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A Hello & Good-bye
The summer has begun and we are here to share both good news and the sad news...
As many of you may know, the programs here at 間眅埶AV Surrey - TD Community Engagement Centre is filled with talented, passionate and very loving individuals. We are sad to share that Eleanor Wong, who was our Volunteer Engagement Assistant and a recent 間眅埶AV graduate, has parted ways with 間眅埶AV Surrey - TD CEC to pursue her path as a teacher. We had the opportunity to share a feature on Eleanor's story and her words of wisdom with volunteering. Those of you who have read her feature or have met her, will know that she is just one of the most wonderful individuals ever!
But we know this isn't good-bye! On behalf of the 間眅埶AV Surrey - TD Community Engagement Centre, we would love to share our thank you and wish her the best of luck on her next adventure! 伐
But wait... if Eleanor's not here as a Volunteer Engagement Assistant.... who is?!
Fear not as we have thought it out of course! We can't leave all of you volunteer loving students and alumni's hanging!
As we do say good-bye and good luck to Eleanor, we want to introduce you to our newest team member......
Introducing... Rachel Oh!
In order to introduce you to our new Volunteer Engagement Assistant a little better, here's a hello message from Rachel!
"Hi everyone! My name is Rachel, and I am the current Volunteer Engagement Assistant at the 間眅埶AV TD Community Engagement Center. I am a fourth-year English major, minoring in Curriculum & Instruction, and Social Justice in Education. I have been volunteering with the CEC for over a year now by mentoring through the programs Learning Buddies Network, Connect Through Homework, and CommuniCreate! I was interested in volunteering with the 間眅埶AV TD Community Engagement Center because I am someone who loves volunteering, and getting involved in my community. Volunteering is important to me because you are making a difference in the community and giving back to others which is incredibly significant to me as a future teacher and a member of the 間眅埶AV community. I am super excited to be the Volunteer Engagement Assistant because I want to help other peers get involved by volunteering with all of these great programs that are offered through the 間眅埶AV CEC.
P.S: Here are some fun facts about me,
1. After I graduate in Spring 2023, my dream is to become an English high school teacher.
2. I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, and moved to Vancouver halfway through tenth grade.
3. I am a book worm! I enjoy reading 19th-century literature and have recently started reading more books in the Noir genre. "
To join get involved with the 間眅埶AV Surrey - TD CEC: /cec/get-involved.html