

Roger Hayter

Professor Emeritus


Welcome to my home page. I have been at Simon Fraser since 1976, making my way here via the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (BA, 1968), University of Alberta (MA, 1970), the University of Washington (PhD 1973) and Memorial University of Newfoundland where I taught for three years. I spent a year at the University of Sheffield while on sabbatical (1980-81) and I have been a Visiting Professor at the University of Cologne (summers of 95 and 2000) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (May, 2001). In 1999 I received the Award for Scholarly Distinction from the Canadian Association of Geographers. Between 1985 and between 2008 - 2011 1990 I chaired the Geography Department. And between 2006-2008 inclusive I was Editor of The Canadian Geographer.

Research Interests

I am an economic geographer with multi-faceted interests in the relationships between institutions, industrial organization, location and regional development. Much of my work has focused on the on the evolutionary geographies of firms, and on the development of resource peripheries. Empirically, the dominant focus of my research has been to understand the location dynamics of BCs forest economy from 1950 to the present. I also have interests in Japanese production systems and Japanese FDI in Asia, and environmental economic geography.


Teaching Interests

My undergraduate teaching focuses on:

Economic Geography (Geography 221)
Industrial Location (Geography 323)
Industrial Change and Local Development (Geography 426)
International Field Study (Geography 497)

My text book, co-authored with Jerry Patchell,  Economic Geography: An Institutional Approach, Toronto: reveals how I teach GEOG 221.

I developed a text book for GEOG 323, The Dynamics of Industrial Location: The Factory, The Firm and the Production System, originally published by John Wiley and sons, Chichester in 1997.  This book is no longer published by Wiley but I have the copyright and the book can be accessed, free of charge, at:

The Dynamics of Industrial Location: The Firm, the Factory and the Production System (see below)

My graduate courses provide advanced reading and discussion of industrial location dynamics, institutional economic geography, and regional development.


Awards & Guest Appointments

  • Award for Scholarly Distinction, The Canadian Association of Geographers, 1999
  • Wrigley-Fairchild Award, 2000 for best paper published by the American Geographical Society, 1986-99 (with Jerry Patchell)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia, July, 1991
  • Visiting Professor, University of Cologne, May-June, 1995
  • Visiting Professor, University of Cologne, April-July, 2000 (Selected and sponsored by DAAD)
  • Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, May, 2001




  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter (forthcoming) Geography of Industrialization. In Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Ed. Barney L. Warf. Springer
  • R. Hayter, J. Patchell and K. Rees (2024, forthcoming): The Thin Edge of Innovation: Metro Vancouver's Evolving Economy. Vancouver: UBC Press.
  • R, Hayter and J. Patchell 2016 Economic Geography: An Institutional Approach, Toronto: Oxford. (2nd Edition)
  • R. Hayter and R. B. Le Heron (eds) 2002, Knowledge, Industry and Environment: Innovation and Institutions in Territorial Perspective, London: Ashgate.
  • R. Hayter, 2000 Flexible Crossroads: The Restructuring of British Columbias Forest Economy Vancouver: UBC Press.
  • R. Hayter, 1997 The Dynamics of Industrial Location: The Factory, The Firm and The Production System Chichester: John Wiley
  • T Barnes and R Hayter (eds), 1997 Troubles in the Rainforest: British Columbias Forest Economy in Transition Victoria: Western Geographical Press
  • R. Hayter and P. Wilde (eds), 1990 Industrial Transformation in Canada and Australia, Ottawa: Carleton University Press.
  • R. Hayter, 1988 Technology Policy Perspectives and the Canadian Forest Product Industries, Background Study No.56, Science Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1988.

