

Physical Geography Streams

As a student in the you will choose from one of the following three streams. You can also choose to pursue professional accreditation as a Professional Geoscientist or Professional Agrologist* as part of completing this program.  Please see our professional accreditation page for details on the accreditation process.

Biogeophysical Science

Offering a range of earth system science courses with a focus on earth system dynamics, this stream targets the courses needed for registration as a Professional Agrologist*.


The Geoscience stream investigates earth surface processes and targets the academic requirements for registration as a Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.) (Environmental Geoscience) within Canada.

Geosystems & GIScience

This stream focuses on the linkages between earth systems science and spatial information science. It also covers the requirements for the Certificate in Geographic Information Science.

Physical Geography Subdisciplines and Courses


Biogeography centres on the factors that control the distribution and functioning of the world’s ecosystems and the organisms of which they are made.

  • GEOG 215 Biogeography
  • GEOG 315 World Ecosystems
  • GEOG 316 Global Biogeochemical and Water Cycles

Climate Science

Climate Science is the study of the envelope of air that surrounds the Earth and is based on observation, description and explanation of the physical properties and processes of the atmosphere.

  • GEOG 104 Climate Change, Water and Society
  • GEOG 214 Weather and Climate
  • GEOG 314 The Climate System
  • GEOG 414 Climate Change


Geomorphology is the scientific study of earth surface landforms and the processes that have led to their formation.

  • GEOG 213 Introduction to Geomorphology
  • GEOG 313 River Geomorphology
  • GEOG 412 Glacial Processes and Environments

10 Reasons why Geomorphology is important (PDF)


Hydrology is the science of water, its distribution, circulation, physical and chemical properties, and interaction with the environment.

  • GEOG 311 Hydrology
  • GEOG 411 Advanced Hydrology
  • GEOG 418 Ecohydrology

Soil Science

Soil Science deals with soil as a natural surface layer capable of supporting living plants.

  • GEOG 317 Soil Science
  • GEOG 417 Advanced Soil Science