

University Records Centre

What is the University Records Centre (URC)?

The University Records Centre (URC) exists in three units and is administered and operated by the Archives and Records Management Department. It provides secure storage of semi-active records belonging to University departments. The URC has space for approximately 8,000 records storage boxes (standard 1.5 cu. ft. tote boxes) from 180 different client departments.

Each shelf location space has been assigned a unique location number which is recorded in a URC location database. From the database, the Archives staff are able to determine if a location space is free or occupied by a records storage box. If a location space is occupied the database also records the contents of the box stored at that location, the department or faculty that owns the box, the applicable Records Retention Schedule and Disposal Authority number and the disposal date and final disposition of the records.

In addition to semi-active storage the URC also provides a file retrieval service. From detailed box location lists produced from 
the locations database, departments are able to phone-in or email specific file requests to the Archives staff. Files are retrieved and delivered to offices by the Records Services Clerk or may be picked-up at the Archives office.

The URC is not the Archives, which is governed by a different set of regulations and has its own storage and retrieval system.