Journal Articles

  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter Greening the cloud: Oligopoly-driven institutional transformations of the US electricity grid for commercial and industrial power purchases. Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society. []
  • R. Hayter and D. W. Edgington 2021 Panasonic in China: A Search to Overcome the Liability of Foreignness. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business [PDF]
  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter 2020 The Clouds fearsome five renewable energy strategies: Coupling sustainable development with firm specific advantages. Journal of Cleaner Production. [PDF]
  • R. Hayter and A. Clapp 2020 Towards a collaborative (public-private) partnership approach to research and development in Canadas forest sector: An innovation systems perspective. Forest Policy and Economics [PDF]
  • R. Hayter and J. Patchell  2020. Resource Industries. In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier.  (Revised, first published in 2009). [PDF]
  • R. Hayter and J. Patchell (2018) Geography of Industrialization. In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. (Revised, First published 2012) ().
  • R. Hayter and S. Nieweler (2018) The local planning-economic development nexus in transitioning  resource-industry towns: Reflections (mainly) from British Columbia, Journal of Rural Studies60: 82-92. (PDF)
  • Hanna, R., Hayter, R. and Clapp, A. (2017) Threshold firms: Innovation, design and collaboration in British Columbias forest economy. Growth and Change 48(4) 700-18, OOI: 10.111/grow.12210
  • R. Hayter and J. Patchell 2017 Resources and development. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology, John Wiley and Sons (). (PDF).
  • Clapp, A., Hayter, R., Affolderbach, J. and L. Guzman Flores (2016) Institutional Thickening and Innovation: Reflections on the Remapping of the Great Bear Rainforest, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 41:244-51. (PDF).
  • R. Hayter and K. Edenhoffer (2016) Shakeouts, Shakeins and Industry Population Dynamics: British Columbias Forest Industries 1980 2008. Growth and Change 47:497-519. (PDF).
  • R. Hayter, R. Midgley and K. Edenhoffer (2015) Trade Politics and Industrial Adjustment: The Implications of the Canada-US Softwood Lumber Dispute Phase 4 for British Columbia. The Industrial Geographer 12: 1-20. (PDF).
  • R. Hayter and J. Patchell (2015) Resource geography. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Elsevior. 568-75. (PDF).
  •  R. Hayter (2014) Recognizing (geographic) limits/alternatives to neoliberalism, Dialogues in Human Geography 4: 150-53.
  • K. Mclhenney and R. Hayter (2014) Sustaining Jobs and Environment? The Wood Industry in Vancouver metro, British Columbia, Local Environments 19(6): 605-25     (PDF)
  • R. Hayter and K. Edenhoffer (2014) Trade Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and Local Development, Professional Geographer 66: 631-40 http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rtpg20
  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter (2013) Environmental and Evolutionary Economic Geography: A Time for EEG2Geografisca Annaler Series B Human Geography 95: 1-20. (PDF)
  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter (2013) How Big Business Can Save the Climate: Multinational Corporations Can Succeed Where Governments Have Failed, Foreign Affairs September/October 2013: 17-22. (PDF)
  • K. Edenhoffer and R. Hayter (2013) Organizational Restructuring in British Columbias   Forest Industries 1980-2010: The Survival of a Dinosaur, Applied Geography 40: 222-31. (PDF)
  • K. Edenhoffer and R. Hayter (2013) Restructuring on a Vertiginous Plateau: The Evolutionary Trajectories of British Columbias Forest Industries. Geoforum 44: 139-151. (PDF)
  • D. Edgington and R. Hayter, 2013. The InSitu Upgrading of Japanese Electronic Firms in Malaysian Industrial Clusters. Economic Geography, 89:227-59. (PDF).
  • D. Edgington and R. Hayter, 2012. New Relations Between Japanese and Taiwanese Electronic Firms.  Environment and Planning A., 44:68-88 (PDF)
