
Marshall McLuhan gave 間眅埶AV's first convocation address. Original image from the 間眅埶AV Archives, F-247-1-29-0-8. Photographer unidentified.


Archives Celebrates Fall Convocation with Release of Digitized Programs

October 02, 2015

By Michelle Curran

It is May 20, 1967. An audience of 2,000 has gathered under the new mall roof to hear Marshall McLuhan give 間眅埶AVs first convocation address. Honorary degrees are conferred (including McLuhan's), and the universitys celebrates its first 12 graduates and its first Ph.D. 

A preserved copy of the first convocation ceremony program lists the sequence of events of that memorable day. The program confirms that many convocation traditions, such as the leading of the academic procession by the University Pipers, date back to the first convocation. 

"The meaning is in the pattern. Pattern recognition becomes the sole means of learning in an electronic age of speed: you have to be able to spot patterns instantly."
Marshall McLuhan

Prior to 1982, the Registrar's Office was responsible for convocation ceremonies, while the President's Office organized other ceremonial functions. Over the years, the title "Ceremonies Officer" was used by various university staff in the Registrar's Office.

In February 1982 the position of Director of Ceremonies was formally created. Today, the Ceremonies and Events Office manages and produces 間眅埶AV's ceremonial, social, fundraising and special events and maintains 間眅埶AV's traditions and protocol. It is the main office responsible for Spring and Fall Convocation ceremonies.

University records such as the convocation programs are chock full of stories that provide context and meaning. The interrelationships among these records are there for researchers to discover, digest, and contemplate. 

McLuhans original convocation address is a real gem. (Visit the Archives to access
a copy of the address. It's in .) He had this to say about navigating and making information useful:

The meaning is in the pattern. Pattern recognition becomes the sole means of learning in an electronic age of speed: you have to be able to spot patterns instantly.

Why not have a look for yourself and see what patterns you can spot in the Archives?

Link to digitized records in 間眅埶AV AtoM
Convocation files series: 

Recommended fonds/collections
In 間眅埶AV AtoM: Ceremonies and Events Office fonds ()
At Library and Archives Canada: 
At the University of St. Michaels / John M. Kelly Library, Rare Books Collection: 

Recommended reading
 / selected and edited by Matie Molinaro, Corinne McLuhan, William Toye.

Recommended AV recording
 / produced by McLuhan productions in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ; produced & directed by Stephanie McLuhan ; written by Tom Wolfe.