research that attends to the convincing power of different types of proofs, research related to the convincing power of counterexamples is rather slim. In this paper we examine how prospective and practicing secondary school mathematics teachers respond to different types of counterexamples...

On Existence Proofs, Mathematical Norms, and Professional Obligations
Andrew Kercher, Anna Marie Bergman & Rina Zazkis
Abstract: Proof is a central pillar of mathematical practice, and so teaching proof to undergraduate students is an important responsibility for undergraduate mathematics instructors. Our study contributes to research on one facet of this goal by examining instructors’ responses to student-generated existence proofs…

On the necessity of order and the field axioms.
Rina Zazkis
Keywords: Arithmetic; Mathematics
Abstract: This article explores the convention of the order of operations in arithmetic and questions its necessity. The authors present counterexamples to arguments supporting the conventional order and emphasize that learners should understand that the convention is a choice. They offer alternative arithmetic expressions to encourage exploration of different possibilities...

Open Wounds of Racial Terror: The Elaine Race Massacre
Roger Frie
Abstract: The Elaine Race Massacre occurred just over one hundred years ago in the isolated Arkansas Delta. It is one of the worst acts of racial violence in American history, but also remains one of the least known. When silence about a mass racial violence is able to stretch over a century, talk of dissociation and denial hardly seems sufficient. It points us in the direction of profound structural and systemic inequalities that support and maintain a narrative grounded in white supremacy…

Parent eHealth Preferences: Perceived Credibility and Personal Reactions to AbilitiCBT, BEAM, and Triple P Online
Charlie Rioux, Avaline Konkin, Lianne Tomfohr-Madsen, Anna L. MacKinnon, Emily E. Cameron, Dana Watts, E. Bailin Xie, Leslie E. Roos
Keywords: attitudes, counseling, digital health, engagement, mental health services, mHealth
Abstract: Parental eHealth needs and preferences are unknown. Evidence from in-person programs shows that programs that prioritize parent preferences have higher enrollment and adherence. Better knowledge of parental impressions and preferences based on current eHealth programs could help identify programs that are most in line with parental values, goals, and needs...

Parent preferences for peer connection in virtual mental health and parenting support platforms
Charlie Rioux, Zoe A. Childers-Rockey, Avaline Konkin, Emily E. Cameron, Lianne Tomfohr-Madsen, Anna L. MacKinnon, Dana Watts, Julie Murray, Ashley Pharazyn & Leslie E. Roos
Abstract: Peer connections can be integrated in online and app-based (eHealth) family mental health and parenting programs through forums/chats or video group sessions. Little is known about parental preferences regarding eHealth features, yet they could be key factors influencing uptake and utility of programs…

Peer Mentorship in Scholarly Publication: A Duoethnographic Reflection on Ten Years of Collaboration
Joel Heng Hartse, Ismaeil Fazel
Abstract: In this chapter, using a duoethnographic method, we present a reflective dialogue about our peer mentorship experiences in writing for publication, from the time we were doctoral students to our current status as early-career academics. Theoretically, we draw on the notion of academic discourse socialization to illustrate how the collaborations between us as academics coming from different socio-cultural and linguistic backgrounds…

Physical literacy, health and interactive aging: a position paper
Stephen Smith; Sahingil, Derya; Lloyd, Rebecca J.
Keywords: active aging; interactive flow; joy; older adult; physical literacy
Abstract: Physical literacy (PL), a concept commonly associated with the early years, physical education, and youth sport development, can become a meaningful determinant of health and longevity for the adult and older adult population. A review of 55 recent publications from 2018 to 2023 that encompassed physical literacy conceptual frameworks, assessments, and intervention-based studies was undertaken through an heuristic inspired by the philosophy which gave birth to PL…

Power of nonverbal behavior in online business negotiations: understanding trust, honesty, satisfaction, and beyond
Tenzin Doleck; Kazemitabar, Maedeh; Mirzapour, Hossein; Akhshi, Maryam; Vatankhah, Monireh; Hatami, Javad
Keywords: business negotiation; non-verbal signals; social-psychological team factors; verbal content; Virtual teams
Abstract: Digital teamwork has become prevalent and is ever since becoming part of the human work- and life-style, globally. But in comparison with face-to-face setting, virtual teams face multifold challenges. To date, scarce empirical research has examined whether team-breaking challenges are associated with limited access to peer nonverbal signals. This study examines whether access to body signals is associated with effective teamwork, and whether limited access provokes key team challenges…

Praksis: 33-Det tænkende klasserum i matematikundervisningen m. Peter Liljedahl
Peter Liljedahl (Guest), Mette Bechmann Westergaard (Host), Maria Ulrik Pedersen (Host)..