  • R. Hayter, 2013.  Industrialization. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press (www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/geography).
  • J. Affolderbach, A. Clapp and R. Hayter, 2012.  Environmental Bargaining and Boundary Organizations: Remapping British Columbias Great Bear Rainforest.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102:1391-1408 (PDF).
  • D. Edgington and R. Hayter, 2012.  Glocalization and Regional Headquarters: Japanese Electronics Firms in the ASEAN Region.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103:647-68 (PDF).
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes, 2012.  Neoliberalism and its Geographical Limits: Comparative Reflections from forest peripheries in the Global North. Economic Geography, 88:197-221 (PDF).
  • J. Affolderbach, A. Clapp and R. Hayter, 2011.  Remapping resource peripheries: environmental bargains in British Columbias Great Bear Rainforest. Regions, No 282 (Regional Studies Association): 13-15.
  • L. Lee, R. Hayter and D. Edgington, 2010.  Large and Latecomer firms: The Taiwan Semiconductor Company and Taiwans Electronics Industry. Tijdschrifte voor Economische en Social Geographie, 101:177-98.
  • R. Hayter, 2008.  Environmental Economic Geography in Institutional Perspective.  Geography Compass, 3: 831-50 (PDF).
  • T. Majek and R. Hayter, 2008.  Hybrid Branch Plants: Japanese lean production in Polands auto industry.  Economic Geography, 84: 333-58.
  • T. Reiffenstein and R. Hayter, 2006.  Domestic timber auctions and flexibly specialized forestry in Japan.  The Canadian Geographer, 50: 503-525.
  • A. Kingsbury and R. Hayter, 2006.  Business associations and local development: The Okanagan wine industrys response to NAFTA.  Geoforum, 37: 596-609. (PDF).
  • R. Hayter, 2006.  Classics in human geography revisited: G. L. Clarks The employment relation and the spatial division of labor: a hyothesis.  Progress in Human Geography, 30: 1-8.
  • T. J. Barnes and R. Hayter, 2005.  No Greek letter writing: Local models of resource economies.  Growth and Change, 36: 453-70.
  • R. Hayter, 2004. The Contested Restructuring qua Remapping of BCs Forest Economy: Reflections on the Crossroads and War in the Woods Metaphors. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 27: 395-414.
  • R. Hayter, 2004.  Economic Geography as Dissenting Institutionalism: The Evolution,Embeddedness and Differentiation of Regions.  Geografiska Annaler, 86 B: 1-21. (PDF).
  • R. Hayter and D. W. Edgington, 2004.  Flying Geese in Asia: The Impacts of Japanese MNCs as a Source of Industrial Learning.  Tidschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 95: 3-26.
  • R. Hayter, 2003.  The War in the Woods: Globalization, Post-fordist Restructuring and the Contested Remapping of British Columbias Forest Economy. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 96: 706-29. (PDF).
  • R. Hayter, T. Barnes and M. Bradshaw, 2003.  Relocating Resource Peripheries to the Core of Economic Geographys Theorizing: Rationale and Agenda. Area, 35: 15-23. (PDF).
  • T. Behrisch, R. Hayter and T. Barnes, 2003. I Dont Really Like the Mill; In Fact, I Hate the Mill: Changing Youth Vocationalism, Under Fordism and Post-Fordism in Powell River, British Columbia.  BC Studies, 136 (Winter 2002/03): 73-101.
  • T. Reiffenstein, R. Hayter and D. W. Edgington, 2002.  Crossing Cultures, Learning to Export: Making Houses in British Columbia for Export in Japan. Economic Geography, 78: 195-220.
  • R. Hayter, D. Soyez and E. Glon, 2001.  La Politique Foresti癡re en Colombie Britannique: Le Changement des Imp矇ratifs.  Hommes et Terres du Nord, 3: 139-146.
  • T. Barnes, R. Hayter and E. Hay, 2001.  Stormy Weather, Harold Innis, and Port Alberni, BC.  Environment and Planning A, 33: 2127-47.
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes, 2001.  Canadas Resource Economy.  The Canadian Geographer, 45: 80-5.
  • D. W. Edgington and R. Hayter, 2001.  Japanese Direct Foreign Investment and the Asian Financial Crisis.  Geoforum, 32: 103-120.
