

Professional Accreditation

Expand your career options - Register as a Professional Geoscientist or Professional Agrologist

Within Canada, Agrology and Geoscience are regulated professions, just like Engineering or Medicine.  In order to use the professional title, Professional Agrologists and Geoscientists must be accredited by the legislating body in the province in which they wish to practice and must conform to the code of ethics and standards of practice outlined by the relevant professional organization (the or ). 

Our Physical Geography programs allow you to complete the coursework needed for professional registration.    Check out the resources below for additional details.  You can also contact an advisor for details on the courses required.

What is the Professional Geoscientist qualification?

Professional Geoscientist

As a regulated profession, registration is required if you intend to  (P. Geo., Environmental Geoscience) within Canada.

Professional Environmental Geoscientists work in a wide range of professions.  These include environmental monitoring, rehabilitation, planning and public relations, atmospheric science, resource management, terrain evaluation, soil science, forest geoscience, land use planning, mapping of surficial deposits, and the application of remote sensing and GIS.

How do I become registered as a Professional Environmental Geoscientist?

There are four steps to becoming a Professional Geoscientist:

  1. Complete a University degree in geoscience, including courses required by EGBC* (the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Physical Geography Geoscience stream fits the  allowing P.Geo.’s to practice throughout Canada);
  2. Apply to EGBC to become a ;
  3. Gain four years of experience; and
  4. Pass a 

*Contact an advisor for details on required electives

Useful Links


  • Membership for Post-Secondary Students: 
  • Scholarships: 

    Geoscience Advisory Information & EGBC 'How-to' Guide

    Be sure to check out the geoscience advising information for students pursuing P.Geo certification.  We've also included a 'how-to' guide to help you use the EGBC ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Environmental Geoscientist course equivalent listing.  

    What is the Professional Agrologist qualification?

    Professional Agrologist

    Professional Agrologists are natural resource professionals who work in an array of natural resource sectors, including the agricultural and food sector, forest sector, and environmental science sector.

    Agrologists provide many different services including: extension work, consultation, education, research and administration. Many positions in government and in the consulting industry require a scientist to be registered as a (P.Ag.) in order to carry out their tasks. In fact, as of September 2022, all agrology services within British Columbia must be provided by a registered professional agrologist.

    Within BC, Professional Agrologist registration is administered by the .

    How do I become registered as a Professional Agrologist?

    There are four steps to becoming a Professional Agrologist:

    1. Complete a degree in agriculture or a bachelor’s degree (not in agriculture, e.g., BSc in Physical Geography) that includes the  needed to fulfill the requirements for P.Ag. status (see 'how-to' guide for assistance)
    2.  to become an ;
    3. Gain  then
    4. Prepare a 


    • Annual membership is free to anyone enrolled in an agrology related program: 

    'How-to' Guide - BCIA Academic Worksheet

    Ready to get started? Use this handy guide to fill out the BCIA Academic Worksheet and see which courses you have left to complete.