

Training - FIPPA

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation is complex. Staff need to know what their legal responsibilities are and how they should change their practices to comply with the law. Sometimes it is not until a privacy breach occurs or an FOI request is received that departments become fully aware of how they need to adjust their everyday practices in order to fulfill their legal obligations.

The new employee orientation sessions organized by Human Resources include a brief segment on working with FOIPOP. In order to gain a better understanding, the materials included here will assist you with establishing best practices.

New Employee Access to Information and Privacy Toolkit

  1. New Employee Orientation: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  2. FIPPA Act Synopsis
  3. FIPPA Act Definitions
  4. FOI's Impact on Disclosing the Personal Records of Employees
  5. Code of Fair Information Practices
  6. Protection of Privacy Guidelines

See also: the main FIPPA and Records Management sections of the website for additional details about how to organize your departmental records in accordance with FIPPA and how to handle Access to Information requests.