  • D. W. Edgington and R. Hayter, 2000.  Foreign Direct Investment and the Flying Geese Model: Japanese Electronics Firms in Asia.  Environment and Planning A, 32: 281-304.
  • T. Barnes, R. Hayter and E. Hay, 1999.   Too Young to Retire, Too Bloody Old to Work: Forest Industry Restructuring and Community Response in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Forestry Chronicle 75: 781-87.
  • R. Hayter, J. Patchell and K. G. Rees, 1999.  Business Segmentation and Location Revisited: Innovation and the Terra Incognita of Large Firms.  Regional Studies, 33: 425-42.
  • R Hayter and D W Edgington, 1999.  'Getting Tough and Getting Smart: Politics of the NorthAmerican-Japan Wood Products.  Trade, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 17: 319-44.
  • J. Skulason and R. Hayter, 1998.  Industrial location as a Bargain: Iceland and the Aluminium Multinationals 1962-1994.  Geografiska Annaler, Series B, 80: 29-48.
  • R. Hayter and S. Han, 1998.  Reflections on China s Open Policy Towards Direct Foreign Investment.  Regional Studies, 32: 1-16.
  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter, 1997.  Japanese Precious Wood: The Paradox of Value Added.  Geographical Review, 87: 375-95.
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes, 1997.  The Restructuring of British Columbias Forest Sector: Flexibility Perspectives.  BC Studies No. 113, (Spring), 7-37.
  • R. Hayter and D. Edgington, 1997.  Cutting Against the Grain: A Case Study of MacMillan Bloedels Japan Strategy.  Economic Geography, 73: 187-213.
  • D. Edgington and R. Hayter, 1997.  The Dynamics of International Trade and Production Chains: Japans Timber Trade with British Columbia.  Regional Studies, 31:151-66.
  • R. Hayter, 1997.  High Performance Organizations and Employment Flexibility: A Case Study of In Situ Change at the Powell River Paper Mill, 1980-94. The Canadian Geographer, 41: 26-40.
  • R. Hayter and D. Soyez, 1996.  Clearcut Issues: German Environmental Pressure and the British Columbia Forest Sector.  Geographische Zeitschrift, 84: 143-56.
  • K. Rees and R. Hayter, 1996.  Flexible Specialization, Uncertainty and the Firm: Enterprise Strategies and Structures in the Wood Remanufacturing Industry of the Vancouver Metropolitan Area, British Columbia.  The Canadian Geographer, 40: 203-219
  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter, 1995.  Skill Formation and Japanese Production Systems.  Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 86: 339-56.
  • T. Barnes and R. Hayter, 1994.  Economic Restructuring, Local Development and Resource Towns: Forest Communities in Coastal British Columbia.  The Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 17: 289-310.
  • R. Hayter, E. Grass and T. Barnes, 1994.  Labour Flexibility: A Tale of Two Mills.  Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 85: 25-38.
  • R. Hayter and J. Patchell, 1993.  Different Trajectories in the Social Division of Labour: the Cutlery Industry in Sheffield, England and Tsubame, Japan. Urban Studies, 30: 1427-1445.
  • R. Hayter, 1993.  International Trade and the Canadian Forest Industries: The Paradox of the North American Free Trade Agreements.  Zeitschrift fur Kanada-Studien, 23: 81-94.
  • T. Barnes and R. Hayter, 1993.  British Columbias Private Sector in Recession 1981-86: Employment Flexibility Without Trade Diversification?  BC Studies, Summer: 20-42.
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes, 1992.  Labour Market Segmentation, Flexibility and Recession: A British Columbian case study.  Environment and Planning C, 10: 333-53.
  • T. Barnes And R. Hayter, 1992.  The Little Town That Did: Flexible Accumulation and Community Response in Chemainus, British Columbia.  Regional Studies, 26: 647-663.
  • J. Patchell and R. Hayter, 1992.  Dynamics of Adjustment and the Social Division of Labour in the Tsubame Cutlery Industry.  Growth and Change, 23: 199-216.
  • R. Hayter and B. Ofori-Amoah, 1992.  The ADIA Programme and the Manufacturing Sector of the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, 1965-88.  The Canadian Geographer, 36: 56-65.
