
A Pan-Canadian Proposal to Strengthen Canada's Associational and Representational Democracy

September 26, 2017

Revitalizing our Democracy is a pan-Canadian multi-sector collaboration of individuals and organizations, including leading scholars, indigenous, government, private sector, and civil society leaders, foundations, retired parliamentarians, diversity advocates and engagement practitioners concerned with the health and vitality of Canada’s democracy. 

The aim of Revitalizing our Democracy is to create a five year, focused collaborative program designed to strengthen the pillars of Canada’s democratic ecosystem by addressing the underlying symptoms that have made our democracy vulnerable. The overarching vision of the initiative is to spur innovation in the creation, development, and implementation of citizen participation and engagement methods that work to recognize and reinforce Canada’s democratic assets.

Dialogue Dispatch


Dialogue Dispatch is our community of practice newsletter where we share updates on our team's knowledge exchange activities alongside inspiring case studies, suggested readings and practical tools for people and organizations working to transform the field of democratic participation.

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