
Three Minute Thesis

Finalists: 2022

  • First Place: Sam Meraj, PhD Biological Sciences
  • Runner Up: Adlin Alwyn, Master's of Applied Sciences
  • People's Choice: Ghazal Mirabnahrazam, Master's in Engineering Science  

First Place Winner

Sam Meraj, PhD in Biological Sciences 

Bed bugs, enemies or medicine?

People's Choice Winner

Ghazal Mirabnahrazam, Master's in Engineering Science

Artificial Intelligence: The Alzheimer's Disease Fortune Teller!


Adlin Alwyn, Master's of Applied Sciences

Does a Robot waving at you on the beach help earth?

Adlin Alwyn, Master's of Applied Sciences

Does a Robot waving at you on the beach help earth?

Clementine Bouche, Master's of Resource & Environmental Management 

Health Indicators by and for Indigenous Peoples 

Qinghua Chen, PhD in Education 

How am I feeling angry in political discussion? An exploration of subjectivity.

Chris Kerslake, Master's of Arts in Education

The code is lava: Improving children's debugging skills with explicit instruction. 

Sam Meraj, PhD in Biological Sciences 

Bed bugs, enemies or medicine?

Oz Oren, Master's in Sustainable Energy Engineering 

Developing a High Efficiency Wood Burning Stove

Lauren Schneider, PhD in Linguistics 

What can you bundle into a verb? Unpacking multi-verb constructions in Hul'q'umi'num' Salish. 

Kendal Singleton, Master's of Pest Management 

Last call for click beetle pests