  • R. Hayter, 1992.  International Trade Relations and Regional Industrial Adjustment: Implications of the 1980s North American Softwood Lumber Dispute for British Columbia.  Environment and Planning A, 24: 153-70.
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes, 1990.  Innis Staple Theory, Exports and Recession: British Columbia 1981-86.  Economic Geography, 60: 156-73.
  • E. Grass and R. Hayter, 1989.  Employment Change During Recession: The Experience of Forest Product Manufacturing Plants in British Columbia, 1981-1985.  The Canadian Geographer, 33: 240-52.
  • B. Ofori-Amoah and R. Hayter, 1989.  Labour Turnover Characteristics at the Kitimat Pulp and Paper Mill: A Log-Linear Analysis.  Environment and Planning A, 2: 1491-1510.
  • R. Hayter, 1986.  Performance and Export Potentials: Western Canadian Exports of Manufactured End Products.  The Canadian Geographer, 30: 26-39.
  • R. Hayter, 1986.  The Export Dynamics of Traditional Industries During Recession.  Environment and Planning A, 18: 729-50.
  • R. Hayter, 1985.  The Restructuring of Traditional Industries in Times of Recession.  Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 76: 106-120.
  • R. Hayter, 1985.  Industrial Policy and Industrial Geography: A Comment.  Operational Geographer, No. 8: 68-70.
  • R. Hayter, 1985.  The Evolution and Structure of the Canadian Forest Product Sector: An Assessment of the Role of Foreign Ownership and Control. Fennia, 163: 439-450.
  • R. Hayter and T. Gunton, 1984.  Discovery Park Policy: A Regional Planning Perspective in N.M. Waters (ed.) Topics in Cartography and Physical and Human Geography: B.C. Geographical Series No. 40, Vancouver: Tantalus Press, 27- 42.
  • A. Khan and R. Hayter, 1984.  Linkages and New Firms: An Exploratory Study in the Vancouver Metropolitan Area.  Albertan Geographer, No. 20: 1-13.
  • R. Hayter, 1983.  Pacific Rim Trade: The Potential for Industrial Diversification in Alberta and British Columbia in B.M. Barr and N.M. Waters (eds.) Regional Diversification and Structural Change, B.C. Geographical Series, No. 39, Vancouver: Tantalus, 25-36.
  • R. Hayter and H D Watts, 1983.  The Geography of Enterprise: A Reappraisal Progress.  Human Geography, 7: 157-181.
  • R. Hayter, 1982.  Research and Development in the Canadian Forest Product Sector - Another Weak Link?  The Canadian Geographer, 26: 256-263.
  • R. Hayter, 1982.  Truncation, the International Firm and Regional Policy.  Area, 14: 277-282.
  • R. Hayter, 1981.  Patterns of Entry and the Role of Foreign Controlled Investments in the Forest Product Sector of British Columbia.  Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 12: 99-113.
  • R. Hayter, 1979.  Labour Supply and Resource Based Manufacturing in Isolated Communities: The Experience of Pulp and Paper Mills in North Central British Columbia.  Geoforum, 10: 163-177.
  • R. Hayter and K. Storey, 1979.  Regional Economic Development in Atlantic Canada: Recent Experience and Emerging Directions in Public Policy.  Plan Canada, 19: 95-105.
  • R. Hayter, 1978.  Identifying Quits and Stays from Employee Records: A Note.  Industrial Management, 20: 11-13.
  • R. Hayter, 1978.  Locational Decision-Making in a Resource Based Manufacturing Sector: Case Studies from the Pulp and Paper Industry of British Columbia.  Professional Geographer, 30: 240-49.
  • R. Hayter and K. Storey, 1978.  Regional Intervention in Canada and the Evolution of Growth Center Strategies: A Comment.  Growth and Change, 9: 48-49.
  • R. Hayter, 1976.  Corporate Strategies and Industrial Change in the Canadian Forest Product Industries.  Geographical Review, 66: 209-228.
  • R. Hayter, 1975.  Farmers Crop Decisions and the Frost Hazard in Northeast Alberta: A Bayesian Approach.  Tijdschrift voor Economishe en Sociale Geografie, 66: 93-102.
  • R. Hayter, 1974.  Corporate Strategies in the Forest Product Industries of British Columbia.  Albertan Geographer, No. 10: 7-19.
  • R. Hayter, 1972.  Spatial Variations in Minimum Temperature in North-East Central Alberta, Department of the Environment, Atmospheric Environment Service, June.

