
The Nine New Realities: Issues Facing Canada in the International Arena

Before the deliberative regional dialogue were held, Canada’s World conducted preliminary research on the new realities facing Canada in the international arena, which included:

  • an online dialogue in the Canada’s World ;
  • 14 roundtable sessions;
  • interviews with over 200 Canadians;
  • and, a poll of Canadian attitudes towards international policy, led by Environics.

Based on the research, the Canada's World Advisory Committee selected nine new realities — issues that will define Canada’s role in the world in the next 10 to 15 years — as themes to focus the citizens' dialogue.

Discussion Guides

In order to provide dialogue participants with the tools to discuss these topics, the cross-Canada team produced discussion guides on each of the following nine new realities:

1.     Climate Change / Changements Climatiques

2.     The Communications Revolution / Révolution des Communications

3.     Conflict is Changing / Conflits en Changement

4.     Global Inequality / Inégalités Globales

5.     Rising Powers / Puissances Emergeantes

6.     International Law / Droit International

7.     Indigenous Rights / Droits des Autochtones

8.     Diversity Matters / Importance de la Diversité

9.     The Power of Cities / Pouvoir des Villes