
Three Minute Thesis

Past Finalists: 2019

  • First Place and People's Choice: Elana Varner, "Sex appeal of mouse pee safeguards wildlife"
  • Second Place: Hannah Watkins, "Vitamin Pee for a Healthy Sea"

First Place and People's Choice Winner

Elana Varner, Biological Sciences master's student

Sex appeal of mouse pee safeguards wildlife

Second Place Winner

, Biological Sciences master's student

Vitamin Pee for a Healthy Sea

, Engineering Science PhD student

Privacy Preserving Face Detection

, Mechatronics Systems Engineering PhD student

3D Architecture Revolutionizes Robot Design

Emily Purcell, Archaeology master's student

Revealing Past Sts'ailes Landscapes Through the Microscope

, Linguistics PhD student

How Expectations and Biases Change How We Perceive Speech

, Psychology PhD student

Illuminating Sleep in the Dark: The Relationship Between Electric Light and Sleep on Tanna Island, Vanuatu