Book Chapters

  • R. Hayter and A. Clapp 2020 The Remapping of Forest Governance: From Shareholder to Stakeholder in J. Gl羹ckler, G. Herrigel and M. Handke (eds.) In Knowledge and Space Vol 15: Knowledge for Governance. Springer International: Cham, Switzerland, 2021, 375-96. [PDF]
  • T. Majek and R. Hayter, 2008.  Toyotaism travels to Poland: A Case Study of a Hybrid Factory. In Globalising Worlds and New Economic Configurations ed C. Tamasy and M. J. Taylor, London: Ashgate, (forthcoming).
  • R. Hayter, 2008.  The demise of a local champion: MacMillan Bloedels acquisition by Weyerhaeuser. In International Business Geography: Case Studies of Corporate Firms ed by P. Pellenbarg and E. Wever, London: Routledge, 234-59.
  • D. Edgington* and R. Hayter, 2005.  Hong Kongs changing role as a global city: The perspective of Japanese electronic MNCs. In P. Daniels and T. Hutton (eds) Service Industries and Asia-Pacific Cities, London: Routledge, 173-98.
  • R. Hayter, 2005.  Regions as institutions, Interregional firms and new economic spaces in New Economic Spaces: New Economic Geographies ed R. B. Le Heron and J. W. Harrington (London: Ashgate) 192-205.
  • R. Hayter, K. Rees* and J. Patchell*, 2005.  High tech large firms in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia: Congregation without clustering? in New Economic Spaces: New Economic Geographies ed R. B. Le Heron and J. W. Harrington (London: Ashgate) 15-28.
  • R. Hayter, 2004.  Requiem for a Local Champion: Globalization, British Columbias ForestEconomy and MacMillan Bloedel. In J. Donner-Amnell, A. A. Lehtinen and B. Saether(eds), The Politics of Forests in the Age of Globalization, (forthcoming), London: Ashgate, 31-65.
  • R. Hayter, 2002.  Embedding the Environment in Industrial Geography: Rethinking the Proper Distribution of Industry. In: Jouke van Dijk, Paul Elhorst, Jan Oosterhaven and Egbert Wever (eds), Urban Regions: Governing Interacting Economic, Housing, and Transport Systems. Netherlands Geographical Studies no.303. Utrecht: Royal Dutch Geographical Society, pp.291-313 (ISSA 0169-4839).
  • R. Hayter and R. B. LeHeron, 2002.  Industrialization, Techno-economic Paradigms and the Environment. In R. Hayter and R. B. LeHeron (eds), Knowledge, Industry and Environment: Innovation and Institutions in Territorial Perspective, London: Ashgate, 11- 30.
  • R. B. LeHeron and R. Hayter, 2002.  Introduction to Knowledge, Industry and the Environment. In R. Hayter and R. B. LeHeron (eds), Knowledge, Industry and Environment: Innovation and Institutions in Territorial Perspective, London: Ashgate, 1- 10.
  • R. Hayter and R. B. LeHeron, 2002.  Conclusion: Institutions and Innovation in Territorial Perspective. In R. Hayter and R. B. LeHeron (eds), Knowledge, Industry and Environment: Innovation and Institutions in Territorial Perspective, London: Ashgate, 399-410.
  • R. Hayter and J. Holmes, 2001.  The Canadian Forest Industries: The Impacts of Globalization and Technical Change. In M. Howlett (ed) Canadian Forest Policy: Regimes: Adapting to Change Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 127-56.
  • R. Hayter, 2000.  Single Industry Resource Towns. In E, Sheppard and T. Barnes (eds) A Companion to Economic Geography Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 290-307.
  • R. Hayter and J. Holmes, 1999.  Continentalization in an Era of Globalization - a Perspective from Canadas Resource Periphery. In T. Barnes and M. Gertler (eds) Institutions and the Space Economy, London: Routledge, 176-201.
