

Transfer Paper Records

Departmental records that are still needed for conducting business, but not for frequent consultation can be stored in the University Records Centre (URC) until they are either due for disposal or transfer to the Archives' holdings. Records transferred for storage to the URC remain under the control of the originating department until the total retention period of the records expires. Some of the benefits of storing records in the URC include secure and confidential storage, and pick-up and retrieval services.

You need to:

  1.  the correct Records Retention Schedule and Disposal Authority (RRSDA or retention schedule) that applies to your records. 
  2. Correctly box your records.
  3. Complete the URC Transfer Form.

Following these steps in the correct order minimizes delays and ensures boxes will be accepted for storage.

1. Identify the applicable RRSDA

  • Determine which RRSDA applies to your records by consulting the Directory of University Records (DUR).
  • Read through the Description, purpose and use of records section of the RRSDA. If the description is a good match for your records, this will be the retention schedule to use.
  • See the Identify an RRSDA resource page for more indepth instructions on how to read and identify RRSDAs.

2. Boxing the records

  • Pack files into standard Records Centre boxes (1.5 cu. ft. "tote" boxes). Boxes can be ordered from the Records Centre Clerk or Staples (E-Way).
  • Pack files with the same RRSDA in the same box(es). Do not intermingle different RRSDAs in the same box.
  • Space is at a premium. Please only send boxes that are more than half full. Do not overstuff boxes; bulging boxes will not fit on the URC shelving.
  • When boxing files, try to make one box equal to one unit of time (semester, calendar or fiscal year) of the same record series. It is acceptable to include several years worth of files in order to fill a single tote box when necessary. 
  • Do not take documents out of their original file folders. Pack the original file folders into the tote boxes with the folder tabs clearly visible when the box lid is opened. Place the files in the same order as they were arranged in the departments filing cabinets and follow the existing departmental filing system.

3. Complete the URC Transfer Form

  • Once your box or boxes are packed, download the URC Transfer Form from the Archives' website.
  • Complete one row for each box on the Transfer Form tab. Include the Department box numberBox titleRRSDAEarliest year and Latest year in the appropriate columns. Detailed instructions for completing these fields are included on the URC Transfer Form.
  • Complete one row for each file on the File List tab. Include the Department box numberFile titleEarliest year and Latest year in the appropriate columns. Detailed instructions for completing these fields are included on the URC Transfer Form.
  • Note that completing the File List tab is not required to transfer boxes to the URC, but allows you to retrieve files should someone from your department need to review their contents at a later date.
  • Once you have completed the required fields, save the URC Transfer Form and send a copy to the Records Centre Clerk via email and store a local copy.


Have you:

  • Packed your files in original order according to the correct RRSDA?
  • Completed the URC Transfer Form?
  • Copied the Department box number to the corresponding box using a permanent black marker?
  • Submitted the URC Transfer Form to the Records Centre Clerk?
  • Arranged for pick-up of your boxes?
  • Received and filed your updated Shelf Location List and disposed of any outdated lists?