
Rain Daniels


Rain Daniels is Anishinaabekwe, a member of the Saugeen Nation and was born in QayQayt territory. Rain has extensive experience in education and facilitation, including facilitating in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Certificate in Dialogue and Civic Engagement since 2012, and 7 years as a Lead Facilitator, Trainer and Mentor with the Provincial Health Services Authority's Indigenous Cultural Safety San'yas Program. Rain engages non-Indigenous learners to build critical awareness, and take action, concerning Indigenous-specific systemic contexts. With a social justice lens, a Master's degree in Adult Education, and decades of education/facilitation experience, Rain brings multiple skills, experience and analysis, to this crucial work. Rain works as part of a cross-race co-facilitation team with educator/facilitator Chelsey Branch.