
Jennifer Reddy


Like many others, I am working towards transformation where people are engaged as valuable and deserving individuals, who can use their agency to lead urgent systems changes. I was born and raised on traditional unceded Ktunaxa territory to immigrant parents. I am forever in awe of the capabilities of individuals to adapt and re-define themselves. Because of this, I believe that it is within the power of each of us to initiate creative and long-lasting change that benefits us all.

I am fortunate to hold a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies and Economics from the University of Calgary and a Masters in Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Using this education, it is my aim to engage in meaningful dialogue, and encourage the development of ideas that result in creative solutions to complex issues.

I have been inspired by global examples of leadership in social change and am drawn to those who dare to ask if we are being relevant and effective and if our work is being informed by our values. I look forward to the future for opportunities to learn from and contribute to the efforts of individuals and communities that drive global leadership in social change.