
Faculty of Education Profiles: 2024

The Faculty of Education aims to improve the practice of teaching, and the process of learning. The faculty is committed to advancing knowledge and dedicated to research and scholarly inquiry. Through our international initiatives, students gain valuable academic and cultural insights, knowledge and skills for success in the global community.

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  • June 03, 2024

    June 03, 2024

    Shaghayegh is an Educational Theory and Practice doctoral student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of her research: Language reclamation, lives of teachers, community-engaged research. (SSHRC Vanier)

  • July 11, 2024

    July 11, 2024

    McKenzie is a Counselling Psychology master student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of their research: therapy, stigma, SGM (SSHRC CGS-M)

  • January 03, 2024

    January 03, 2024

    Jenise is a Educational Theory & Practice doctoral student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of her research: Engagement, instructional design, teaching practice.

  • July 10, 2024

    July 10, 2024

    Reece is an Counselling Psychology master student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of their research: Transgender youth, mental health care, responsive services ( SSHRC CGS-M)

  • July 18, 2024

    July 18, 2024

    Tsoghik is a Languages, Cultures and Literacies doctoral student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of her research: Digital ethnography, digital literacy acquisition, ethnographic research (Education Dean’s Entrance Scholarship, PhD Research Scholarship )

  • January 09, 2024

    January 09, 2024

    Helen is a Counselling Psychology master student in the Faculty of Education. Three keywords of her research: immigrants, disordered eating, culture (CIHR CGSM)