

Geography Graduate Association

A Message from the Geography Graduate Association

Hello and welcome from your Geography Graduate Association!  As current graduate students within the department, we are active in creating a vibrant social and academic community for all of our members.  In addition to an annual graduate student retreat, we organize a variety of events throughout the year including, professional development workshops, faculty panels, and pub nights, among others.  Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to learn more about our activities and/or are interested in getting involved.  We are always interested in welcoming new members.

Lucy Burns (GGA president) - lucy_burns@sfu.ca 

Executive Members

  • President: Lucy Burns (lucy_burns@sfu.ca)
  • Vice-President 2: Tyler Cole
  • Secretary: Liam Kennedy-Slaney 
  • Treasurer: Scott Peters 
  • Social Committee Chair: open
  • Communications & Events Committee Reps (2): open
  • GSS Councillor: Rachel Chimuka (rachel_chimuka@sfu.ca)
  • GSS Alternate: Tyler Cole (tyler_cole@sfu.ca) / Lucy Burns (lucy_burns@sfu.ca)
  • TSSU Representative(s):  open
  • Graduate Studies Committee Rep: open
  • Strategic Planning Committee Rep: open
  • Departmental Meeting Rep: Tyler Cole (tyler_cole@sfu.ca)
  • EDI Committee Rep: open

Upcoming Elections

The GGA holds elections during the September caucus meeting for all positions except the Communication and Events Committee which runs May-April.

Check your ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV email for information on upcoming GGA events and meetings.


  • The Graduate Student Society (GSS) 
  • The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) :