
Foreign Policy Camp

February 15, 2008

Canada’s World hosted the first-ever ForeignPolicyCamp, which was a highly interactive hybrid conference that enabled participants to co-create the agenda.

The goal of the ForeignPolicyCamp was to shine a spotlight on new thinkers and doers in Canadian foreign policy while creating a space to come together and share ideas as equals. Participants included: students, artists, techies, educators, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, military officers, and diplomats.

The ForeignPolicyCamp was held in Vancouver, BC on November 30, 2009 and featured:

  • Regional case studies on Canadian foreign policy
  • Open sessions on topics determined and led by participants
  • A collaborative multimedia Mashboard, provided by Mergenta, which conglomerated various social media and interactive tools together on a dashboard-style page, including live feeds from note takers, Twitter discussions, live roaming cameras, word clouds, and live survey results

Satellite camps were also held in , , and .

Download the draft Foreign Policy Camp Open Source Toolkit here.

Vancouver Case Studies:

Vancouver Open Sessions:

  • Human Security and Global Security
  • The Responsibility of the Disability Sector to Developing Countries
  • The Global Supply Chain
  • Fostering Gender Equality: East-West
  • 25@25 Interactive Video Speakers’ Corner on Canada’s Future with Asia
  • Engaging Diasporas in Foreign Policy
  • From Citizen Journalists to Citizen Lobbyists, Social Media’s Role in Policy Advocacy
  • Social Entrepreneurs in the Global Arena
  • Canada and ICT4D: Past, Present, and Future
  • Engaging Citizens in Climate Policy: Copenhagen and Beyond

In the lead-up to the ForeignPolicyCamp, Canada’s World asked Canadians,
"What is one thing that Canada should do to improve its role in the world?"

You can see the photo responses Canada’s World gathered .