Preliminary Systematic Review of Open-Source Large Language Models in Education
Daniel Chang, Michael Pin-Chuan Lin, Sarah Hall, Gaganpreet Jhajj
Abstract: This work-in-progress study aims to explore and analyze the growing impact of large language models (LLMs) in the fields of education and industry. We preliminarily review how LLMs can be integrated into educational contexts with their technical features, open-source nature, and applicability. Through a systematic search, we have identified a selection of open-source LLMs that have been released or significantly updated post-2021…

Pre-service Teachers' Experiences of Learning with/in
Kumari Beck, Jas K Uppal-Hershorn
Abstract: Along with the intensification of internationalization of higher education globally, study abroad has become more prevalent in higher education institutions. Here in the Global North, study abroad refers to domestic students going abroad for short-term academic programs in another country, whereas elsewhere, the term commonly refers to all academic student mobility, including full-length degree programs in a country outside one's own (Cushner and Karim 2004).

Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth ICMI Study: Advances in Geometry Education
Nathalie Sinclair, Angel Gutierrez Rodrigues, Thomas Lowrie, Fabien Emprin…
Abstract: Our engagement with this ICMI Study Conference began when we accepted invitations from the ICMI President, Frederick Leung, to co-chair the Study 26: Advances in Geometry Education. Although we have both worked internationally in geometry education for decades, we had not previously met one another…

Prompts for eco-social transformation: What environmental education can learn from transformative design
Sean Blenkinsop, Mark Fettes, Lindsay Cole
Keywords: eco-social-cultural change, transformative design, environmental education, educational change
Abstract: This paper seeks to bring together two seemingly disparate conversations, design and environmental education, with the intent to offer an interesting, new, useful approach to developing educational responses to the climate and ecological crises engendered by the Capitalocene...

Reimagining Learning Contexts and Learner Agency in K-12 Science Education: A Critical Review
Engida Gebre, Emmeline Hoogland, Addisu Leyew Bailie
Abstract: "In the last few decades, the purpose of science education has been called into question mainly for not being impactful enough for students’ everyday lives. In part, this has to do with the framing and use of learning contexts; what educators consider as influential contexts are external to the students thereby providing learners with limited agency to modify and work with them…

Reflecting on linguistic landscapes during decolonizing times: A case from Canadian higher education
Steve Marshall, Mohammad Alhannash, Setareh Masoumi Mayni

Remembering Uri: An Unforgettable Teacher, Colleague and Friend
Nathalie Sinclair, Celia Hoyles, Richard Noss, Anna Sfard, Orit Zaslavsky, Michal Yerushalmy

Re-thinking mathematical connections with theories of difference
Nathalie Sinclair, Alf Coles
Keywords: Mathematical connections, difference, affect
Abstract: In this theoretical article, we explore the possibility that instead of a mathematical connection arising “in-between” two (or more) pre-existing ideas or objects, which have presumably been known or understood, that connection is itself the motor of understanding.

Salsa Rhythms and Soul Connections
Stephen Smith; Lloyd, Rebecca J.
Keywords: flow; relational reflexivity; rhythm; salsa dance
Abstract: The rhythmic interplay of accent, tempo, and musical mood is expressed in the bodily postures, gestures, and expressions of attuned responsiveness in Salsa Dura, a genre of salsa music from the 1970s featuring improvisational dance solos. These dancers embrace the feelings and flows of soloing musicians going off and breaking free from any predictable form and structure...

Andrew Kercher, Rina Zazkis
Abstract: Scripting tasks are a powerful tool for both mathematics education researchers and teacher educators, in part because the resultant dialogues provide insight into the scriptwriters' mathematical understanding and pedagogical inclinations. In this paper, we argue that scripting tasks used in mathematics education also provide an opportunity to deliver follow-up lessons that link undergraduate and school mathematics. These lessons facilitate mathematical connections by building directly on scriptwriters' experiences, as captured in their dialogues, and in turn, enrich their teaching practice.

