
Kim Hudson


Kim’s career has been rich and diverse including author, geologist, land claims negotiator, dialogue facilitator, international consultant and First Nations’ policy advisor.

Kim’s educational background includes an Applied Masters in Mineral Exploration at Queens, and studies at the Harvard Negotiation Project. She has also studied writing for film and creative non-fiction and Jungian psychology in Italy, New York and Switzerland. Kim offers workshops internationally on her book on archetypal story structure. She has also taught archetypal leadership at Hollyhock Leadership Institute.

Kim’s upcoming book, Two Worlds of Knowing (2WK), developed during her Fellowship at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Centre for Dialogue, is rooted in three decades of theory development and practice. Her ground-breaking theory describes linear and circular thinking, and the power of understanding and applying both. Kim’s model serves as a platform for leadership development, cross-cultural bridging, conflict resolution, innovation and organizational restructuring.

In summary, Kim Hudson is a story-teller, explorer, artist and facilitator.