
Paul Meyer


Paul Meyer is Fellow in International Security and Adjunct Professor of International Studies at 間眅埶AV, and a Senior Advisor to ICT4Peace. 

He has served as Chair of the Canadian Pugwash Group from 2017 to 2021 and is currently the Director of the organization. Prior to taking up his current positions in 2011, Mr. Meyer had a 35-year career with the Canadian Foreign Service, with a specialization in international security policy. His diplomatic postings included serving as Canadas Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva (2003-2007).

He currently teaches an undergraduate course on diplomacy at 間眅埶AV and writes on issues of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, outer space security and international cyber security diplomacy.

About Paul's Fellowship

Paul Meyers Fellowship in International Security aims at promoting conflict prevention and diplomatic problem solving in priority international security fields, in particular nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, outer space security and international cyber security. These are areas that either pose an existential threat to humanity (e.g. use of nuclear weapons) or concern vital, if vulnerable environments (e.g. outer space and cyberspace) on which global society is increasingly dependent, but which are threatened by militarization.

The program tries to generate ideas for cooperative security approaches and influence the debate in official and non-governmental circles towards these goals. As a former career diplomat, dialogue is a fundamental feature of Pauls work, seeking to identify potential solutions to complex problems through engagement with an array of concerned stakeholders.

Paul Meyers work includes research and writing, participation in a wide variety of domestic and international conferences, advising civil society organizations engaged in international peace and security issues, arranging public events and contributing to relevant educational efforts.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

Paul Meyer has written on the challenges facing the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the need for Canada to adopt a more positive position with respect to the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). He has publicized an approach towards this treaty which the Government of Canada (and other states that are nuclear-dependent allies) could pursue that would make it possible for this country to adhere to the TPNW after its entry into force on January 22, 2021.

Outer Space Security

Paul Meyer has been a founding member of the Outer Space Institute and has been an advocate of cooperative security arrangements in this fragile, if increasingly important environment. He has championed multilateral approaches to governance of outer space activity, especially in the exploration and exploitation of space resources. He has authored specific proposals for diplomatic initiatives which could help preserve outer space for peaceful purposes.

International Cyber Security

In the emerging area of international cyber security, Pauls work has illuminated the magnitude of the threat represented by state-conducted offensive cyber operations. He has engaged in current diplomatic processes at the UN which are aiming at developing norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. As a senior advisor to the NGO, ICT4Peace, Paul has authored two major proposals submitted to the UN Open Ended Working Group on cyber security and published several commentaries on the progress achieved in multilateral forums and what further measures could reinforce peaceful uses of cyberspace.

Selected Media & Publications

  • The NPT at 50: a Mid-Life Crisis:  |  | 
  •  (January 2020, Ceasefire)
  •  (January 2021, IRPP/Policy Options)
  •  (February 2021, Open Canada)
  •  (February 2021, CIC National Capital Branch, Ottawa)
  •  (March 2021, ICT for Peace Foundation)
  •  (April 2021, IRPP/Policy Options)