Secondary School Students’ Understanding of Learning Contexts in Science Education: Perspectives from Ethiopia
Engida Gebre, Dawit Asrat Getahun
Keywords: Learning contexts, contextualising science learning, students’ engagement, science education
Abstract: There is increasing recognition of the importance of learning contexts in science education. However, learning contexts are rarely articulated in terms of what they constitute and are often framed by educators and textbooks with limited inputs from students. Unless properly articulated, contexts become anything and everything, thereby losing their relevance for practical aspects of science teaching and learning…

Staff as Third Space Professionals
Kumari Beck, Chelsey Laird
Abstract: For over a decade, I (Chelsey) have worked as a staff member at various higher education institutions (HEIs) in Canada. In my various staff roles, I have observed how the intensification of internationalization at our institutions was impacting the everyday work of staff working at our institutions, as internationalization was becoming more complex, and extended into new domains, most notably, immigration…

Teaching and learning artificial intelligence: Insights from the literature
Tenzin Doleck; Memarian, Bahar
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI); Higher education; Learning; Pedagogy; Teaching
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for nearly a century, yet in recent years the rapid advancement and public access to AI applications and algorithms have led to increased attention to the role of AI in higher education. An equally important but overlooked topic is the study of AI teaching and learning in higher education…

Teaching and Learning of Geometry at Primary Level
Nathalie Sinclair, Michael Battista, Eszter Herendiné-Kónya, Haiyue Jin, Jesús Victoria Flores Salazar
Abstract: The following sections are included: Aims of the TSG, Conference Themes, Areas for Future Research, TSG-8 Future Research Ideas

The 4C’s: Outdoor Education for eco-social-cultural change
Blenkinsop, Sean; Wilhelmsson, Linda
Keywords: outdoor education, eco-social-cultural change, the 4Cʼs
Abstract: In this presentation I will bring forward one strand of our recent work done in relation to living within the Earth's carrying capacity. Themes/frames that arose in our analysis and that have important implications for outdoor education in particular. We have called this strand the 4 C’s: community, change, critical, care/coeur...

The Anthropocene Subject and Emancipation: The Challenge of “Emancipatory” Pedagogy in an Era of Climate Crisis
Cary Campbell
Abstract: In “What is Enlightenment?” Kant (1784) proposed the close connection between the Enlightenment political project, the aims of education and the philosophical logic of emancipation. In short, he confirmed the Enlightenment subject and condition as an “ultimate destination” of humanity and thus a central aim of education. In this chapter, I aim to articulate how the conditions of the Anthropocene—as revealed through the Anthropocene subject (see (Dufresne, The democracy of suffering: Life on the edge of catastrophe, philosophy in the Anthropocene. McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP, 2019…

The challenge of postdigital literacy: Extending multimodality and social semiotics for a new age
Cary Campbell, Alin Olteanu
Abstract: Research in this journal has argued the importance of developing new understandings of literacy and education in the face of rapid and widespread (post)digital reconfigurations in how we learn, communicate, and even exist as embodied ecological beings. Alongside and predating interest in the postdigital, multimodality research developed significant theory and methods for articulating the implications of emerging digital media, showing the need for a ‘multiliteracies’ approach in education…

The construction of figured numbers in GeoGebra software using algebraic properties
Rina Zazkis, Francisco Evamar Barros, Francisco Regis Vieira Alves, Paula Maria Machado Cruz Catarino, Renata Teofilo de Sousa
Abstract: Figured numbers are sequences of natural numbers that, when represented by dots, form geometric configurations. The immediate sequence of figured numbers presents in its configuration the equilateral triangles, being the basis for finding several others, as long as a relationship between them is discovered...

The Experiences of Staff Regarding Language in the Internationalizing University
Roumiana Ilieva, Camila Miranda
Abstract: The global landscape of higher education has been characterized over the past several decades by internationalization processes. One of the drivers of internationalization is student mobility, mainly toward countries in the Global North/West (Maringe and Foskett 2012). As a consequence, there has been an increase in the diversity of cultures and languages coexisting in higher education institutions around the world...