  • J. Patchell, R. Hayter and K. Rees 1999.  Innovation and Local Development: the Neglected Role of Large Firms. In E J Malecki and P Oinas (eds.) Making Connections: Technological Learning and Regional Economic Change, Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes 1997.  Troubles in the Rainforest: British Columbias Forest Economy in Transition. In T Barnes and R Hayter Troubles in the Rainforest: British Columbias Forest Economy in Transition Victoria: Western Geographical Series, 1-10.
  • R. Hayter and T. Barnes 1997.  The Restructuring of British Columbias Coastal Forest Sector: Flexibility Perspectives. In T Barnes and R Hayter (eds) Troubles in the Rainforest: British Columbias Forest Economy in Transition Victoria: Western Geographial Series, 181-202.
  • R. Hayter, 1996.  R&D Systems. In W. F. Lever and P. Daniels (eds) The Global Economy in Transition, London: Longmans, 164-92.
  • R. Hayter, 1996.  Technological Imperatives in Resource Sectors: Forest Products. In J. N. H. Britton (ed) Canada and the Global Economy, Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queens Press, 101-22.
  • R. Hayter and R. Galois, 1991.  The Wheel of Fortune: British Columbia Lumber and the Global Economy. In P. M. Koroscil (ed.) Essays in Honour of Archie MacPherson, Mission: R. S. Graphics, 169-202.
  • T. Barnes, R. Hayter and E. Grass, 1990.  Corporate Restructuring and Employment Change: A Case Study of MacMillan Bloedel. In M. De Smidt and E. Wever (eds), The Corporate Firm in a Changing World Economy, London: Routledge, 1990, 145-165.
  • R. Hayter, 1990.  Canadas Trade and Investment Links in the Pacific Region. In R. Hayter and P.D. Wilde (eds), Industrial Transformation in Australia and Canada, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 226-38.
  • P. Wilde and R. Hayter, 1990.  Introduction: Industrial Transformation in a Changing Global Economy. In R. Hayter and P. Wilde (eds), Industrial Transformation in Australia and Canada, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1-8.
  • R. Hayter and P. Wilde, 1990.  Concluding Statement. In R. Hayter and P. Wilde (eds), idem., 299-302.
  • R. Hayter, 1987.  Technology and Jobs: Innovation Policy in British Columbia and the Forest Product Sector. In K.Chapman and G. Humphreys (eds), Technical Change,Employment and Spatial Policy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 215-232.
  • R. Hayter, 1978.  Forestry in British Columbia: The Resource Basis of Vancouvers Dominance. In L. Evenden (ed.) Vancouver: Western Metropolis, Western Geographical Series, Vol. 16, Victoria: University of Victoria, 1978, 95-113. (reprinted) in A. Cochrane, C. Hammett and L. McDowell (eds) City, Economy and Society: A Comparative Urban Reader, 1981.
  • R. Hayter and B. Proudfoot, 1978.  Frost in Northeast Central Alberta. In Keith Hage (ed) Essays in Honour of W.R. Longley,Edmonton: University of Alberta, 95-118. (Reprinted in N. Mohammad (ed), Perspectives in Agricultural Geography, New Delhi: New Concept Publishing Co., 1981, 139-6l).
  • G. Krumme and R. Hayter, 1975.  Implications of Corporate Strategies and Product Cycle Adjustments for Regional Employment Changes. In L. Collins and D.F. Walker (eds) The Locational Dynamics of Manufacturing Activity London: Wiley, 325-356.



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