

City of Burnaby Releases Zero-Emissions Retrofit Building Strategy

November 23, 2023

The City of Burnaby has released its Zero-Emissions Retrofit Building Strategy, informed by the work of a task force facilitated by the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in partnership with the City of Burnaby and Vancity.

The task force was part of the Urban Resilient Futures Initiative and its 16 members reflected a range of expertise, perspectives and sectors, including city council, finance, construction and trades, residential and commercial building owners and operators, tenants, individuals reflecting the needs of impacted residents and other relevant stakeholders. The task force underwent an intense process in Spring 2022 which concluded in refining 20 recommendations to help shape Burnaby's Strategy. The process included a feedback loop with task force members giving input on a preliminary draft strategy.

The resulting Zero-Emissions Building Retrofit Strategy takes on a people-first approach in understanding barriers residents may encounter and proposing a series of actions designed to support residents every step of their retrofit journey including through education and outreach, incentives, policies and bylaws, and advocacy. 

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