The influence of emotions on mathematics teachers’ classroom use of a web-based graphing software
Sean Chorney
Keywords: Classroom practice, digital technology, Desmos, emotions, appraisal theory, ROG framework, educational technology
Abstract: This is a case study of whether and how Canadian high school mathematics teachers’ integration of the web-based graphing software Desmos into their classes is affected by their emotions. Schoenfeld’s theoretical framing that teachers make decisions based on resources, goals and orientations is used to explore the emotional aspects of teachers’ uses of the software…

The role of digital technologies in mathematics education: purposes and perspectives
Nathalie Sinclair, Paul Drijvers
Abstract: Over the last decades, digital technologies (DTs) have become ubiquitous in mathematics education. Still, their integration into classroom teaching and learning varies enormously. In this narrative overview, we focus on the different purposes for which DTs are used in mathematics education in order to study how the effectiveness of DTs depends on researchers’ underlying goals and perspectives…

The sensory politics of mathematics: aestheticizing multiplication
Nathalie Sinclair, Canan Güneş, Kelly Paton
Abstract: Research has highlighted the important role that the senses play in mathematics thinking and learning, particularly in the area of visualisation, but also in relation to physical movement. Recent scholarship suggests that sensory experiences are not limited to the five cardinal senses but involve a range of other specific senses as well as combinations of senses...

The trees, my pelvis and dancing through a life
Celeste Snowber
Abstract: This poetic and autobiographical chapter explores the relationship between dancing in the natural world, site-specific performance and the life cycles of a woman’s journey. As a dancer, poet, scholar, woman, mother, educator, this author dances through birthing and raising children, premenstrual shifts, divorce, tenure, menopause and always in the natural world…

The use of a scriptwriting task as a window into how prospective teachers envision teacher moves for supporting student reasoning
Peter Liljedahl, Victoria Shure
Abstract: The development of mathematical reasoning skills has increasingly been of focus for the teaching and learning of mathematics. This research utilizes a teaching simulation using the methodology of scriptwriting, in which prospective teachers are asked to complete a script of a dialogue from a classroom simulation involving fraction multiplication and division with justification, assisting fictional students to work through their difficulties and helping them to justify their reasoning…

Topic Study Group 8 Teaching and Learning of Geometry at Primary Level
Nathalie Sinclair, Michael Battista, Eszter Herendiné-Kónya, Haiyue Jin, Jesús Victoria Flores Salazar
Abstract: This group provided a forum for discussion of the learning and teaching of geometry, with a focus on the elementary grades, K-6 (or preK-8). We had short presentations on, and discussions of, important new trends and developments in research or practice, in geometry teaching and learning, and expositions of outstanding recent contributions to it…

Toward a More Eco-Relational English
Estella Kuchta, Sean Blenkinsop
Abstract: This exploratory paper intends to spark conversation and further investigation into the relational/ecological possibilities of English. English has ecological, colonial, and relational troubles baked into both its structure and usage—issues rarely addressed in environmental education...

Unleashing creativity in STEM teacher education through scripting task pedagogy
Marina Milner-Bolotin, Rina Zazkis
Abstract: This paper proposes a creative pedagogical approach that aims to foster authentic STEM teacher education through incorporating scriptwriting tasks in science and mathematics courses for future secondary STEM teachers. These tasks invite teachers to create imaginary dialogues addressing specific pedagogical challenges, such as conceptual difficulties, misconceptions, or unexpected questions arising during instruction...

User acceptance and adoption dynamics of ChatGPT in educational settings
Tenzin Doleck; Bazelais, Paul; Lemay, David J.
Keywords: artificial intelligence chatbots; ChatGPT; large language models; technology acceptance; UTAUT
Abstract: Recent developments in natural language understanding have sparked a great amount of interest in the large language models such as ChatGPT that contain billions of parameters and are trained for thousands of hours on all the textual data of the internet. ChatGPT has received immense attention because it has widespread applications, which it is able to do out-of-the-box, with no prior training or fine-tuning…

Water stories
Celeste Snowber
Abstract: This poetic article explores the relationship between water and ecology and how an embodied awareness and insights surface out of the practice of swimming. The connections between the inner and outer landscapes of waterways and the land are written into being as they nourish embodied resonances...