
Research Interests
Dr. Elina Birmingham
Associate Professor
  • autism
  • social attention
  • eye movements
  • social communication
  • face perception
  • eye tracking
  • educational psychology

Adjunct Professor
  • affective cognitive science
  • adult self-directed learning
  • productive practice
  • insomnia
  • software for learning
  • meta-effectiveness
  • emotion regulation
  • cognitive tools
Dr. Roger Frie
  • hermeneutics
  • phenomenology
  • social theory
  • narrative psychology
  • cultural psychology
  • history of psychotherapy
  • contemporary psychoanalysis
  • existential therapy
Dr. Maureen Hoskyn
Associate Professor
  • individual and developmental relations between executive function and early learning for young children aged 3 to 8 years
  • neuroimaging of cognitive processes
  • children with developmental dyslexia
Dr. Lannie Kanevsky
Associate Professor
  • educational psychology
  • learning development
  • gifted education
  • high ability learners
  • sociocultural
  • curriculum differentiation
  • Vygotsky
Dr. Lucy Le Mare
  • social and emotional development
  • social and emotional education
  • risk and resilience
  • early childhood
  • attachment
Dr. Margaret MacDonald
Associate Professor
  • early childhood education
  • pedagogical documentation
  • intergenerational teaching and learning
  • formative assessment
  • heritage language revitalization
  • responsive curriculum development
Dr. John Nesbit
  • educational psychology
  • intelligent tutoring systems
  • self-regulated learning
  • argumentation
Dr. Paul Neufeld
Associate Professor
  • reading development
  • instruction of English language learners
  • learning disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Dr. Jeff Sugarman
  • critical educational psychology
  • theoretical and philosophical psychology
  • personhood
  • selfhood
  • human agency
  • historical ontology
  • hermeneutics
  • neoliberalism
Dr. Robyn Ilten-Gee
Assistant Professor
  • children's moral
  • social development and reasoning
  • critical and social justice pedagogy
  • digital media
Dr. Philip Winne
  • educational psychology
  • self-regulated learning
  • metacognition
  • learning sciences
  • learning technologies
  • motivation
  • study tactics and learning strategies
  • adaptive software for researching and promoting self-regulated learning